Response from Senator Rick Scott

Thank you for contacting me regarding the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

The World Health Organization has served as a puppet for the Chinese Communist Party and helped Communist China cover up information on the origins and spread of COVID-19. The Biden Administration’s insistence on ceding American sovereignty to this sham of a health agency is a slap in the face to the more than one million Americans who have lost their lives to this virus.

President Biden should consult with Congress before taking any such action and ensure that the best interests of the American people are represented first and foremost. In order to protect Americans from the threat of this zero-transparency, Communist China-controlled World Health Organization, I am proud to support Senator Ron Johnson’s No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act (S. 444).

This bill would require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to ratification by the Senate. I am proud to cosponsor this bill and any legislation that would halt Communist China’s attempts to infringe on American sovereignty and the health and privacy of Americans.

Again, thank you for your correspondence. I am proud to represent every citizen in Florida, and will always fight against Communist China and the Biden administration’s gross overreaches of power and ceding of American sovereignty. I appreciate the time you took to provide your position on this matter


Rick Scott

United States Senator

You can follow my work in the U.S. Senate on Twitter. Additionally, please do not reply to this email as this mailbox unfortunately is for outgoing messages only. If you would like to contact me again, please visit my website.

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Response from Sen. Menendez

Thank you for contacting me to express your support for H.R. 79 World Health Organization (WHO) Withdrawal Act and concern for the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). I appreciate hearing your views on this important matter and having the opportunity to respond.

As you may know, H.R. 79 would direct the President to withdraw the United States from the Constitution of the World Health Organization and prohibit U.S. agencies from providing funds. I believe that the WHO is a critically important organization for cooperating on global health issues, including pandemics, and that the organization is made stronger by the robust participation of the United States. Although I am not a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, I will keep your views in mind as Congress moves forward with this legislation.

As for the International Health Regulations, they provide a framework for the rights and obligations of member states in handling disease outbreaks and other acute public health risks. Neither the existing regulations nor the amendments proposed by the United States threatens our national sovereignty. Rather, the proposed amendments would provide practical updates to improve coordination and communication in the event of another potential pandemic, building on the lessons learned from the response to COVID-19.

Rest assured, I will keep your views relative to the sovereignty of the United States squarely in mind as negotiations on amendments to the International Health Regulations. I will continue to assert my Congressional oversight role and ensure that any agreement is in the best interests of the United States.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance to you. I invite you to visit my website ( http://menendez.senate.gov ) to learn more about how I am standing up for New Jersey families in the United States Senate.

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Senator Gary Peters (MI) is worthless

Dear Sally,

Thank you for contacting me about the World Health Organization (WHO). I appreciate you taking the time to express your views. Hearing directly from Michiganders like you helps inform me of the issues that matter to our state. I’m so grateful for your input.

The coronavirus pandemic is a global health crisis that calls for a compassionate foreign policy. That is why I voted to pass the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. These bills included funds for international disaster assistance, expanded resources for migration and refugee assistance, and funding for international aid. I sent a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee calling for robust funding towards our global health programs in Fiscal Year 2021 and was glad to see it included in the final appropriations bill. The United States must leverage all of its diplomatic and foreign assistance resources to best respond to COVID-19, protect American citizens at home and abroad, and help us overcome this pandemic.

This global emergency also calls for strong international collaboration that can facilitate new research and information sharing. The World Health Organization is the lead international institution with the capacity to coordinate such efforts. I agree it was wrong for President Trump to abandon the World Health Organization during a global pandemic. I am glad that on January 20, 2021, President Biden sent a letter to the Secretary General Antonio Guterres retracting the Trump Administration’s intent to leave the WHO. The United States should demand answers about how the Chinese government misled the WHO and whether the WHO could have formed a better response while also working toward a solution to the virus. The best way to achieve change is through greater leadership and engagement, not walking away. Please be assured I will keep your views in mind should the Senate consider legislation related to COVID-19 and our foreign policy.

Thank you again for contacting me. Please don’t hesitate to reach out again if there’s something else you’d like to share with me. I always enjoy hearing directly from Michiganders. For more information, please feel free to visit my website, http://www.peters.senate.gov, or find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @SenGaryPeters.

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and Repr Eric Burlison responded!he said:

The United States should not relinquish any of our sovereignty to international organizations such as the WHO. That is why I cosponsored H.R.343, the No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act, and H.R.79, the WHO Withdrawal Act. Both bills end U.S. funding for the WHO and H.R. 79 goes one step further by requiring the President to withdraw the United States from the WHO.

