Christian national unvaccinated are people who believe that our religion has warned us about this Sorcery. Revelation 18:23 the very method that the “ great merchants” use to deceive the world is given. The word Sorcery is used. Sorcery has the same exact definition as pharmakia in Greek( witchcraft, potion 💉, or medicine) we as Christian’s have no doubt that a injectable ( scorpion sting) nano technology will be used.

A nano technology that is a DNA 🧬 altering technology AKA gene therapy. We have been lied to about the ability of the mRNA technology to attach to our DNA 🧬, in a way that is passed down to our offspring. They have also lied about the DNA 🧬 in their mRNA technology. We as Christian’s have the right to refuse this technology. We have been discriminated against by having our life saving transplants refused, and we were also refused an off label medication ( early treatment protocol) that would have prevented 80-90% of the COVID deaths. Ivermectin was not a dangerous drug, or a Horse dewormer that would cause dangerous effects . The vaccine industry was coercing a experimental gene therapy into our bodies under threats of unemployment while simultaneously blocking this medication from use in direct violation of the Nuremberg code laws, and the genocide laws as laid out in the very Bill that the sponsor Biden violated with mandates vaccines not vaccines,but instead DNA altering gene therapy!

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I find it ironic that Biden sponsored this bill on genocide, and then participated in committing genocide by creating a new class of people to discriminate against as they refused the Unvaccinated life saving transplants, and off label early treatments we know would have prevented 80-90% of the deaths from their man made crime against humanity gain of function virus. Even those George Floyd type incidents that took place in 7 countries with the same exact optics, and globalist funded BLM riots during the traditional peak period of a contagion ( 4-6 months) was a carefully planned genocide. People should be thanking God for their God given immune systems! As the same oligarchs who funded gain of function were the same ones who funded the BLM leaders who led people into the streets huffing, and puffing all over each other during the traditional peak period of a contagion.

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So Biden moved forward to eliminate genocide laws???

Don’t get too comfortable with that decision. Take the act of creating a class of people to discriminate against when the unvaccinated are refused life saving transplants, or off label treatments that would have prevented 80-90% of the COVID deaths. Nuremberg, and genocide violations all rolled up together.

It’s imperative to pay attention to your local hospital parking lot. Just because their first man made crime against humanity was not as lethal as planned doesn’t mean the next one will not be. I have no doubt that Gates wasn’t kidding when he said that the next contagious disease will have a 40-60 percent kill ratio. In his 201 exercises he was able to predict the type of virus

( corona)out of thousands of contagions he also said that Brazilian Pigs sent to the Wuhan Industrial area was going to create the outbreak. The odds of him using the 50 square miles of the Wuhan Industrial Area off a worldwide map in his hypothetical scenario were almost 4 million to 1. Then you have the fact that the main profiteers are best of friends with the man who funded Eco Health Alliance, and the worldwide response to it. Particularly the early treatment protocols that drove the death rate up, and facilitated the theft. The odds of the main profiteer being good friends with that man is billions to one. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible.

My point is don’t let your guard down. The last contagion man made crime against humanity created by these globalist depopulation eugenics, and uninformed euthanasia enthusiasts was not as lethal as planned.

Yes I said planned. They brought in tents, ships to port, funded FEMA camps, and body transport containers are all on the ready. They didn’t expect our God given immune systems. They even planned those George Floyd type incidents that occurred within days of each other in western 7 countries during what would have been the peak of the pandemic historically speaking all contagions follow the incubation period until they peak around 4-6 months then go down with lethality until heard immunity is reached. It was never going to peak in two weeks, and they knew that.

Those George Floyd type incidents happened in Paris, and Madrid with the exact same optics, and the BLM led riots. The crazy part is that the globalist who funded the virus also funded the BLM leadership that led their victims into the streets huffing, puffing all over each other in the 4th month of the contagion exactly when they normally peak. Again how many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible. The perfect way to kill off your pension obligations by putting the contagious in elderly homes while setting up those who you as a globalist parasite consider a useless eater ( those willing to protest your authority who certainly aren’t at work during the daytime protests).

Again don’t get complacent because unless these people are arrested for their Nuremberg code violations vaccine not vaccine gene therapy, and the genocide law violations that occurred when they created a class of people to discriminate against by refusing the unvaccinated life saving transplants, and off label medications that would have prevented 80-90% of the deaths that occurred because of their man made crime against humanity and their death cult protocols of Remdesivir and sedition to shut down the kidneys filling the lungs with fluid, and then using ventilation to drive the fluid down deep. This while refusing family advocates to even have access to their loved ones. All of these things were done in the biggest racketeering scheme in history.

Unfortunately unless we start arresting them for their crimes against humanity protocols, lockdown in lockstep, and mandating poison they will continue. If we arrest these criminals for their serious crimes, and not offer immunity unless they willing to point further up the pyramid of corruption until there is no further up to point we could prevent this . It certainly wasn’t prevented by outlawing gain of function and certainly will happen again unless they are held accountable!

