My passion has always been natural medicine, particularly whole foods, herbs and spices. 41 years working as a hospital Dietitian, community nutritionist, public health nutritionist, weight loss consultant, senior citizen food service Dietitian, and now, health product consultant has taught me a healthy skepticism of the pharmaceutical i…
My passion has always been natural medicine, particularly whole foods, herbs and spices. 41 years working as a hospital Dietitian, community nutritionist, public health nutritionist, weight loss consultant, senior citizen food service Dietitian, and now, health product consultant has taught me a healthy skepticism of the pharmaceutical industry, government and vaccines. I know how to evaluate good research. The lies are so buried in dogma, taken out of context and injected into illusory, scientific rhetoric and we think these lies are true because we were taught and trained to listen to the authorities as young children. The way out of all of this I've concluded is to have faith in your own experience, your own observations, your own independent study and ability to connect the dots. Correlations are not proof of causation, but for heaven's is a place to start. The more evidence you have the more certain you become. Proof is an illusion. There is always more complexity and unfolding of information. Cherry picking evidence (as is done by government and industry) is not good science. Rearranging or omitting data from research studies (as was done by the CDC and others) is not true science, it is fraud. Implementing a PCR test with 95% false positivity makes no sense. Why did we go along with it? Changing definitions in order to produce the appearance of a pandemic and scare people is control and manipulation. Censoring discussion, data, observations and research during a Pandemic is totalitarian and unsafe. True science is a methodology for exploration, not proof. You can trust ancient medicine that has had the test of time, Ayurveda being one medical discipline. But even that must be tailored individually and according to nature as they say. I encourage you to trust in the American people to wise up but if you have the opportunity, give them all the help they will soon need in the form of information, good research and your own experience. We have "free will" still, so honoring their choice is also wise. 41 years of natural medicine that works for viruses and heals and reverses chronic disease yet, even I got censored on Facebook these past 3 years. Well, no more. I speak out to all those interested and willing to step out of the old Paradyme into a new way of looking at health holistically and in line with nature and our Creator's intent. Be an example. Turn attention towards the more natural medicine, body therapies and repurposed drugs that our Frontline doctors found, and Jonathan Otto and other alternative doctors and health practitioners have been sharing on so many videos. Sorry this is long winded, but the time is now to change the medical Paradyme and our own health situations. We cannot wait for the WHO. If no one needs or wants their drugs, vaccines, will all go away. The comment from the MP below mine is an example of "Trusting the authorities". We have to breakthrough that belief system and have healthy skepticism now. This MP needs information about what really happened during Covid. Many people do not know. They trusted the authorities. ......
My passion has always been natural medicine, particularly whole foods, herbs and spices. 41 years working as a hospital Dietitian, community nutritionist, public health nutritionist, weight loss consultant, senior citizen food service Dietitian, and now, health product consultant has taught me a healthy skepticism of the pharmaceutical industry, government and vaccines. I know how to evaluate good research. The lies are so buried in dogma, taken out of context and injected into illusory, scientific rhetoric and we think these lies are true because we were taught and trained to listen to the authorities as young children. The way out of all of this I've concluded is to have faith in your own experience, your own observations, your own independent study and ability to connect the dots. Correlations are not proof of causation, but for heaven's is a place to start. The more evidence you have the more certain you become. Proof is an illusion. There is always more complexity and unfolding of information. Cherry picking evidence (as is done by government and industry) is not good science. Rearranging or omitting data from research studies (as was done by the CDC and others) is not true science, it is fraud. Implementing a PCR test with 95% false positivity makes no sense. Why did we go along with it? Changing definitions in order to produce the appearance of a pandemic and scare people is control and manipulation. Censoring discussion, data, observations and research during a Pandemic is totalitarian and unsafe. True science is a methodology for exploration, not proof. You can trust ancient medicine that has had the test of time, Ayurveda being one medical discipline. But even that must be tailored individually and according to nature as they say. I encourage you to trust in the American people to wise up but if you have the opportunity, give them all the help they will soon need in the form of information, good research and your own experience. We have "free will" still, so honoring their choice is also wise. 41 years of natural medicine that works for viruses and heals and reverses chronic disease yet, even I got censored on Facebook these past 3 years. Well, no more. I speak out to all those interested and willing to step out of the old Paradyme into a new way of looking at health holistically and in line with nature and our Creator's intent. Be an example. Turn attention towards the more natural medicine, body therapies and repurposed drugs that our Frontline doctors found, and Jonathan Otto and other alternative doctors and health practitioners have been sharing on so many videos. Sorry this is long winded, but the time is now to change the medical Paradyme and our own health situations. We cannot wait for the WHO. If no one needs or wants their drugs, vaccines, will all go away. The comment from the MP below mine is an example of "Trusting the authorities". We have to breakthrough that belief system and have healthy skepticism now. This MP needs information about what really happened during Covid. Many people do not know. They trusted the authorities. ......