We all know moneypox is an adverse effect of the C19💉. We don't follow the WHO. They can stick there 💩declaration where they don't want it.

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Hallelujah to that!

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We now ignore the obsolete WHO, the CORRUPT UN , WEF, their New World Order and any other pseudo organisation trying to control us and remove our rights to freedom, autonomy and free speech. We now distrust the media, press, Big Pharma, the medical profession and our governments!

Since mid-2020, I've become increasingly sceptical since first suspecting that Covid was man-enhanced to justify useless, pretend 'experimental' vaccines. Made for profit, not for man's wellbeing!

Man-modified Covid was created to justify a useless, highly profitable injection they pretended was a 'vaccine'! Fortunes were made millions of vaxxed died or were permanently injured by the jab!

Never again! Do they really expect the population to accept another false scamdemic? Once bitten?

We, the people, dismissed the WHO as incompetent, and corrupted by their main Sponsor, (Benefactor = Influencer) Bill Gates. The WHO is no longer relevant in maters of human health!

Many of us already know some of the 'DIRTY TRICKS' the medical and pharmaceutical companies use to hide the truth. To denigrate other proven drugs, the IVM tests and trials were done 'IN HOUSE', or by 'friendly' outside agencies. Many such tactics - like OVERDOSING humans and animals to deliberately obtain adverse, negative or even DEADLY results, was standard practice. This tactic applied to any alternative proven medicine that might reduce their ability to market the vastly expensive crap they sell as 'Medicine' or/and 'Vaccines'.

Pfizer, et al, made $$$Trillions by simply stating their unbelievable super speedy invention of a 'VACCINE' was "Safe & Effective". I've grown to disbelieve and suspect EVERYTHING emanating from Pfizer et al vax makers! They seem to be in it for PROFIT instead of human health and wellbeing!

They seem to have manipulated, exaggerated, falsified, hidden, and lied about tests, trials, and data that they have produced!

I now don't believe anything that comes out of the Medical Industry or it's supposed 'policing' authorities, even once trusted medical journals seem to have been corrupted by the enormous wealth created from dangerous injections and overpriced, sometimes deadly, ineffective medicines.

We PROUD Conspiracy Theorists were right to avoid the DEATHS SHOT and that Pfizer etc, knowingly used to kill our innocent children with unnecessary, deadly, uncontrollable mRNA 'Experimental' jabs.

Coronavirus was created to justify the enormous profits made from useless injected poisons they called 'Vaccines'.

No wonder Pfizer et al, desperately demand 'ZERO LIABILITY' to prevail while they continue to increase their enormous wealth.

'LIABILITY' would quickly bankrupt Pfizer and all other mercenary corrupt medicine companies!

LIABILITY would end needless Death by INJECTIONS! We could live in peace!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We were correct with yet another of our many Conspiracy Theories, but we will live longer without Pfizer and the other corrupt medicine makers.

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beware the international health regulations check out and readc carefully a petition at citizengo.org break free from un control reject the international health regulations it currently has over 31000 signatures

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Very well done. If only people can think for themselves !

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God Bless These Heroes & Their efforts! 🙏. DO NOT COMPLY

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It seems to me ,it is well established ,that monkey pox is circulating in men having sex with another ma.n .Since the act of sex is physically different between men ,then it is between homosexual women .Do homosexual women get monkey pox like men do ? I'm no expert on any pox ,but it seems women will not get monkey pox if they have sex with one another . Their act of sex is different from that of men .

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Thank you very much for sharing this statement with me.

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James, thank you for your very real public service in sharing this position statement.

As you know, I’m against the use of any product based on mRNA in the general population. This can only be harmful or worse & those putting it forward know this.

There are theoretical clinical applications for mRNA.

The time-honoured way to advance a powerful & risky technological approach is to find uses where the patient has few to no other options, is fully informed and consents to it. If successfully used, for example to induce the human immune system to kill an inoperable tumour, wider applications might cautiously be possible.

Ploughing it into almost everyone, including people at no conceivable risk from the alleged, is deranged and can only be interpreted as malign.

It also always takes many years to establish safety and effectiveness of newly invented medical interventions. This is still true if a proposal is made to re-purpose an existing intervention.

For the record, I do not believe anything approaching convincing evidence, let alone proof, that a disease called monkey pox, caused by a transmissible pathogen, even exists. Numerous stressors can cause marked disruption to the skin. Distinguishing one from another is notoriously difficult & there is considerable controversy about causation.

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Truth bombs exploding from every line. Huge thanks!!

I've teamed up with some exclusive brands that have agreed to print some slogans at bargain basement prices to help spread the message that there is no 'virus' causing MonkeyBollox. Lemme know which one you like -yours is free!!

“Monkeypox:The only thing missing is the virus!!“ ... Printed on a Dolce and Gibbona T-shirt 🙈

“Monkeypox: The King Kong of Virus Lies!!“ Printed on a Stella Macaque-ny T-shirt 🙊

“Monkeypox virus? WHO went bananas looking!!“ Printed on an Alexander Mcquaw T-shirt 🙉

“Monkeypox: Makes for Gorilla-ping news!! - C himp N ews N etwork - Printed on a Giorgio Arman-drill T-shirt

“Stop Money-pox with Rhesus Pieces!!“ Printed on a Calvin Colobus T-shirt

“Anthony Fauci-mpanzee is Monkeypox!!“ Printed on a Balmain-gabey T-shirt

“Monkeypox Swingers Club“ Printed on a Banana Republc T-shirt

“Monkeypox: Christine Massey asked for evidence - FDA went Ape“ Printed on a Gucci-mp T-shirt

“Monkeypox: CDC swung through all their files and came up with peanuts.“ Printed on a Prada-pe T-shirt

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Cool!! You're agreed there is no 'virus' that causes 'Monkepox'??

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Dear Dr. Mike,

I have a question in the hope that the answer might help many people understand the situation. There are many drugs that are used under the label "antiviral". If these drugs relieve the symptoms of non-viral diseases, then this contributes to the misconception that it is actually a viral disease. My question is: Are all these medications anti-inflammatory and can they therefore relieve the symptoms of diseases? If so, then this answer would be very useful to many people as a powerful argument to clear up the "viral fallacy" ... Also in relation to Ivermectin, this could lead to a better understanding of the situation. Even the non-existent "Covid" would look different in this clarifying context.

Best wishes,


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Thank you once again for clearly stating the facts!

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Thank you James. As always ;)

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I wonder why the few remaining phials of the alleged smallpox virus, which were allegedly were stored in some high security, secret medical labs, were not destroyed years ago. That's if smallpox is what we've been told it is. Why would anyone want to keep them?!

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Thank you James for the informed information. We need good people in this fight against evil. God is with us x

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Another fake plandemic to get a fake jab full of poison…. The monkey business is coming from the last jabs the sheep were taking……blotchy skin as well as myocarditis and death.

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I saw a video recently from a doctor saying that monkey pox was a form of shingles caused from the Covid jab if you’ve had boosters.

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