Atheists and non-Christians are pretty impervious to such recommendation, and we are, around 90% of the global population

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To such recommendation?

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"Pfizer’s stock sinks after company slashes $9 billion from outlook, foreshadows layoffs" -

Take a look at the stock price of Pfizer. This article on "MarketWatch" is by Wallace Witkowsk, Oct.13, 2023. It is posted here - https://www.marketwatch.com/author/wallace-witkowski

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Dear James, Thierry Baudet from the Dutch Forum Of Democracy (of which I spoke recently in my comments) is in America now to start an anti-globalist movement.

Part of his speech pic.twitter.com/DxXnbv61V6

'Thierry Baudet in Florida with the Trumps: 'Talk about an international coalition of anti-globalists!'


and Lynne McTaggart organises a global prayer - meditation for Israel - Gaza tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

9 am PDT/ 12 pm EDT/ 5 pm BST/ 6 pm CEST

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Took the quiz but, just like surprise quizzes in school, I probably failed:)

But then again, so did the new CDC director, Mandy Cohen. She gives out some fake facts here and and I thought you all might like to know what she's preaching, if you don't already know.




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Is everyone in the comments drunk today ?

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Not. But looking at the world probly ought to be

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Hi James, I took the quiz even i am Norwegian just for fun. Anyway I must thank you for the work you do and how it has influenced me to take my stand against the WHO and WEF. Even so I must further thank you for sharing this with the world. We really need people like you who knows, understands, explains and shares with the rest of us nummed people. If there ever was a prize for sharing i would nominate you! The importance of your work is so meaningful and informative and easy to understand.

So James, again thank you so much for your work. I am with you in spirit every day.

Have a nice sunday!


Bjørn leif-oscar Liptovari

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Thank you so much for your kind words. They are very much appreciated.

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I took the test but there were certain options in some of the questions that did not apply. Who comes up with these tests? AI? The lack of nuance is most apparent and the results of this test are not conclusive.

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I agree, and was thinking I'd see a chart afterwards showing statistical results. Guessing we have to wait for an email, as it was a ploy to get us to sign up, and of course buy the book.

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No emails were collected by the quiz.

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That wasn't exactly what I said.

I said it was to get us to give our emails voluntarily by signing up, in hopes we might find out the results of the survey.

It would've been nice to know the quiz was not going to be tallied and the results presented before taking it, and you must've known that having already took it yourself.

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Whoever wrote that survey had little grasp of reality and is heavily influenced by propaganda that goes back to the 1870s. Few Americans grasp that the first major propaganda coup was the public believe that in 1776 you achieved independence. The second was believing the Constitution was yours, or was created by Thomas Paine. The third was believing the US is a democracy. The US is in fact a monarchy, with a President instead of a king. The plutocracy have owned the nation sine its inception and are still in firm control.

Some unpleasant facts. The US is 39th on the global literacy scale. Most Americans cannot interpret an intended meaning of a written sentence. Most believe one can legitimately mix beliefs with evidence and logic and still develop a valid conclusion. Few understand that your government has invaded and enslaved 61 nations since 1946. Few appreciate that you have 800 military bases in foreign countries.

Probably no Americans (except Christopher Boyce) realise your government delivered a coup in Australia in 1975, sacking our democratically elected government and replacing our representatives with yours and annexing our military. Where I live in the North, there are seven US military bases, including an illegal missile base, all of which will be targets for the Chinese when Blinken finally declares war on China. This will result in more than 200,000 dead Australians, including a culture that has survived here for 20,000 years. As PM Fraser noted, the US are "Dangerous Alies".

I suggest you review your beliefs before worrying about propaganda. Your survey exposed your absolute submission to beliefs and propaganda. How is that for irony?

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The General Public in America has backbone. It is there. I know everyone is very frustrated at this point but please be patient. This has been like turning around the Titanic.