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June 12, 2023

Dear Ms. Davis:

Thank you for contacting my office with your concern regarding health mandates on the American people. I appreciate your interest and your input on this important matter.

As you may know, the COVID-19 pandemic polices, such as the stay-at-home orders were damaging to the economy and to the mental health of Americans. Personal medical decisions are between an individual and their doctor. The government does not have the right to make your medical decisions for you.

I've heard from many constituents with concerns about the World Health Organization (WHO) summit in Geneva, Switzerland, and proposed amendments that would vastly expand the global influence and power of the WHO.

The Biden Administration chose to rejoin the WHO, a decision that has achieved nothing for the American people. I strongly disagree with the Biden Administration's decision. Russia continues to hold a voting seat on the board, and the WHO continues to work closely with China, who is responsible for the pandemic in the first place and covered up their own involvement.

The best and most equitable solution is to remove the United States from the World Health Organization, a stance I have long held. We should not be party to an organization that repeatedly abuses their power to cover for human rights violators in China at the cost of the American taxpayers.

That is why I am a proud cosponsor of H.R.79, the WHO Withdrawal Act. This legislation would require the President to immediately withdraw the United States from the WHO and prohibits using any federal funds to provide for U.S. participation in the WHO.

It is an honor to represent the First District of Oklahoma. As Congress addresses the many challenges facing our nation, I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and suggestions. To keep up with my work in Congress, please visit my website at hern.house.gov and sign up to receive my newsletter at hern.house.gov/forms/emailsignup.



Kevin Hern

Member of Congress

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From Senator Merkley:

Thank you for contacting me to share your concern about amendments proposed by the United States to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Health Regulations. I appreciate hearing from you.

The Biden administration proposed several amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations, the current legal framework used to detect and respond to emerging disease threats by the World Health Organization (WHO), the specialized UN agency responsible for international public health. The amendments aim to strengthen global pandemic preparedness, response, and information sharing by establishing clear criteria and timelines for countries to notify the WHO of disease outbreaks within their borders.

I have heard from a number of Oregonians who are concerned that the proposed amendments risk a significant expansion of the WHO’s authority over the United States’ public health policy. Others have voiced concern about the lack of oversight and participation by the U.S. public in the amendment process, namely that the amendments are not subject to approval by U.S. Congress.

As we have painfully learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, outbreaks that begin in other countries will not stay there and global cooperation is essential for protecting Americans’ health and safety here at home. It is in our best interest that other countries be expected to meet high standards for detecting and containing new disease outbreaks and sharing information with the WHO early.

As the leading international public health agency, the WHO is uniquely positioned to share scientific data, coordinate research priorities, and accelerate the development of treatments and vaccines at global scale. Ensuring the WHO is equipped with the authority and resources it needs to respond to pandemics more effectively will only advance U.S. prosperity and security in the long term. At the same time, such reforms must be taken with an eye toward reinforcing the WHO’s objectivity and independence.

Please know that as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I am monitoring the WHO’s global health response closely. Thank you, again, for writing to me. I hope you continue to share your views and ideas about the issues that matter most to you.

All my best,

Jeffrey A. Merkley

United States Senator (D-Oregon)

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Emailed Florida Representative Cory Mill, Senator Marco Rubio, and Rick Scott 6/13/23. Waiting for replies

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Here’s from my Senator Angus King (Ind)

He’s all in with the WHO according to his generic form letter, talking about world health.

Dear C

I appreciate knowing your thoughts on United States participation in global health programs, at a moment where global and public health has been more front and center than perhaps any other time in modern history. I’m glad to have this opportunity to share my thinking on how the U.S should work in international partnerships.

As I see it, the United States’ efforts to improve the health and wellbeing of people internationally is one of the most important economic and ethical responsibilities of Congress, and further that humanitarian aid and enforcing human rights protections are critical components of U.S. foreign policy. Supporting global health programs and helping people around the world access high-quality health services is critical; the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly shown why these investments in global health security are important; any threat abroad can become a threat to Americans anywhere, and by participating in these systems, we are better positioned to protect Americans. When an outbreak of viral diseases like Marburg virus (a disease with a fatality rate as high as 75 percent) or Ebola occurs on the other side of the globe, the United States is able to assist in the response and prevent outbreaks from becoming pandemics. From my position here in the Senate, these are some of the smartest investments we can make, dollar for dollar, to simultaneously help the global community and protect ourselves domestically.

