Only a small group or number would subscribe so you likely couldn't displace them. If you go alternative, they'll do everything to put you out.

On YouTube, we can hear about people who did all kinds of things.

Just musing? Maybe comedy, or jingles. Hard to shut that down.

Worth thinking about.

I am Christian, Sola scriptura, and like associating with

believers in God.

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Only a small group or number would subscribe so you likely couldn't displace them. If you go alternative, they'll do everything to put you out.

On YouTube, we can hear about people who did all kinds of things.

Just musing? Maybe comedy, or jingles. Hard to shut that down.

Worth thinking about.

I am Christian, Sola scriptura, and like associating with

believers in God.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by James Roguski


And thank you to inspire people.


This is Event 201 reloaded:

December 10, 2022 Pandemic "Exercise" Relaunched

Bill Gates, John Hopkins University, & the WHO reconvene to "table-top" the next Pandemic.




They are now specifically targeting our children... A bio-weapon targeting kids?

We need to stay focus and alert...

Merry Xmas and Happy new year

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I stole their domain...


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Merry Christmas Jams

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Merry Christmas James!!!

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🎶🐬😎👍🍺💕 Thank you James, Christmas blessings to your loved ones and your self.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by James Roguski

WONDERFUL song parody that speaks truth through satire! Just love the holiday outfits!


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Merry Christmas to you & Yours!

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Thanks Wendy!

You've got it worse because you've got Pol Pot as your 'Pussy' Trudeau as your Prime Minister.

Ours is a recently imposed cloned WEF representative = a Rat called Sunak!

Happy Christmas and a better New Year than the one Adolf Schwab had planned for us all!

Mick from Hooe (UK)

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by James Roguski

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind : it hath no stalk." - Hosea 8:7 from The King James Bible. "Deaths Among CCP Elites Rise as COVID-19 Wave Hits China" - headline is from "The Epoch Times" for Dec. 22, 2022, article by Eva Fu - https://www.theepochtimes.com/deaths-among-ccp-elites-rise-as-covid-wave-hitchina_4941364.html?utm

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Thank you James and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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Merry Christmas James. I am still working on my story but will send it soon. Christmas is a time for families. Unfortunately the Covid debacle has separated me from my family. My step father wanted the whole world rid of anti-vaxxers and has brain washed my Mother to believe that he is right in everything. My other life in the Philippines has been unobtainable due to border policies against the unvaxxed. Fortunately these policies have been eased and I will be flying back to my loved ones in the Philippines very soon. Thank God for the internet. At least we can chat daily. Merry Christmas to everyone else. God Bless.

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If many people want to, we can make it a class-action suit instead of each independently doing it.

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Was I going to drop this off? Here you go anyway:

r Jonathan E Meyer

General Counsel of the Department of Homeland Security

245 Murray Lane SW

Mail Stop 0485

Washington, DC 20528-0485

Re: Notice of Prospective Litigation; Demand for Records Retention

Dear Mr Meyer,

I am an aggrieved citizen of the United States and of the [NAME OF STATE] and I am contemplating filing a lawsuit, including the possibility of joining a class action proceeding against the relevant parties pertaining to the concerns I have regarding the censorship that has been or may have been implemented or encouraged by your organization, the US Department of Homeland Security, pertaining to certain users’ social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc). Moreover, I am concerned regarding the sharing of data obtained from my social media accounts by your organization, other government agencies and/or private companies. Accordingly, I hereby notify and instruct you to retain any and all documents and other materials related to the following social media accounts, which I created:

[SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLET (Ex: Facebook); USERNAME (ex: @JohnDoe123)] [SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLET (Ex: Instagram); USERNAME (ex: @JohnDoe123)] [SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLET (Ex: Twitter); USERNAME (ex: @JohnDoe123)] [SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLET (Ex: YouTube); USERNAME (ex: @JohnDoe123)]

Given the litigation I am contemplating commencing or joining regarding the above issues, I demand that you retain any and all documents and data relating to or concerning the censorship or flagging of the above-listed social media accounts and/or the use or exchange of data obtained by the social media accounts by your organization and any other government agency or private company. All such documents and data must be maintained and preserved. This means that any documents and data in your possession or control regarding the censorship or flagging of the above-listed social media accounts and/or the use or exchange of data obtained from these social media accounts obtained by your organization and any other government agency or private company must not be destroyed or deleted until you are notified in writing that it is permissible to do so.

“Documents and data”, as used here includes hard and electronic copies of documents, including letters, correspondence, memoranda, reports, tabulations, calculations, invoices, vouchers, ledgers, journals, external and internal literature, books, notes, schedules, worksheets, plans, minutes, bulletins, brochures, catalogs, notices, press releases, transcripts, calendars, appointment books, diaries, charts and drafts of all such documents that mention or relate to the censorship or flagging of the above-listed social media accounts and/or the use or exchange of data obtained from these social media accounts by your organization and any other government agency or private company. This includes handwritten notes, drafts, tabulations, calculations, summaries and work papers; it is not limited to any “formal” or “final” documents.

“Documents and data” includes photographs, audio or video tapes or recordings. “Documents and data” also includes electronically stored information, such as e-mail, voicemail, word processing files, spreadsheets, databases, calendars, digital audio or video recordings, instant messages, text messages, social media posts, telephone logs, internet files and any other electronic information created, maintained or received by you.

This list is not exhaustive, all documents and data relating in any way to the censorship or flagging of the above-listed social media accounts and/or the use or exchange of data obtained from these social media accounts by your organization and any other government agency or private company must be preserved.

This records retention hold and notice suspends any normal deletion requirements for documents, e-mails, and other information that may otherwise apply. Do not destroy, delete or in any way alter any paper or electronic information relating to my prospective claims or the other areas of interest mentioned above. Be sure to communicate this to the employees who work under your supervision.

If you have possession, custody or control of any information, whether in paper form or electronic form pertaining to my prospective claims, you are instructed to take immediate steps to preserve it in its original form. For example, do not delete any e-mails, internet files or other computer files containing information pertaining to the claims. You should also take steps to ensure that e-mails and files will not automatically be deleted by the system. Once you have identified any relevant information in your possession, please coordinate with me to ensure that I am provided with a copy of it.

If you are aware of any person employed by or otherwise affiliated with your organization, whether presently or formerly who may have information pertinent to my prospective claims, please provide me with that information. Additionally, please ensure that any person(s) who is assigned to manage the computers or files of your organization that may contain information pertinent to my claims is immediate informed of the requirements set forth in this letter. You must ensure that any such person not only does not delete any information but also makes arrangements to preserve the information contained on the computer or in the files.

To the extent you may have any concerns or questions in this regard, please contact me. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.



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Yikes !

Excellent !!

Words have power that leads to ACTION.

Well done !

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