In the end analysis...THIS WILL SAVE THE CONSTITUTION, REPUBLIC AND CITIZENRY...ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. THIS WAS/IS THE SECRET TO U.S. GREATNESS. Founding Generation WERE GENIUS AND WISE. In all honesty, it's not certain if the spoiled, soft and eminently stupid population is worthy of such a miracle as they created in the seed…
In the end analysis...THIS WILL SAVE THE CONSTITUTION, REPUBLIC AND CITIZENRY...ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. THIS WAS/IS THE SECRET TO U.S. GREATNESS. Founding Generation WERE GENIUS AND WISE. In all honesty, it's not certain if the spoiled, soft and eminently stupid population is worthy of such a miracle as they created in the seeds they sowed. Can only pray and hope as our kids and Grandkids left behind MUST HAVE A CHANCE AT A GOOD LIFE...At least as good as ours had all potential to have been.
In the end analysis...THIS WILL SAVE THE CONSTITUTION, REPUBLIC AND CITIZENRY...ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. THIS WAS/IS THE SECRET TO U.S. GREATNESS. Founding Generation WERE GENIUS AND WISE. In all honesty, it's not certain if the spoiled, soft and eminently stupid population is worthy of such a miracle as they created in the seeds they sowed. Can only pray and hope as our kids and Grandkids left behind MUST HAVE A CHANCE AT A GOOD LIFE...At least as good as ours had all potential to have been.