I was there, it was great! If you haven't seen it, and for the benefit of your audience if I may, here is the summary for my talk on the vaccines' effectiveness and safety being exaggerated in the clinical trials and observational studies: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/science-summary-covid-19-vaccines. And my vaccine mandate case is progressing along nicely, thinking there'll be a lot more to report by the time ICS6 comes around!

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“France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,000 Fine” - How will this law affect British Columbians? [in Canada] - Feb.26, 2024:

- https://normryder.substack.com/p/frances-draft-law-citizens-who-speak

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Boy, they have us covered, the ICS (International Crisis Summit). What a joke! That means THEY will cause a CRISIS. The WHO is a joke, and we should not ever believe what they are saying!

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Sorry for my typos James

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Thank you Ja med you sir are a Steely eyed missile Man @ The Right Stuff

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Two inportant videos for the readers of Germoney:

005_Gedanken zur WHO (01) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/a2qcIeE3LjfO/

006_Gedanken zur WHO (02) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/jte9IGWq89EX/

If you know how to create transcripts of Bitchute videos, please leave a comment.

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The children of Satan will bring another Covid type of thing in to try to take your freedom

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the governmental system has been developed to get the masses obeying the few, and believing that they have to obey the rules - people who are put in place in the governmental systems do NOT care about the people, they are there to carry out orders of the evil few. We do NOT need to be governed, a local administration system would let the decent people live their lives and use money given to the local administration for the people rather than perpetuate wars in far off lands. We need to rid ourselves of the chains that are getting worse and worse.

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Why are we still acknowledging this covid farce? Covid never was a crises nearly as much as all the indoctrination, lies and deception that it was invented from. Are we going to eventually have a 39th international summit asking the same questions?

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As long as grifters can milk rubes

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Let's forgo all that global bulls***.

Keep it local. Build communities and what works for them.

They tend to get it wrong when putting everyone in one basket.

We all have different rights and responsibilities, different economies (I'm sick of hearing things like "they make 3 dollars a day..:***(

Tell me, what does it cost to live there, compared to what they make a day? Why is infrastructure lacking? Wouldn't it serve the people better to build infrastructure that accommodates those who live there?)

Let's take care of our own first, let local communities decide what best for them (always looking into the future also).

The global empire is cracking and will fall away- it has never worked.

However, we need to take this self-proclaimed power from these dangerous criminals.

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Guardando attentamente tutti i partecipanti al quinto vertice internazionale COVID/crisi

Quattro relatori al quinto vertice internazionale COVID/Crisi hanno presentato informazioni sull’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità. di cui due certamente sono nell'elenco GATEKEEPERS, e altri tre degli invitati pure, ora il summit si svolge A WASHINGTON DC. come immagino saprete che tutti i rappresentanti dei vari stati -nazioni , queste nazioni IN TOTALE 194, sono iscritte a livello economico e comerciale alla SEC appunto waschington DC come CORPORATION PRIVATE, obiettivamente cosa possiamo ottenere da questo SUMMIT....!!!!


Ermanno Ricci e non ... RICCI ERMANNO

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Most of the US Senate hasn't come out against WHO because they are overrun with RINOS!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you have a massive turn out! I am doing what I can to put the word out and thank you James for working so hard to help us make our voices heard. You are a hero!

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Thanks James. Doing God's work.

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"The old system is crumbling," but it's not happening soon enought. There is absolutely no need for "authorities" in other countries to dictate to our country...and expect the US to adhere to their demands. The sooner the US removes itself from foreign organizations, the better it will be for Americans. The Constitution actually states that we are not to support foreign countries with our tax dollars. Those in Congress who have voted to send money to foregin countries have ignored our Constitution ; and need to be severely ppunished. They have totally gone against the Constitution, which they took an oath to defend.

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