deletedAug 20, 2022Liked by James Roguski
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I am so, so, so sorry. I will lose all of my family to this genocide. I have many family members that are so sick. I'm trying, trying, trying to stop the shots. God Bless you. No one should have to lose their children and grandchildren! Biden is responsible!

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Yes, Sir !!

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So is Trump

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deletedAug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022
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I’m so sorry. I declined and actually had an acquaintance tell me YESTERDAY that I still should get my now 18-yr old jabbed with it. No more shots for me and mi e!

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This was a nurse I met at a resort on vacay. She stated she declined the jab for her kids but still encouraged me to get guardasil for my daughter. Nope

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There are some noble ones

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I’m so sorry. That is the shot my

pediatrician did the “hard sell” for

me to give my 6 & 10 yr old girls! It was new. I asked what it did and how did they know it would protect against cancers 15 yrs from now if it had been on the market for only 1 year. SO many lies! That shot has rendered girls as young as 12 infertile and rushed them into EARLY menopause, and yes, killed many. Listen up, people! This recent shot is NOT the only damaging shot. Most of what you know abt shots is a huge lie. Read A SHOT in the DARK, read DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS, read THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by RFK, Jr. There are dozens more. Watch VAXXED 1&2.

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I really enjoyed this article. I haven't read the book but there is a video at the bottom of the article speaking about it. I wish I could go back in time because my children definitely wouldn't have gotten jabbed. My daughter has had ADHD since 3 yrs of age and my son had auditory processing issues all through school.


And another great video


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THANK you! Great articles!

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by James Roguski


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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022Liked by James Roguski


It's a mortal sin...

Secular ?

How many shots are given in direct violation of Nuremberg Code (death penalty offense) ... Aren't all, as invermectine is safe? I don't know just asking...

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This is all so sickening. I cry sometimes.

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All of us in the know cry alot. I do. It's so obvious!! Experimental and Warp Speed... Were ENOUGH to scare the CRAP out if ME!!

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I saw gates with needle talking about too many people... I'm no genius but c'mon😎

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Warp speed

And I thought, how the hell do they know a vaccine was the way to go?

This before I knee about Big Pharma Death Machine

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by James Roguski

We are witnessing a fucking Holocaust!!!!!

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Indeed. Estimates by people who I regard as level headed compute estimates of those who’ve died as a consequence of injection with these superfluous, ineffective & toxic materials stretches into high single, low double millions of Human beings, many of whom in all probability had years to decades of healthy life ahead.

These estimates discount to zero the possibility that delayed pathogenic events may translate to further waves of premature deaths.

They also ignore new lives lost or completely forgone.

Finally, no account is made here of the misery of non-lethal injury & the anguish they and those who care for them or are cared for by them suffer.

In that long list of pathologies I include implicitly here is perhaps the most devastating impact: sucking out of the joy from almost every life on the planet, well aware they don’t know the answer to the question “What is next to arrive at my door & those of my family & friends?”

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Beginning at FINALLY... Never heard this before so stated. Absolutely true. Seeing videos of people with neurological disorders, worring about my naive daughter who disregarded me, I who took her swimming and zoo, worrying she will die, get bells palsy

Fear of death camps .on and on... You, Dr. Merritt, some others realize this is undeclared war.

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Dr. Yeadon, would you cold call my daughter. She still is on board.

I trust if anyone could get threw, you could.

I know you are doing this for love of God and neighbor, but I would want to pay you

If you do, you could email johnraymondcpa@protonmail.com

Or USA phone

512 284 6535

This is very unusual but I think of anything. Understand if you can't.

I told her, if you get bells palsy I'll take care of you as long as I live, but I am older and will probably die before you.

Thanks Gates,cFsuci, Bourla, and all the cowards and traitors

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i reposted this , thanks James.

if you have a substack, please repost it in yours...

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by James Roguski

I shared it with everyone I know, might not know them after I shared this! Maybe I will save someone's life.

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Me too, sweety. I have lost a lot of friends and family members. They all think I'm crazy right now. I will get ZERO happiness to find out we are right and they are wrong, ZERO. I wish I was wrong!

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Thank you, i can’t tell you how important it is to take action in any way you can.

Doing nothing = our fate is sealed.

Great Reset turns our old world into Slave Planet.

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1. Moderna: 300,000 known injuries https://expose-news.com/2021/08/21/leaked-report-reveals-moderna-knows-their-covid-19-injection-has-caused-over-300000-injuries-and-they-have-hidden-them-from-health-authorities

2. Pfizer Post-Authorization of Adverse Event Report Appendix 1 Page 30 reveals 9 pages of known adverse events 01-Dec-2020 to 28- Feb-2021 https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

3. Freedom of Information returns reveal there is no record in the world that SARS-CoV-2 was ever isolated using the gold standard of medical testing known as ‘Koch’s postulates’ to prove SARS-CoV-2 exists. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

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Half my family got the shots, while the rest of us refused. Now we get to wait and watch what happens to them as time goes on. I will never forgive Fraudci and company for what they’ve done to our country and half my family. Never!

