I can’t believe the democrats put us in this position to begin with. We the People have to stand up against the WHO and anyone else who thinks this is ok. This is mind blowing and we need to defund, dismantle, and prosecute any and all of these criminals who are trying to do harm to us like this.

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Idk anyone who will sit by and do nothing while they turn us into slaves again. This isn’t right, this is necessary and We the People aren’t going to stand by and allow this to happen. There will be a fight like they’ve never seen before if they try this. I promise you We the People have a lot more guns and ammo then they do. Stay vigilant my patriots. We will not stand for this. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Thx for sharing, I can't believe that lady(NPC) read the stripping of our basic freedom like it was a cake recipe. An old quote about dying free rather than on my knees comes to mind. Success of the who turning us into cattle is NOT the path of this planet. We all just wanna love & be loved. 274

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This deliberation is not a contract I have signed. Anyone ordering me to adhere to these mandates is committing unlawful actions, and will be confronted with this fact in court. The recommendation of an experimental drug or genome edited product or treatment plan or a vaccine that does not meet with my approval to be applied into, on or around my body or mind, will not be accepted by me. The WHO does not have authority over me, or others, because they proclaim that they do. I contend the US should Exit the WHO!

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Defund, dis-mantle, and indict the WHO execs.. NOW.. same for the WEF, the NIH, FNIH, CDC and the FDA. Then get Nuremberg up and running.. But first we Terminate the WHO..

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Thanks a lot for your comment R. Haynes

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EXIT THE CORRUPT WHO (led by psychopaths who want to rule the world and kill everyone in it to have the planet for themselves). Then what? Enter the Mouse Experiment.

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This website presents most of the fundamental concerns about U.S. affiliation with WHO. Unless and until WE THE PEOPLE come together and stand as one against this userpation of our rights under the Constitution our nation will simply dissolve into the One World Government without any special powers or rights. I, for one, will stand against this happening.

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Do you happen to know if Bobby Kennedy has committed to exit the WHO, if elected President?

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Thanks James...appreciate everything you have been doing!

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They have no right to take away our rights!

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We all know what this is ALL about! And it's not for the greater good or the 'let's just do it for others if not for ourselves.' Aw don't be so selfish. REMEMBER THAT! And what a demonstrative success of theirs? Not all the way so far. And let's be as realistic and very serious on a note of caution i'd say absolute! This will only go way-worse than anything that's become so far if they get their way. They got the power; they got the money. But we have our good selves! WE GOT LIFE goddamn it.

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Yes we do not need the who to protect us i or controll us , as the people we have done fine without any supervision for 100s of years. We need to be independent and get back to basics of nature and living off the land . Learning that natural immunity to any disease is the best.

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It is preposterous to believe that allowing the WHO to make decisions and subsequent edicts on behalf of any sovereign nation, regardless of initial intent, will not morph into despotic rule. It has been attempted in the past and this is just the latest iteration. Lipstick put on a pig does not make it anything other than a pig!

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the facts and your weird desire to camouflage reality with hysteria...read it then .Be informed not led.This is not a power grab . It will not Give the WHO power to lock down sovereign nations but will allow monitoring of the spread of disease so that WE CAN BE INFORMED rather than allow nations to hide the spread of pandemics for their own purposes...https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf

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You lived through unconstitutional and crimes against humanity mandates..helped by the WHO..and you don't think they will go further next time? They already breached countless levels of criminality

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You may be correct at the beginning but human history shows clearly what the later stages will be, authoritarian control, dictatorial laws, self-appointed "leaders" who are not legally elected. Please rethink your apparent support for it.

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