I did watch the conference call on the Hill, now, I think that it is ironic for Beijing Biden to go on the Japan tour at the same time the 76 WHA meets this weekend. Beijing Biden + Japan tour= trouble. I just find it a curious. Correct me, if I am wrong.
I did watch the conference call on the Hill, now, I think that it is ironic for Beijing Biden to go on the Japan tour at the same time the 76 WHA meets this weekend. Beijing Biden + Japan tour= trouble. I just find it a curious. Correct me, if I am wrong.
I did watch the conference call on the Hill, now, I think that it is ironic for Beijing Biden to go on the Japan tour at the same time the 76 WHA meets this weekend. Beijing Biden + Japan tour= trouble. I just find it a curious. Correct me, if I am wrong.