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No idea what you’re talking about.

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Our politicians are still pushing Covid shots and now monkey pox shots in California.

Is DeSantis still pushing the shots or has he stopped?

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That is sad. Just think of how many people would have survived if Fauci didn’t push the shots, lockdowns, social distancing and masks…..and allowed doctors to use what works…ivermectin, hydroxichloroquine etc.

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You’re lucky that you have half your family that did not succumb... I only know of one family member that did not get the shot and every single other family member and all of my friends and neighbors and acquaintances all have unknown futures because of the DEATHVAX decision... It’s heartbreaking and also extremely maddening! Because most people were just we’re trying to do the right thing... What an incredible perfect diabolical system they set up for humanity...

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I know how you feel. Sadly, only my daughter listened to me. I have one cousin that is unjabbed but all the rest of my family has gotten the jabs. Even my 33 yr old son. I can't go in any of their homes for dinners, holidays, etc..because I refuse to get these poisonous shots. All are very misled and brainwashed by the media and their Drs. I don't want to see them suffer 😪

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I posted the link on next door neighbor. They always delete my posts on this subject. I feel they are aiding and abetted genocide. Well. I will see how long it takes to delete this post. Maybe it will save one child. This would make a difference if this happens. I doubt I'll ever know. It's just a matter of time before they kick me off the platform. I don't care anymore. I'm old and disabled, so the cabal plans on killing me first...it's in the WEF's covid 19 The Great Reset. I am guaranteed to be killed anyway if America doesn't get out of the satanic organization! Still trying here James, still trying here in Minneasota!

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Sadly I’ve given up on socials. I get flagged or simply censored for everything I share regarding this nightmare

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Me too, I still try because what other option do we have? I can't go door to door because of health limitations.

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NOT just us older folk, most everybody.. Only slaves to build/ supply their wants and needs. Nature's Glory Reserved For them. We get bugs, they get steak. We get a cubicle, they get a mansion(s). We ride a bus. They have yachts, private planes, cars( drivers) ect. We get Carbon Credits, They Don't!! It's funny( Not) the have's trying to tell the have nots why WE need less!!!

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If we are believers in the Lord Jesus we get Heaven and they get Hell…forever! “What would a man give in exchange for his soul?” The elite are banking on the Devil coming through…but Christ already won the battle!

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I applaud you tenacity!

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James - are you familiar with this effort?


If you would like to see these people pay for their crimes against humanity, take less than 10 minutes to mail a letter along with a letter of indictment to your state AG.

WE THE PEOPLE can make a difference! Spread the word and post on social media

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God bless you. Some of them understand and seem to react

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by James Roguski

I remember seeing that Newhart skit when it was fresh and new. It has always been a favorite and I even found myself searching for and finding the clip about a year and a half ago. There came a necessity to send the clip to someone I know, ... who needed to "Stop It".

Still cracks me up.

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I’m not a signatory but happily add my name to this call to immediately stop all these injections right now.

They are not necessary. If people are at risk or or actually become ill, there are excellent options in the form of off patent, well understood, safe & effective oral treatments.

They do not work. Period.

They are not safe. They are not safe. They are not safe.

Dr Mike Yeadon

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Senator Ron Johnson has an appeal to all doctors on his interview with the Highwire.

I'd highly recommend showing it to anyone in the medical field who's 'on the fence'.

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Please provide a link if you can.

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I’m just wondering if #StopTheShot Is going to be enough to save humanity... I think just judging by the reports of excess deaths in so many different countries and we’re only a year and a half into giving these death shots I think we’re just beginning to see the world of hurt we’re all in.

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PLEASE take immediate note and help create awareness to this strategic and perfectly timed effort to replace the entire leadership team at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. This is a serious endeavor involving CHOA employees.

YOU WILL LIKE THIS! - https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/choa-conviction-decree AND PLEASE HELP!

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta has been found guilty in the court of public opinion and there is a cleaning of house that now needs to be done. Whether you are in Atlanta, or across the globe, your participation is critical. PLEASE distribute, be a voice, press bigger voices to then engage even bigger voices for all to inundate CHOA and punch a hole through the fracturing wall of lies, to reclaim lost and sacred ground, for ALL children, for OUR freedom! Time is of the essence, so tell CHOA leadership through every means of communication their behavior is a disgrace and that their time is up. Don’t ask for permission; rather demand their resignation. See the Addendum for CHOA's leadership and physicians. CHOA's Egleston campus is adjacent to Emory Univ Hosp which is adjacent to the CDC... See?… Hallelujah!


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