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The Westminster Parliamentary Model is better than either the French or the American ones. The PM has only one vote and the Senate is much harder to manipulate because it is appointed. As in Australia, Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy with a Westminster British Parliamentary Democracy. The Premiers are considered very important, particularly if they speak together. Provincial Jurisdictional Rights are clearly defined in the Constitution. We are now starting to get better rulings here from the Courts on Provincial Jurisdictional matters such as the recent Supreme Court Ruling that Bill C-69 (the "No-More-Pipelines Act") is unconstitutional.

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That statement might mmean something if you identified whatever it is you are talking about. 'regimes?'

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The French and the American Models place far to much power in the hands of the President. The American President has veto power which effectively nullifies the power of the State Governors. Not so in the Westminster Parliamentary Model. The Prime Minister has one vote and no veto power. The key difference is that Canada, Britain and Australia already have a Monarch. So the PM is not given the status of a King / Queen. The Historical Development of all three Models (British / French / American) is worthy of study.

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In UK that is because the City of London runs the monarchy and parliament.

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They do run a lot. But they require a disengaged public to do so.

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And beautifully disengaged and unfocused they are.

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>The third was believing the US is a democracy

The US is a constitutional republic in name and function not a 'democracy.' Ironically, 'our democracy' is a propaganda weapon word that means 'our power.' Every time an American uses the phrase 'our democracy' see the context. It usually is used within the format of censorship and power consolidation.

Those who use the correct term 'constitutional republic' are usually more concerned with diffusing (not consolidating) power.

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100% Tony. Most American's are not awake to any of this yet. As you probably know, it runs considerably deeper than all that, the further you reach into history, learning about the puppet masters we're dealing with. With that said, until many actually begin to learn how and why they're actively being misled and propagandized by their own Government, we're not going to start digging out of any of the trajectory we're on. Thus I still see the value of this exercise for many sheeple.

Once people start to see and wake up, they can also focus on all of the distorted and manipulated "history" they've been taught. Then again, while most are content with their "bread & circus", I turned off all TV, social media, etc., years ago and put in thousands of hours reading and waking up. Very few, sadly, are willing to do that. Also, the awakening is quite painful...thus, fewer takers.

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Can't argue with any of that. We have a similar problem in Australia. 60% live in cacoons.

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Wish you the best there Brother. May all freedom fighters have the courage to stand, in every continent or country they're in. I believe this evil agenda wouldn't stand a chance. God Bless.

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Some info previously posted with link to Australian Assembly aware of the Fraud

Most don't understand they've been shipped out to sea upon being birthed into life, and U.S. Citizenship enjoins them as Federal Employees under the British Territorial corporation, and bonded to the Vatican.

There's a youtube link for this, but this one has a transcript underneath which is helpful




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sadly got stuck at 50% - who is the largest spreader of propaganda. the true answer is either all of the above or the hand controlling all of the above. nice quiz tho, and best luck

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Quoted from the article: "At first glance, it might seem that the far-flung electrical circuits had established a world-wide functional organism, comparable to the nervous system or arterial system of the human body, and that the existence of a controlling intelligence similar to the human brain would become almost inevitable."

The above statement is presentiment - in spades. Electromagnetic broadcast has hijacked human sensory functions and reduced cognitive abilities to those of simple machinery. My statements are backed by hundreds of peer reviewed studies and Abstracts regarding the phenomena. >>>

Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons >>> Dr. James Giordano >>> June 12, 2017 >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUtQbriWt64

Mr Giordano isn't just barking at airplanes. >>> Findings in Autism (ASD) Consistent with

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) >>> Martha Herbert, PhD, MD

Pediatric Neurology >>> TRANSCEND Research Program >>> Massachusetts General Hospital >>> Harvard Medical School >>> December 2012 >>>


Autism is a "spectrum" disorder. Connect the dots...

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Wont connect

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I took the quiz and shared where I could.

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In case anyone is in doubt, ISPs have full access to anyone's internet traffic, can identify people by typing characteristics, internet camera, or voice (even the internal speaker can be turned into a microphone), and data are collected on everyone. In fact, about four years ago, I already read an ad in which a company offered people that they could bring them together with their departed ones...

