Who in the US Government voted on and accepted/approved the WHOs IHR amendments and treaty? And if Trump gets back in office can't he just pull out like he did in 2018? Just pull the plug.... Go our own way as a sovereign nation.

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At some point the WHO etc abandoned the original intention of this body when they were taken over by the criminal element that currently pretend they represent this formerly august organisation. They and their 'representatives' should be totally dismantled, appropriately punished and a new organisation designed with an impervious constitution or charter.

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I have one request; That you put in print your expert summation of the actions you are researching. The printed word is leaving our information stream, being replaced by video that will leave our world at the push of a button.

As a publisher of a local newspaper, it is essential to be able to print your perspective while promoting your digital footprint.

I am extremely grateful for you and Noor for your dedication in attacking this deadly head of the Hydra.

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Not joking... Where does it (or does it) say gillotiene?

I'm looking through

Can anyone verify?

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Can't we just have comments without vulgarity? What's happened to common courtesy? Please, if you cannot express yourself with intelligent speech instead of vulgarity, especially in a public setting such as this, dig up a dictionary and thesaurus, and use them to find better, less offensive words. Thanks!

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This Treaty, besides being a monumental extraction of wealth from the signatory countries, it is a dictatorship over human beings and a takeover of airports, airplanes, docks, ships, trains, post offices. Please review: Article 18 Recommendations with respect to persons, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods and postal parcels.

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Keep up the good fight, amigo!

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Here’s the thing. There are still more of US than there are of THEM. That’s what they truly fear.

Now…. If you live in the USA. I will implore you to look for a DeJure group in your state and JOIN!

AmericaDeJure.org. We need to UNITE! We need to legally get rid of these blood sucking bastards! They have enslaved us ALL for long enough. Our founders gave us the power and ability to make real change! But you HAVE to get off the couch and do the WORK! Nothing good (or GREAT) ever came without a fight! But there doesn’t need to be violence nor blood shed! We can win this without a shot ever being fired!

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It matters not how many you are; it matters how organized you are.

Donald Trump possessed the remarkable capacity to communicate to The People in their own vocabulary at their own level. And they responded by building his war chest. They see their champion and are moving heaven and earth for him.

He made his single biggest mistake very early on. His enemies had their diamond opportunity to bury him once and for all. Instead, he is taking them one by one, plucking one feather at a time until the wings become worthless.

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Now is not the time to capitulate or compromise. Coercion or extortion is not agreement. Make clear through your representatives, elected to serve you and ensure your tax dollars, rights and freedoms are not violated, that this WHO/IHR monstrosity is unequivocally rejected.

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Jun 7Edited

James, my son in law had my 2 grandchildren inoculated 3 days ago to be able to travel soon. My daughter and I have had many intense discussions before with him about this. He took the girls (6 and 7) to the doctor anyway and did it. I did not know. I took them out for lunch and saw that the eldest was white as a sheet, her eyes had a strange look. She leaned against my daughter as though not being able to sit up. I saw it and felt terribly worried; something wasn't right. In the evening she complained of a headache. Despite that my daughter let her go to school. Before going to school the youngest told me: Oma, we had a jab.' I went home and cried all afternoon yesterday. Crying coming out from deep inside...

The IHR have been pulled through last weekend - this Sunday we 'll have to vote here in Europe - the bird flu is announced.

Do we have to draw a picture?

Yes, it IS the new OPEC!

And the Catastrophic Contagion simulation happened here in Belgium, I think.

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Where's the surprise? In the absence of any real consequences, why would the psychopaths of the world not do as they please?

The sheep will bleat ever more loudly, but bite they will not. Thus the slaughter will continue.

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But….. we the Wolves are another species all together! I will NOT go silently into that good night! I will FIGHT to my last breath! Will you?! Join a DeJure group and put your money where your mouth is! Step into the ring and fight these blood suckers! Our founders created our country, knowing full well that this day would come! They put things forth to help us save what they risked their lives to create! All they wanted was US to have the dedication needed to secure it for OUR future children! TODAY IS THAT DAY! Find a group! JOIN the fight

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As if any of those sources are credible? Please ….that’s the thing with citations.

