The WHO is attempting to negotiate away the sovereignty of the 194 member nations along two separate, but parallel tracks. Everyone on earth needs to pay attention RIGHT NOW, before it is too late.
Thank you for stressing the urgency. People wrongly believe it’s ‘OK’ to give them just a little bit of leeway but that will turn into more and more and it will grow and snowball into a giant disaster. This need to be stopped in its entirety NOW.
May God open the eyes and hearts of individuals and entire nations, worldwide, to the truth. May God give everyone foresight and wisdom and strength to do this for our posterity
I am 100% aligned with you on stopping any attempts to usurp our national sovereignty. However, this is a lot of information to digest.
Realistically, following your last ask, I can’t send this to my friends and request that they now pour through this page AND create a video to submit. They don’t have time. I don’t have time.
I understand how important this is, and I really respect and appreciate your efforts. But it would be much easier to get people to act if this information can be summarized in a basic paragraph or two, followed by a request to email certain individuals or entities in protest. Then perhaps you could include a link to this larger, more detailed page of content.
Just a thought, anyway. I suspect that might prompt more people to take action.
Yes. There is a lot of information. If you think it would take a lot of time to read it and watch the videos, imagine how much time it took to research, comprehend, compile, organize, record, write and publish.
Not to worry. Everyone who ignores the call to action will have plenty of time to review the information from their wifi equipped cubicle, if they are able to focus through the tears of their regret.
Incomplete awareness leads to inaccurate comprehension and inappropriate action.
This article is meant to be a resource.
Share any one video.
Share any one image or meme.
Don't underestimate your capabilities or the capabilities of the people you know.
I have great faith that enough people will rise to the occasion.
The information you have gathered is indeed very valuable and, it's obvious that it took a great deal of time and effort to research. You are to be commended. I would not have known about any of this nonsense were it not for your efforts to expose it.
I don’t think people are looking to ignore calls to action. But I do believe they want to be able to identify issues and solutions quickly—tell me the problem and what I can do about it in 30 seconds or less. An elevator pitch, if you will. For better or for worse, this is the Tick Tock generation.
We are fighting on so many fronts: School boards, election integrity, open border, etc. And each battle consumes a great deal of personal time and resources. We do what we can with what we have. But resources, including time, are finite.
We all want the same thing here. While video is not my thing, I emailed my Senators regarding this issue last spring, and I will certainly do so again now.
The Timeline for all Major Events is set by The Heavens. We are in the midst of a major shift in the Planetary Constellation over the course of the next 6 months. Pluto will transition out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on March 24, 2023. Capricorn is the Sign of Institutions and Aquarius is that of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Man / Women. Pluto in Aquarius is the same Constellation as just prior to The French Revolution. Please read "The Astrology of Covid" by Jessica Adams -
Just make Christianity, Judaism, and Islam illegal religions. You're just feeding the tyrants simply by going to church. You know what? Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the real viruses since they like to spread fear of viruses.
"Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?"
I have some ideas... e.g. lock up:
- R.Baric, W.H.Gates III, G.Soros, Tedros, Fauci, all their henchpersons identifyable, media whores, doctors who profiteered and or prostituted themselves to knowingly smear honest doctors, etc...
Where to put all of them? Well, I hear Bill bought lots of land lately... They could be farm slaves and do something commonly useful for a change.
For good measure, send ...planes.... to the Rockefeller & Rothschild territories and show them what it's like to be an Iraqi with a surplus in imaginary WMDs.
The WHO and the UK health services disagree on the safety of covid shots for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. This is super scary stuff if we have to submit to the all-powerful Oz, I mean the WHO. I contacted my congressperson and sent him todays post James.
"They" are throwing ideas at the wall to see what will stick.
This quote from the article that outlines six different approaches to pandemic preparedness: "Likewise, agreements that rely on consensus might result in “least common denominator” solutions, hardly what the world needs from reform."
You've done great work here, James. Truly. I'm sure many will use this post as a valuable resource. I know I will, but I have to say I tend to agree with mzlizzi down below. The solicitation from the WHO for video testimonies makes no sense, outside of sinister contexts, such as easy target lists for later. That in itself is not a deterrent for me. I think all of us here online are easy targets for algorithms later, but nevertheless. Furthermore, solicitations and submissions directly between We the People and the WHO serves to legitimize their transparent attempts at undermining national sovereignty and local political accountability. I know our local and domestic representatives are generally corrupt, hopeless or both, but it is lighting a fire under them that is going to be most effective, as they are most exposed to us. Just my two sense. Again, I greatly appreciate what you are doing. Thanks.
It is important to remember that the WHO is Bill Gates.
The WHO is about 80% funded by private donors. The largest of these, by far, is Bill Gates through his foundation and his GAVI. Together they provide more to the WHO than even the US government, the 2nd largest donor. (BMGF + GAVI $902 million vs US $893 million, 2018-19 figures.)
But there is a major difference.
As a PRIVATE donor, Gates can say how his money gets spent. (State donors like the USA can't.)
This is important because the Gates Foundation is also the world's biggest funder of vaccines (source - Bill Gates, GatesNotes 4/30/20) ... and Gates continually admonishes WHO member states for not spending more on ... vaccines.
Gates also played a pivtal role in having Tedros appointed.
I can't post charts on this but you can explore my GETTR here (Twitter permanently suspended me for posting info like this.).
Have you read the article?
Contact me directly at 310-619-3055 if you have any questions about this article.
Are you coordinating with Del Bigtree / ICAN?
I have communicated this to them directly via text message. No response yet.
What about Steve Kirsch?
Thank you for stressing the urgency. People wrongly believe it’s ‘OK’ to give them just a little bit of leeway but that will turn into more and more and it will grow and snowball into a giant disaster. This need to be stopped in its entirety NOW.