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I'm considering just using my full name, birthdate and photo to save on government paperwork.

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PTech: A Mossad front company which provided hostile spy software to at least 18 Federal agencies (US Customs Service, Department of Energy, US Secret Service, US Postal Service, NATO, FBI, FAA, NORAD, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, At least 7 Federal Agencies). On 9/11 there was great confusion associated with NORAD and FAA computer systems and this prevented the Air Force from properly responding to the hijacked planes. Federal agencies which we embedded with the PTech Trojan Horse back door software that was undoubtedly built off the Inslaw PROMIS software that was stolen from the American people through the Reagan Justice Department Civil Rights division under Bradley Reynolds with covert help from the Reagan administrations shadowy corrupt Globalist CIA CREEP SEC Capital Cities ABC Manhattan Institute Sovereign Military Order of Malta #SMOM operative, William Casey, and his Israeli Iran-Contra October Surprise Mossad LAKAM Israeli military intelligence Globalist NeoNazi Fourth Reich Invisible Empire New World Order conspirators including Israeli Superspies: Rafi Eitan (who hypocritically got credit for capturing his co-Nazi conspirator, Eickmann) and Robert Maxwell who sold the software to Western powers said to be NATO Gladio Intelligence “Allie’s” including putting the Trojan Horse software into Los Alamos and Sandia Labs and selling it to the KGB who sold it to Osama bin Laden. These are facts that have never been tried at the International Criminal Court which we must change now by demanding the US, Israel, UK, NATO be required to sign the Rome Statute and if they don’t, try them for not signing the Rome Statute. Taking over the world through waging a war on the world through world population control genocide and extermination is a crime against humanity and our entire western world Allie’s must be held accountable for their war crimes in a Truth and Reconciliation commission process like was done in South Africa and 60 countries world wide. Please contact me Ellen Corley, 312-371-5078, ellencorley@gmail.com or find me on social media for background sources and to give this talk to Congress and the Senate in a Church type of hearing or a House of UnAmerican Activities Commission process. #HandsOffPalestine #blacklivesmatter

Romero Institute Daniel Sheehan Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President 2024 Supporters Worldwide The Sixth Eye NWSOFA Max Blumenthal Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) NAACP Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression Chicago Police Department The Federalist Society Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Israel Defense Forces Truth Jihad United Working Families On 6/8 Anniversary of USS Liberty, Break Free of AIPAC, No War With Iran. Chicago Northside Poor People's Campaign Mary Hutchings Reed John Barbour James B Turner Amy Turner John Valmas Patricia Lippe Davis J Blair Fishburn Dixie Searway Peter Dale Scott Peter Dale Scott Chicago Activist Coalition For Justice Group Mark Crispin Miller Peter Phillips National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression Christopher Bollyn The Grayzone The Real News Network Aaron Maté 9/11 Truth Movement David Talbot

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You lost me permanently at the George Soros #blacklivesmatter.

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I agree with 98% of what you stated. And not that a U.S. president will make any difference but RFK Jr. recently went on Jimmy Dore's show and spewed a load of nonsense regarding Palestinians and Israel. He's further wrapped himself in the false flag of Israel too.

The Mossad has efficiently and thoroughly subverted the U.S. government, intelligence apparatus and institutions. There's much evidence to implement the Mossad in the assassination of John F. Kennedy as he was working to keep the State of Israel of procuring nuclear weapons.

There are many perpetrators of controlling the loads of propaganda that circles around the murder of a sitting president in Dallas TX.

Another excellent source to add in regards to Political Zionism and it's roots is Mr. Eustace Mullins and his writings directly from The Library of Congress. I'm still baffled at Robert Kennedy Jr. snuggling with the beasts of Israel and saying lies regarding the Palestinians and their land being totally taken over starting in 1947 along with the Rothschild banking dynasty.

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What !

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Well organized survey questions// keep 🔛 truckin’ (like The DoDah Man!)- props to Cherry 🍒 Garcia

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