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Good day James,

I was impressed by your knowledge of the National Health Federation (check link: https://thenhf.com/codex/). It is rare these days for anyone to know of the NHF. I have continued to write all the letters you have requested. Thank you for making it easy for us, as I would not know how to contact, or who to contact to accomplish anything. After 50+ years of doing a lot of pushing against the medical/pharma/Agribusiness powers to destroy health, I am exhausted. So thank you for breathing fresh air into our families efforts. I wish to express hope and optimism resulting from the candidacy of RFK jr for president. _/\_, Thank you.

What follows is my reply to Sen Feinstein's reply to one of the letters sent to her through your or others work. Honestly I have little to no hope, still I took time to write to her and share here with you.



Dear Honorable Sen Feinstein,

You replied to me as follows;

> The amendments were interpreted by some as ceding U.S. sovereignty to the WHO. Our country should never cede its sovereignty to any organization, but I do not believe the WHO’s voluntary International Health Regulations cede any sovereignty. It is entirely voluntary for member nations to implement World Health Organization regulations, which are aimed at improving global public health.

You suggest ("...I do not believe...") but you do not certify that the WHO's Health Regulations DO NOT cede sovereignty. You state that "It is entirely voluntary for member nations." It would be plausible what you say if the sovereignty of the individual citizens of the United States were respected as sacred thus with deep respect and reverence for one of the inalienable rights granted by the founding fathers and mothers to maintain ones health and welfare as they see fit, was not trampled.

Thus I am not reassured by your tentative statement regarding US sovereignty. The essence of sovereignty rests with the citizens of the United States, which have been badly abused by current Warp Speed coercion.

Any gene therapy transfection worth it's salt would never need to be mandated with the stick of coercion for all citizens of the USA and the world. Rather it would be compared to a healthy immune system to show it's merits. All opposing views by responsible scientists and lay citizens of the US would be allowed in the debate and no censorship by the government of any kind would be allowed. The government would be vigilant to insure that Public/Private forums that use the Public Air Waves and the Public Utilities to promote and/or censor speech, ideas and criticisms are truly open forums. This is the only way to have an informed electorate. Let the debate, investigation take place in the public forum for all to participate.

When open and public debate does not happen a profound doubt and distrust forms in the mind of the electorate. Who benefits from such folly?

I look forward to your reply. I also appreciate previous replies to my concerns.


William Stahl

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