Yes. I absolutely agree.
May God open the eyes and hearts of individuals and entire nations, worldwide, to the truth. May God give everyone foresight and wisdom and strength to do this for our posterity
not one phuquing inch.
Can I sign if I live in Canada? It seems it's only for USA.....
It's not a petition to sign. There is too much to explain. Call me directly at 310-619-3055
Thank you, James.
I am 100% aligned with you on stopping any attempts to usurp our national sovereignty. However, this is a lot of information to digest.
Realistically, following your last ask, I can’t send this to my friends and request that they now pour through this page AND create a video to submit. They don’t have time. I don’t have time.
I understand how important this is, and I really respect and appreciate your efforts. But it would be much easier to get people to act if this information can be summarized in a basic paragraph or two, followed by a request to email certain individuals or entities in protest. Then perhaps you could include a link to this larger, more detailed page of content.
Just a thought, anyway. I suspect that might prompt more people to take action.
Yes. There is a lot of information. If you think it would take a lot of time to read it and watch the videos, imagine how much time it took to research, comprehend, compile, organize, record, write and publish.
Not to worry. Everyone who ignores the call to action will have plenty of time to review the information from their wifi equipped cubicle, if they are able to focus through the tears of their regret.
Incomplete awareness leads to inaccurate comprehension and inappropriate action.
This article is meant to be a resource.
Share any one video.
Share any one image or meme.
Don't underestimate your capabilities or the capabilities of the people you know.
I have great faith that enough people will rise to the occasion.
The information you have gathered is indeed very valuable and, it's obvious that it took a great deal of time and effort to research. You are to be commended. I would not have known about any of this nonsense were it not for your efforts to expose it.
I don’t think people are looking to ignore calls to action. But I do believe they want to be able to identify issues and solutions quickly—tell me the problem and what I can do about it in 30 seconds or less. An elevator pitch, if you will. For better or for worse, this is the Tick Tock generation.
We are fighting on so many fronts: School boards, election integrity, open border, etc. And each battle consumes a great deal of personal time and resources. We do what we can with what we have. But resources, including time, are finite.
We all want the same thing here. While video is not my thing, I emailed my Senators regarding this issue last spring, and I will certainly do so again now.
Done and shared. Thank you.
The Timeline for all Major Events is set by The Heavens. We are in the midst of a major shift in the Planetary Constellation over the course of the next 6 months. Pluto will transition out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on March 24, 2023. Capricorn is the Sign of Institutions and Aquarius is that of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Man / Women. Pluto in Aquarius is the same Constellation as just prior to The French Revolution. Please read "The Astrology of Covid" by Jessica Adams -
Thanks for the call and thanks for sharing this.
Best Wishes !
Best to seek Christ Jesus now because they are setting up scanners from the banks. They will be able to scan just about anything, even your hand.
Hope this link works for y’all...
Just make Christianity, Judaism, and Islam illegal religions. You're just feeding the tyrants simply by going to church. You know what? Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the real viruses since they like to spread fear of viruses.
"Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?"
I have some ideas... e.g. lock up:
- R.Baric, W.H.Gates III, G.Soros, Tedros, Fauci, all their henchpersons identifyable, media whores, doctors who profiteered and or prostituted themselves to knowingly smear honest doctors, etc...
Where to put all of them? Well, I hear Bill bought lots of land lately... They could be farm slaves and do something commonly useful for a change.
For good measure, send ...planes.... to the Rockefeller & Rothschild territories and show them what it's like to be an Iraqi with a surplus in imaginary WMDs.
... one is still allowed to dream so far, no...
The WHO and the UK health services disagree on the safety of covid shots for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. This is super scary stuff if we have to submit to the all-powerful Oz, I mean the WHO. I contacted my congressperson and sent him todays post James.
I also found this:
"They" are throwing ideas at the wall to see what will stick.
This quote from the article that outlines six different approaches to pandemic preparedness: "Likewise, agreements that rely on consensus might result in “least common denominator” solutions, hardly what the world needs from reform."
You've done great work here, James. Truly. I'm sure many will use this post as a valuable resource. I know I will, but I have to say I tend to agree with mzlizzi down below. The solicitation from the WHO for video testimonies makes no sense, outside of sinister contexts, such as easy target lists for later. That in itself is not a deterrent for me. I think all of us here online are easy targets for algorithms later, but nevertheless. Furthermore, solicitations and submissions directly between We the People and the WHO serves to legitimize their transparent attempts at undermining national sovereignty and local political accountability. I know our local and domestic representatives are generally corrupt, hopeless or both, but it is lighting a fire under them that is going to be most effective, as they are most exposed to us. Just my two sense. Again, I greatly appreciate what you are doing. Thanks.
Thank you for your kind words.
You are an amazing man, James. Thanks for your yeoman activism and efforts.
Thank you for your kind words!
A cartoon about the WHO’s ONE HEALTH farce:
Absolutely awesome!
Thanks so much, James!
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do! We MUST stop this.
It is important to remember that the WHO is Bill Gates.
The WHO is about 80% funded by private donors. The largest of these, by far, is Bill Gates through his foundation and his GAVI. Together they provide more to the WHO than even the US government, the 2nd largest donor. (BMGF + GAVI $902 million vs US $893 million, 2018-19 figures.)
But there is a major difference.
As a PRIVATE donor, Gates can say how his money gets spent. (State donors like the USA can't.)
This is important because the Gates Foundation is also the world's biggest funder of vaccines (source - Bill Gates, GatesNotes 4/30/20) ... and Gates continually admonishes WHO member states for not spending more on ... vaccines.
Gates also played a pivtal role in having Tedros appointed.
I can't post charts on this but you can explore my GETTR here (Twitter permanently suspended me for posting info like this.).