Since I came to the Senate, I have consistently supported comprehensive federal foreign aid budgets and strongly backed efforts to prevent violence and improve access to health care, nutrition, and education for women and children around the globe. As I see it, protecting the rights, physical safety, and health of vulnerable populations is both a basic precondition of any civil society and fundamental to productive, peaceful relationships between nations. Through our comprehensive foreign assistance funding, the United States not only serves those who may be powerless to protect themselves, but also makes a long-term investment to further our national interests by strengthening U.S. relationships abroad. While I do not sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee—which has legislative jurisdiction over many of these matters—I will continue to closely monitor their work on global health issues, including mental health and disability programs under foreign aid. In a world where international partnerships like the World Health Organization and the United Nations are important venues for global partnership, knowledge sharing, and public benefit, withdrawal from these programs seems harmful to my goals of protecting Americans at home—in Maine or across the country—or abroad.

Finally, I also know that American scientific leadership is a crucial component of international partnerships that increase global abilities to detect, prevent, and treat threats to global health. That’s why, in February 2020, I introduced the Global Health Security Act, the Senate’s first piece of legislation to address the challenge of emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases; that legislation was substantially included in the 2020 year-end appropriations bill, and additionally supported in the 2022 year-end appropriations bill. This year, I also led a set of letters to Senate appropriators urging them to support the President’s Budget Requests for global health programs, including: the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for global health programs; for global health security activities at the State Department and at USAID; and for global health security under the Department of Health and Human Services.

Thank you for your message on the United States role in global health; please let me know if I may be of service in the future.

Best Regards,


United States Senator

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Here’s from my Senator Susan Collins (Rep)

Her reply was a typical general reply without substance.

June 9, 2023

Dear C

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to recent amendments to the International Health Regulations as proposed by the United States. I appreciate your taking the time to do so.

The Biden administration’s proposed substantive amendments to the IHR at the World Health Organization (WHO) include adding early warning criteria for pandemics, requests to provide genetic sequence data for new pathogens, and timelines for when and how countries can ask WHO for support during future pandemics. Ultimately, these amendments were not approved by the WHO Assembly in May 2022. One amendment offered by the Biden administration was adopted by consensus to shorten the adoption time of future amendments from two years to one.

Should matters relating to the International Health Regulations or the World Health Organization come before the Senate, I will benefit from knowing your views.

Again, thank you for contacting me.


Susan M. Collins

United States Senator

P.S. If you would like to receive weekly updates about my work on behalf of Maine in the United States Senate, you can subscribe to my e-newsletter by clicking here.

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Here’s from my Congressman in Maine-Jared Golden (Dem). He sees no problem, see paragraph 3.

Dear Mrs. C,

Thank you for contacting me about global health policy and pandemic preparedness. It is my honor to serve as your representative in Congress, and I appreciate hearing from you about this important issue.

Recently, there have been discussions in the media about proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), a global framework used by the World Health Organization (WHO) for responding to disease outbreaks. These proposed amendments come in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and are designed to promote cooperation between countries to reduce the spread of diseases that have the potential to cross borders.

Some sources have falsely claimed that these proposals would erode the United States’ sovereignty to make its own public health decisions. I agree that the U.S. should not cede any of its authority to make decisions about what is best for the country. Thankfully, these amendments don’t threaten to do that. These are guidelines agreed upon by member countries, but experts agree that the WHO does not have the power to enforce them and cannot interfere in countries’ decision-making processes.

Thank you again for reaching out to me on this important issue. If you would like to receive updates about this or other issues in the future, I invite you to sign up for my e-newsletter. I hope you will continue to inform me of the issues that matter to you.


Jared Golden

Member of Congress

Sign up for my newsletter to get updates on this issue and others!

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From: Senator Christopher Murphy <senator_@murphy.senate.gov>

Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 2:48 PM


Thank you so much for reaching out to me. I simply cannot do this job without people in Connecticut contacting my office and letting me know what's important to them. And trust me, I take seriously each and every letter, e-mail, and phone call my office gets, and I keep close tabs on what folks in Connecticut are telling me. On Friday of every week, my staff sends me a detailed, comprehensive report of what the people of Connecticut are writing to our office about, and your thoughts and opinions have been included in this week’s report. I rely on this report to help me decide how I will allocate my time, and what issues I will raise in the Senate. My job, of course, is to be your voice.

