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The American people should get a restraining order against the WHO the WEF Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Fauci, Yuval Noah Harari, the FBI, CDC, FEMA, CIA, Obama, Biden administration, Clintons, ETC and start making citizen's arrest if the damn military and our department of justice aren't going to uphold the constitution and the law. We are sick of this lawless crap they are getting by with, and they will keep getting by with it unless we stand up against them. No one body is going to save us from another world war and holocaust but ourselves.

God helps those who help themselves because GOD is Conscious Energy that exist at the core of every atom that makes up us and the universe around us. That is why the Bible says man was made in his likeness because Consciousness is what exist in all of us, and we are all connected to it as it works through us. And if Jesus is coming back, it will be his spirit of what he taught us as we come together to do what is right and life supporting which has power because that is the flow of life that Consciousness is pushing us towards for evolution to unfold. So, stop waiting to be saved and get of our assess and do what is right.

With that said Biden should be arrested for several accounts of treason and for acting as President when he didn't win the 2020 election. Trump should be reinstated and everything Biden has signed such as putting us back in with the WHO when Trump had us signed out should be revoked so we can close the borders and get us out of the WHO for good. Let Trump walk his talk and if he does what he says he can do then we will feel much better voting for him to run again in 2024 and have a better chance of having a fair election. He can stop this madness and stand up to Russia and China and the deep state and I don't think anyone else who is running for President can do the job he has already proved he can do. He won and he should be running this country right now not Biden and his puppet masters like OBAMA AND CHINA are doing illegally.

Anyone who is still against Trump after the media lied and smeared him in the public eye needs to wake the hell up and realize you are gullible and misinformed. Try listening to Trump for once instead of listening to the news bash him. Use your god damn head and look at what is going on in our country as Biden is destroying the America, we love so the Globalist elites can create their new world order and depopulate the planet to below 500 million like was written on the Georgia guide stones. They don't give a shit about any of us and see us like a pile of ants that irritate them because they think there are too many of us and they can just exterminate us to make their lives more comfortable. They want to end humanity as we know it and create a new breed of humans that are basically a physical host for AI that they can program our brains and control us. They are so delusional about their new world order because they have their heads wrapped around their satanic beliefs and don't realize that this is the year 2023 and man had evolved past the days of when Royal Families ruled the earth. Money only gives them power if we allow them to bribe us but for those who have taken bribes to do what you know is wrong then you need to realize that after they use you and claim a new world order all of that money, they gave out will be taken away because we will own nothing in their communist control. So here is a note to the Globalist Elites and those who support them which is " if your beliefs are worth killing for then I suggest you start with yourselves."

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