Huh? What are you saying? Talking about?

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I find when I think about the caliber of people, who are total zeros, leading our lives - yes our lives- into war after war because of bullies like Washington's, mentally decrepit, complete economic ineptitude, greedy bastards, who have manipulated us into following these crazies, is overwhelmingly infuriating to me. And the masses continue following like sheep to the slaughter!!

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My reflexions have always been the same. LOL

The 2/3 sheep have elected them or they have inherited their high position.

Remember: “Plus tu es haut dans la hiérarchie, plus tu es bas.” from a lady cashier.

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My VPN service cautioned me against progressing to the link given to sign the petitions...

'Your connection isn’t private

The web page you are trying to enter is not certified by known certifying authority. Attackers might be trying to steal your information (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards info.)'

I am not a computer expert, and as much as I would love to add my name to the petition, I need to know that I am not exposing myself to any nefarious actions.

The petition website managers would to well to rectify the certificate issue.

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Not an expert either but, I saw the same tactic from Google: “Page not found”, “Cannot connect to the server”, “Not safe”, etc. I sometimes have one of these messages for Substack…

Use Yandex.com and check if you still get the same message. :)

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Thank you. I have not heard of Yandex.com, but I will check it out. I have been getting similar responses to accessing other sites, each that don't agree with certain 'powers that want to be's' narratives, and I think it is my vpn or security program, that now makes me want to dig into their being compromised by those opposed to freedom of speech.

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Passing the info on as widely as possible and going to print and distribute flyers. Up and at 'em!

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I have just signed the Canadian Petition e-4623 (Foreign affairs) on exiting the WHO and the UN.

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I heard James' appeal to worldwide activists. Getting ready to meet a few in Italy. Will get organised when back

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Signed. I sent an email re the WHO awhile back to my MP Yasir Navi. I did receive one email telling me the changes they would like to see to the digital certificate. I sent an email back saying they obviously didn't read my email, and reiterated that I wanted out of the WHO. No emails since. Thank you for keeping on with this.

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Please consider helping out by sharing this article with all of the groups listed here...


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Leslyn Lewis is a Canadian patriot!

Signed and will mail a hard copy to my MP who is all on board to all the UN/WHO nonsense.

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Please consider helping out by sharing this article with all of the groups listed here...


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Hi James please read this the grammar fraud right in front of our eyes. https://justiniandeception.wordpress.com/

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Very concerned about supposed anti-WHO-power-grab initiatives in OZ (Australia) ATM. Initiatives recommended do not seem likely to produce results. Seems more like, just keep spinning your wheels in the sand, until it is too late. Or we've got this, just do what we say, and all will be well. Feeling quite uneasy ATM. We have to do whatever we can, that might be productive regardless. However, I want to be doing things, that I think are most likely to count. Any other input from OZ?

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Senator Malcolm Roberts has been pumping out an enormous amount of misinformation regarding the WHO.

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Thank you James. Will act accordingly. The flag still flies in OZ (Australia), regardless of the climate. Gets a little heated here at times. Summer you know. Those who see the WHO as an imminent threat, are often seen as conspiracy theorists, like those who claim covid injections are dangerous. Imagine that. Unbelievable.

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James, the Reset is being Reset by the people.

We aren't safe cause Biden would rather have war than deal with his crimes.

We the peolle will prevale

At all costs.

Loaded and Ready America.

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I still don't get this.

How can so few think they can rule so many?

Reminded of Churchill's comment after the Battle of Britain:

Never has so much been owed, by so many, to so few.

We owe so much to the few front-line freedom fighters.

Still, without the rank and file soldiers doing their part, the war cannot be won.

Thank you James and all.

Carry on regardless.

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Off topic? Perhaps not.


Interesting -



Never heard this before, but if it’s true -TALK ABOUT UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES!!!


So the subtitle would be: "When the Divide and Conquer Play Goes Bad". I think that all (our?) government(s) might be able to view this as an object lesson, a premonition of sorts....



let's think about what can go wrong with this plan....

Abortion - No Abortion

White Supremacy - Black Power

George Floyd - ANTIFA - Defund the Police



"Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter?"

Child sex trafficking - ice cream and laptops

No penalty for crime

No serious penalty for assaults

Hush, hush - Cross dressers raping in female prisons, let's not talk about that!


Import fentanyl (and Lord knows what else, across open borders)

Open Border to mix the races (and cultural norms) up completely - SHUT UP


And don’t forget…


Those dirty anti-VAXers - FOLLOW THE SCIENCE STUPID!!!!!


What did Hill call them? DEPLORABLES?



And what have you got?


Just look at the Middle East…

Hate, Chaos, Bloodlust, and Barbarism

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Who created/supported the PLO and the rise of Yasser Arafat?

Why? Not too hard to figure out.

The UN glorified Arafat, one of the biggest terrorists of all time.

Even gave him the Nobel (or not so nobel) Peace Prize I think.

Who created the UN?

Why? Not so hard to figure out.

Who supports/funds the UN now?

We the People among others.

We need to do everything in our power, to withdraw our support from the UN, NOW.

Right on topic.

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Thank you for thinking. Seems to be discouraged these days. ☺️

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Thank you Mr. Roguski👍🏻💪

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And Don't forget Do not Get a Polio Shot! Or Measels, or Chicken pox, or Flu, or Shingles if your over 50, oops a minor one Diphtheria, who needs that,?h Whats the others one Hmmmmmm it slips my mind.... It was a new vaccine

Oh i'll remember it one of These days.

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Don’t forget ANY vakSins, insulin, dental and other anaesthetics, RT-PCR tests, pills, food, water, air and everything else, as per what is being seen by Nixonlab’s Micronauts… :)

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Thank You Sonja

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I cant remember all of them! Damn It!

But those two are off THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE for young women!

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