I'm grateful that people in Connecticut aren't shy about letting me know what's on their mind. Last year my office received over 400,000 individual pieces of correspondence (emails, letters, and phone calls), on big issues like the environment, immigration policy, and gun violence, but also on more focused concerns like the growing nuisance of robocalls, or specific problems with medical billing.

So please know that your input matters. But if you’d like more information on my position on some of these issues, you can check out the issues page on my website. I’d also encourage you to follow me on Facebook or Instagram if you’re interested, where I regularly post information about the work I’m doing, as well as my thoughts on the events that are driving the news and our public policy debates.

I'll try to send you relevant updates and information on the issue you've contacted me about, but if you would rather not receive these emails, you can opt out by clicking here: Click here to unsubscribe.



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Well now I know what response I will get back from Murphy LOL. I tried Blumenthal and my Rep Jahana Hayes too. Rep. Hayes had someone working for her who seemed genuinely interested when I first reached out to her office concerning this very matter in December.

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6/13/23: Another carbon-copy non-responsive form letter from Murphy (or his A.I. asst.) today. Nothing from Blumenthal or Hayes. These are diehard CT leftists--they are not likely to ever care one whit, but it is nonetheless worth sending the email each day. Never give up. Let freedom ring.

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Please see below for my 3rd and final response from WY:

Dear Glen,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. It is good to hear from you.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me regarding the World Health Organization (WHO). As the largest contributor to the WHO, the United States must ensure taxpayer dollars are going towards addressing global health emergencies. The decisions need to be based on credible science and not political influence.

I have serious concerns with the WHO's mismanagement, corruption, and lack of transparency. For years, I have raised concerns about the systemic problems and the inability of this organization to make real reforms. Comprehensive reforms are needed at the WHO to ensure accurate and transparent data is quickly shared to members. I supported President Trump's decision to halt U.S. funding and withdraw from the WHO until needed reforms were made. By rejoining the WHO and handing over $200 million, the Biden Administration threw away our country’s leverage to insist on reforms.

You may be interested to know that I am an original cosponsor for S.444, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, introduced by Senator Johnson (R-WI). This legislation would make it so any convention, agreement, or other international instrument related to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response that is adopted by the World Health Assembly be considered a treaty and require the advice and consent of the Senate. Any agreement that cannot receive a two-thirds vote in the Senate would not be implemented by the United States.

I am also an original cosponsor of S.Res.81, the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Implementation Resolution, introduced by Senator James Risch (R-ID). The resolution specifically calls for the "Pandemic Accord" currently being negotiated by an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) of the World Health Assembly – which, according to U.S. negotiators, could take the form of an international accord, agreement, convention, or other international instrument – to be submitted to the Senate in the form of a treaty.

Currently, S.444 and S.Res.81 are before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, of which I am a member. Please know I am committed to ensuring the health and safety of our nation and protecting America's sovereignty.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me about this important issue. I value your input.

John Barrasso, M.D.

United States Senator

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Have been sending the email each day to Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Senator Christopher Murphy (D-CT), and US Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT 5th District). As of a.m. 6/12/23, have rec'd no responses from any of these three.

Also received the below email from Senator Marco Rubio:

Date: Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 6:04 PM

Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Ms. Knopf,

Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts regarding the World Health Organization (WHO). Understanding your views helps me to better represent Florida in the United States Senate, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

The WHO is supposed to be the world’s leading global health organization whose job is to alert the world of emerging health crises and to coordinate response measures. While the WHO’s frontline workers do incredible work, there are serious concerns regarding the WHO’s current leadership and its ability to remain independent from foreign influence. For the first year of the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO, under the leadership of Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, peddled the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) lies and misled the global community about the transmissibility of the virus and the severity of disease it caused. When pushed to act by the international community, the WHO did not do enough to ensure that Beijing allowed an independent, international investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Instead, it went forward with a meaningless “joint study” that was prohibited from even considering the possibility of a laboratory-associated origin. These failures have resulted in a pandemic that has tragically impacted the entire world, led to the deaths of more than one million Americans, and will leave us unprepared to respond effectively to future pandemics, particularly those originating from China.