Ken Curtis

~ Simplestone ~

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Will they then arrest themselves as well as Gates, Fauci, Dasik, and Hotep?

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Kennedy wants them arrested, and held accountable. Votes matter!

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Hypocrisy too... 🤔

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Thanks dear James..

Are there any real lawyers, willing to and not least with enough intelligence, to actually start real cases against these morons!?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts… 🌹🌹🌹

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My first thought was...Fauci walks free???

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Fauci doesn’t live in a vacuum. He’s but one easy to scapegoat piece of a much bigger problem.

Take the monopoly stakeholders collective capitalism public, and private partnership ( MSCCPPP) that has bastardized our free market capitalism to the point that it is merely communism rebranded now.

The Stakeholders CEOs all signed non disclosure agreements to contractual obligations of hospital protocols, lockdown in lockstep, and mandating in order to get essential status, and, or the funding needed to survive these mafia protection racket tactics that went along with that man made crime against humanity virus.

The real problem is much bigger than just Fauci. It is a systemic problem that is all tied to the fact that the Marxist private central bankers have complete control over the 6 financial institutions Blackrock, Vanguard,State Street,JP Morgan,Chase Manhattan.Bank of America. These companies are like one big Private central bankers pocket. The problem is that they own each other’s assets, and 89% of all assets worldwide. They just printed 40% of all the money ever printed in history to distribute, and facilitate the biggest racketeering theft of wealth in history . They had their politicians, media, CEOs, and regulators all go along to get along with the RICO act violation.

We allowed so many constitutional rights violations during COVID that I couldn’t even recognize my country!

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In the 1990's a president engaged in parsing the word 'sex'. Genocide, regardless of the definition presented in this document is not to be held strictly to said definition because, like the Constitution, which is a living, breathing document, it too can be reshaped endlessly like a wax nose. "It depends on what the meaning of is is."

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Joseph R Biden is deceased. The individual we have been seeing for the last 4 years is a puppet. The evidence is ever so clear. Unfortunately the lame-stream media has continued to sweep it under the rug. One day all of it will be exposed for the masses to clearly see.



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Waiting on this to “boomerang” on Biden and his regime!

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is this Convention only valid for the United States or internationally?

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thank you James for publishing this Convention. the only one who would protect me in any case is I, myself, no court. in order to do so I have to know what the law says. courts disregard law what doesn´t make the law disappear. the law is still there to protect me. if no one does, so I will protect me myself by speaking the law. for this reason it is lucky that this Convention had been written - I can rely on it in the case I see the crime. it was not written in vain and James has not published it here in vain, we can use it to protect ourselves and to name the crime by its true name. just do not stay mum, when you see them doing genocide, say so if you feel you have to speak out and refer to this Convention. call things by their true name. a word has more power than we know. wait for the right moment and when it comes say what is right.

look, they disregard law, they pervert it, they amend it or write their own "laws" to deprive it of its effectiveness, but they do not cancel existing good laws. who has ever stood up and said: hereby your constitution is erased, I undo it. too gutless for the job? our good laws are not that unprotected as they seem? that´s why they need their world government so that they can undo our laws and then point a finger at the ai. will NOT work, but the stupid will try all the same :-/

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The Fentanyl crisis falls into this category directly related to illegal open borders by this administration.

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So, who is going to implement this on americans involved in the current genocide??

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Kennedy wants them brought to justice, and he will have a cabinet position under Trump to accomplish that goal. Your vote never counted as much as it does now! Gene mRNA shots are dangerous, and not vaccines! Vote Trump

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No one, people have been voluntary, in the sense that there is no manifest obligation on them by force or any other physical constraint. The constraint of loss of employment etc. not being exercised in the manner above.

If it could have been used, I suppose, it would have been done a long time ago. Lawyers, not corrupt ones, know this law.

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Some posters seem to think the Proxmire Act only applies to Biden - not true. It applies to all Americans, including American members of the WEF and UN/WHO, etc. It has been coded into U.S. law as 18 U.S.C. § 1091.

The two clauses that are being violated constantly are § 1091(a)(5) and (6):

(5) imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group; or

(6) transfers by force children of the group to another group; or attempts to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

As far as I have been able to determine, this law has never been tested in a court of law, but a party in power could construe a lot of things as breaking this law. Correct me if I am wrong.

Here are some examples of what could be violations:

Kamala Harris Planning to ‘Eliminate’ Christianity from America


Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry


and more are an indication of the genocide that Harris is likely to perpetrate.

There are many Democrats who have spoken about geocide for white Americans, but have not acted on it.

But caution: There are those who advocate or have advocated genocide for blacks or other groups. - would making a legal case end up opening a reparations box for genocide claims? If course no TRUE conservative would advocate genocide, since TRUE conservatives judge people as individuals, not by their group.

Interesting note: It took Proxmire about 20 years to get it passed, and he did it by reading that bill on the floor of the senate every day, over 3,000 times, for about 15 years.

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...so arrests are imminent? Certainly long overdue. Aaannnnd WHEN are the covid cbullshit tryBun^lS going to start....looooonggg overdue.

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