Thank you. The pfact checking operations have been building reputation for a long time. I cannot imagine if the management actually knows the harm they cause or the payout is so generous that they do not care.

The blind trust the sycophants have for the new aristocracy is maddening, even a moron would know they will be the first under the bus when the power is cemented at the top, they will simply be in the way and know too much to leave in positions of power. Hatchet jobs will occur wholesale amongst their cronies and it will be too late to blow the whistle.

Snopes is scum, they lied about Ivermectin and never made a retraction.

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Seriously, the left leaning, lying SNOPES. NO WAY DUDE !!!

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James - I appreciate your tireless work! You are a real hero.

Most Americans have been brainwashed by MSM and Hollywood for decades and don't know how to think for themselves. You clearly have left the Truman Show. Feels great to be off the set, right? The light is shining on all of the darkness. I'm hoping that those who run the global government will decide to shift allegiances, becoming truthful instead of deceptive. I pray for a healthier, happier and more honest future for my children.

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Not gonna happen...... satan is running the show and God is allowing it.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by James Roguski


Whoooot! Nice work. If Snopes (the Fact checkers choice of choice, for all the aspiring modern dictators of today😉), did a piece, it means they got the nod from higher up that your noise was getting louder😁😁😁

Props to you James, and props to all your supporters, for creating enough ripples in the internet ocean, to get somebodies nervous enough to show their hand. 👏👏👏🎯🎯🙏🙏🙏

Now, let's make those ripples BIGGER, NOISIER!! We need to get it to roar through society before May, 2023.

#keyboardwarriors #wearemany #wearememory #wearenotslaves

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Snopes is to the truth, like vaccines are to health... The anthesis.

Propaganda rats and they're losing because they no longer have the full control of the media which used to be TV, radio, and toilet paper of record (the newspaper).

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by James Roguski

Some of the best lemonade I have ever had, sweet lemony logic in every sip. Today I will find some organic lemons and make some fresh, and think of you!!!!!

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I love it. Thank you so much!

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by James Roguski

I personally have been completely convinced by Snopes. So glad they cleared everything up. Oh Boy!

I wish they would contact you. I really don't understand people like this. They evidently have been promised they will be untouched by the new regime if they agree to shill for it. I don't know how anyone can believe that deal will be honored, but people do.

This was a great response! And they did break this reality into the mainstream, so that's truly a good!!!

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by James Roguski

Well done James!👏👏👏👏👏👏

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President Camacho from the movie Idiocracy and

"I thank in particular the officers of the Committee for their leadership: .. Camacho; .."

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Just an FYI, snopes is a complete soros construct. “Snopes” was a couple in LA with no particular experience & soros dumped 1 million on them and gave us another leftest activist

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I thought they were getting divorced because he was cavorting with women of a slightly different profession than theirs.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by James Roguski

Best takedown of Snopes I have seen -- and there are lots of them. The only thing one can apparently conclude about fact checkers is that fact checking is the one thing they are unable to do.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by James Roguski

Listened to ya in Twitter Spaces a few days ago. Good job brother.

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Appreciation for the great energy and work James, and the dose of humor! Nopes to Snopes!

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They use every tool available. In the 🤡🌎 Snopes is a source of authority to probably vastly more people than you think... thanks for continuing and so clearly calling them out James!

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by James Roguski

Love how you nailed their asses to the wall James. May make it hard for them to meet you on the mat though since you called them out to it. 😉

Keep up the amazing work!!

We fight on.

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Sadly, I doubt anyone who takes Snopes seriously as a “fact checker” is going to read this or any of the other excellent work you and others have done on this subject. 80% of the public doesn’t possess the psychology or moral resource to question authority and they see Snopes as a gatekeeper of said authority. However, we in the other 20% are in your camp and truly appreciate your work! It only takes about 8% to mount a successful revolution. Keep it up...we’re gaining ground.

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