In its efforts to appease Beijing, the WHO’s actions have repeatedly undermined global health security and the safety of the world, and this is not just limited to its failure to hold the CCP accountable for the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO has also kept Taiwan from receiving critical information about the virus and specifically excludes Taiwan from the World Health Assembly, despite its world renowned expertise in public health. Despite Taiwan’s contributions to global health and its success in combatting the virus within its own borders, the WHO continues to place China’s political agenda over the health of the global community.

Rather than holding the WHO accountable and demanding critical reforms, President Joe Biden has instead rejoined the WHO and reinstated American taxpayer contributions without setting conditions on the WHO for implementing critical reforms. I disagree with this approach. Rather than negotiate from a position of strength, President Biden gave away our leverage and is now proposing reforms that do little to prevent the CCP’s further abuse of WHO regulations and will give anti-American voices in the WHO a platform to politicize public health in ways that could harm the United States.

It is critical that we ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used responsibly and that any organization that accepts U.S. monetary support is able to do its job independently of the CCP or any other malign actor. As such, in my role on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, I will continue to review U.S. funding to international organizations and ensure that hard-earned taxpayer dollars are being spent prudently and effectively. Currently, the WHO falls short of these standards, and I therefore will continue to oppose funding to it until reforms are made. I will also continue to press for a thorough and independent international investigation into the WHO’s actions, including its unacceptably slow decision-making on whether to declare a global pandemic and whether the CCP has compromised the integrity of the organization.

We need international organizations to function without influence or pressure from malign actors. If the WHO cannot return to its mission, all responsible international actors should come together to consider what is needed to respond to emerging pandemics.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as your United States Senator. As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, I will keep your thoughts in mind as I consider these issues and continue working to ensure America remains a safe and prosperous nation.


Marco Rubio

U.S. Senator

Each week I provide a weekly update on issues in Washington and ways in which my office can assist the people of Florida. Sign up here for updates on my legislative efforts, schedule of events throughout Florida, constituent services and much more.

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This is the "response" I received today from Senator Bernie SANDERS of Vermont:

Dear Ms. Henry:

Thank you for sharing your opposition to President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO). Like you, I disagree with this decision, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.

There is still much we do not know about this strain of the coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19. At a time when misinformation is already rampant in our society, we must listen to our scientists and health professionals and allow science and fact-based information, not politics, guide our response efforts. We must understand that we are all in this together, as a global community. We must show unprecedented solidarity, and cooperation right now, because this pandemic has revealed for everybody that we are only as safe and healthy as the most vulnerable among us.

According to the WHO, there are more than 13 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world. The spread of this disease, present in more than 216 countries and territories, represents a global threat that must be met with substantial amounts of financial and medical resources. Now more than ever, our country must direct its resources to not only combat this disease but to only mitigate the negative effects it has on working families here and abroad. Furthermore, I understand the important role the WHO plays in promoting international public health. The WHO has assumed an important role in several public health accomplishments, outstandingly the near eradication of polio, the eradication of smallpox, and the development of a vaccine against Ebola.

I hope you will be pleased to know that I joined my Senate colleagues in a letter to President Trump in which we express our deep concern on his decision to withdraw the United States from the WHO. I believe that the United States will have far more leverage if it stays in the WHO than if it remains absent. Moreover, this letter urges President Trump to reverse this decision and to commit to working with our allies against the coronavirus pandemic. Please be assured that as your United States Senator, I will keep your comments in mind as I continue working towards passing a comprehensive federal response that prioritizes the lives and health of our citizens.

Thank you again for contacting me, and please feel free to stay in touch about this or any other subject of interest to you. For up-to-date information on what I am working on, please sign-up for my e-newsletter, the Bernie Buzz

Sincerely,BERNARD SANDERSUnited States Senator

I wrote back: Hi, President Trump is no longer President.

Could you please update your response, which is more than three years out of date?

I would also like an explanation of why you are recycling old messages while I am paying your salary to represent me now.

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Please see below for a response I received from Rep. Hageman:

Dear Rev. Webster,

Thank you for taking the time to reach out and express your views on the World Health Organization (WHO). Your input on this matter is greatly appreciated as it assists me in understanding what is on the minds of my constituents.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effectiveness and integrity of global health organizations, such as the WHO, and whether they warrant continued funding, have become a heavily contested issue. The bulk of the WHO’s budget comes from the voluntary contributions that countries and organizations donate. Over the last decade, the United States has donated billions of taxpayer dollars, making it the organization's largest financial contributor. In 2019 alone, the U.S. contributed around $890 million in taxpayer dollars, while other countries, such as China, only contributed around $85 million. The actions and decisions that we have consistently witnessed from the WHO, however, have shown no reason to continue funding their operations. Specifically, it has been revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has maintained significant influence over the WHO’s decisions.