Many of the claims right in the website address are blatant lies. Crime is not exploding.

Well over half of it is moronic insanity. Did you miss the second part about credible sources? Not just a citation.

You’re really fucking stupid if you think I’m that stupid.

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Can't we just have comments without vulgarity? What's happened to common courtesy? Please, if you cannot express yourself with intelligent speech instead of vulgarity, especially in a public setting such as this, dig up a dictionary and thesaurus, and use them to find better, less offensive words. Thanks, not trying to offend, just hoping for better language and morals.

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Yes, common courtesy. You seem to have missed the whole point. You're in public, don't you get that? Even my uncles who were sailors in WWII didn't use vulgarity in public. You are a prime example of what is terribly wrong with our country. People like you are just trying to cause trouble and make people mad. And you are making a fool of yourself in front of a very large audience. Go back to kindergarten and learn some manners.

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Common courtesy? Do you think posting absolutely moronic intentionally disingenuous bullshit is somehow courteous as long as you don’t use vulgarity? Shut the fuck up

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This dynamic only exists because you find a allegiant tribalist morons don’t hold either party accountable for good government and quality policy. This is our fault. Not big Pharma, not the Democrats, not the Republicans. Not the morally bankrupt “sick and dying” healthcare model.


Do better, FUMBDUCK

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As an Australian I do not accept that any changes with the WHO can somehow override our constitution. We cannot have a foreign (enemy) entity to take over our constitutional system!

As I made clear as part of my complaint 20240503 Supplement 110A to my original 6 August 2021 complaint:

This was an elaborate “covid scam” deadly pursuit by governments and their lackies against We, the People, and they need to be held all legally accountable. Let the arrests commence!

You can download the document from:



Urban/housing policy is not within the constitutional powers of the Commonwealth but Albanese I view is trying to implement the W.E.F/U.N./WHO policy as they did with the deadly (FAKE) covid-19 vaccines. Just consider the WHO director-General is a veterinarian NOT QUALIFIED to be a medical practitioner (for humans), yet still decides medical issues!


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Sea Kelp

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Respectfully, as I had mentioned. We have no "government" in the U.S. What we have are corporations masquerading as OUR Government. Therefore, if anyone can show me where the U.S. or the WHO has any Lawful authority to do anything with regards to America, I am all ears! The fact is they have none and thus if they try and push it on us it will be an ugly day!

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Internet tuff guy… brought you from a basement in Saint Petersburg. Shut the fuck up Ivan. Sit the fuck down.

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Not sure who you are or if you are responding to me. If you are responding to me, then I think your comment says it all.

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It certi does Mr NO post, NO note, NO likes, 1 read tRoll….

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I will stand by what I have said. Enjoy!

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Fuck you Ivan

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In SA we call cunts like you a DOOS... but I think an upgrade to a Fuck'Nut is in order.

I didn't see him being disrespectful .. so climb back up wherever you were born... and STFU !!

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You are so full of class! I am so impressed. I guess that would explain how ignorant you are are, which is ok. However, when you wish to remain ignorant, that is on you!

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its perfectly OBVIOUS they want a needle in every arm [ bluetooth] [ plandemic treaty] the only way this is going to stop is 1066 - they are all in it together and no matter what you say or do the end is near because china needs more livers hearts and other organs to sell and if you dont take the I.D. clot shot you will be sent to one or more of the many secret mega prisons which they have built all around the world in the last three years

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You need mental health care ASAP. Extremely professional mental health care

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hahahahaha - hahahahahaha - hahahahahaha - hahahahahaha - hahahahah -

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Take your zero note, to followers and three like existence and fuck off. All the way off….when you get there, you can fuck off some more.

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Obviously, you have nothing of substance so you must offer gibberish.

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