Though the pandemic has concluded, Americans have been left in the dark about the origins of the virus itself. Indisputable evidence has pointed toward the fact that COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Despite numerous contradictions to the natural origin theory and no evidence supporting pre-epidemic infections, the WHO has continued to unequivocally support the claims made by the CCP that the virus originated in a wet market. In 2020, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the WHO, even went as far as to applaud both Xi Jinping and the CCP on its response to COVID-19. This praise comes as the CCP has consistently withheld data and rejected any sort of investigation into the Wuhan lab’s operations. We cannot continue to associate, much less fund, any organization that is under the direct influence of the CCP.

Despite these concerning revelations, the Biden administration remains fully committed to sending American taxpayer dollars to the WHO. This continued commitment comes as the WHO is on the verge of adopting its first legally binding treaty to guarantee that vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics are shared more equitably across the globe. According to articles associated with the proposal, this treaty would further call upon member countries to support temporary waivers on intellectual property (IP) rights to support the rapid development of vaccines, medical equipment, drugs, etc. This provision alone would allow other nations, including adversaries such as the CCP, to access American research. This is completely unacceptable.

We cannot allow these globalist organizations which are heavily infiltrated by American adversaries to get involved and dictate American policy in any manner. It has been made clear that these globalist policies are in no way in the best interests of Americans. In order to combat the U.S. involvement within the WHO and safeguard American sovereignty, I have cosponsored legislation including H.R. 343, the No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act, which would halt all assessed or voluntary financial contributions to the World Health Organization. Moreover, I am also proud to have cosponsored H.R. 1425, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, which would require any convention or agreement resulting from the work of the WHO’s intergovernmental negotiating body to be deemed a treaty, requiring the advice and consent of a supermajority of the Senate. Lastly, I have cosponsored H.R. 79, the WHO Withdrawal Act, which would require the President to immediately remove the U.S. from the WHO.

I sincerely appreciate you for taking the time to write to me regarding issues that are important to both you and your family. Please continue to keep me updated on your views, concerns, and questions as it helps me better serve my constituents. To stay up to date with my work both in Washington D.C. and here in Wyoming, you can subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I outline important votes, committee hearings, town halls, and more. For the latest developments, make sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It is my highest honor to serve as your lone Congressional Representative for the great state of Wyoming.


Signature Image

Rep. Harriet Hageman

Member of Congress

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Thank you for contacting me regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) of 2005. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

I share your concern about the credibility of the WHO, particularly given the role of China and Russia in this organization. I have grave concerns about China's role in the origins of COVID-19 and its failure to share information regarding this outbreak with other members of the international community. This calls into question the WHO's ability to enact objective reforms to ensure that all Member States fulfill their obligations to the international community.

On January 26, 2022, in response to the People's Republic of China's (PRC) failure to alert WHO Member States of the impending COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden Administration proposed several revisions to the 2005 IHR, with the support of forty other Member States, to increase transparency, efficiency, and collaboration between the IHR and Member States. These revisions call for the establishment of a Working Group on Preparedness & Response (WGPR) to finalize the IHR amendments. However, to ensure that these reforms are not only effective but also enforced, the United States must remain engaged in global health security measures in the international health system.

As you know, the United States Constitution requires the advice and consent of the Senate before any international treaty concerning the United States can have the force of law. Despite this constitutional requirement, President Biden is preparing to use unilateral presidential authority to negotiate and approve the IHR amendments and to change an international agreement without the approval of the United States Senate. These amendments to the 2005 IHR require scrutiny, and I am committed to protecting American sovereignty while ensuring checks and balances remain between the Executive and Legislative branches of our government.

I will continue to call on President Biden to submit these proposals to the United States Senate for debate, advice, and consent. For this reason, I was proud to cosponsor the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act (S. 444), which would require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification. S. 444 was introduced on February 15, 2023, and has been referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for further consideration.

I appreciate having the opportunity to represent Texas in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.



United States Senator

517 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

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Due to the nature of electronic communication, if you did not receive this e-mail directly from my office, I cannot guarantee that the text has not been altered. If you have questions about the validity of this message, or would like to respond to this message, please use the web form available at my website, http://www.cornyn.senate.gov/contact.

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