Today is the 14th of August & you were exactly right!!!

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ALERT! Today's WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks At The IHR Emergency Committee Meeting Regarding The Purported Upsurge Of Mpox Found By PCR Fraud 2024 – 14 August 2024

WHO DG Awaiting For IHR Emergency Monkey Pox Decisions For Africa After Africa CDC Declares A National Emergency

🔗 https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/alert-todays-who-director-generals

🔗 https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/africa-cdc-declares-mpox-outbreak

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James, THANK for your kindness,

I hope to find some who can get me off of all medications.

I did not take the shot..

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Let us band together to " ... help build countries’ capacity to create a world safe and secure from infectious disease threats and elevate GHS as a national and global priority.”

Infectious disease threats - government propaganda.

Global health security - freedom from government propaganda.

Let us band together, to help build our countries' capacity to create a world safe and free from propaganda, as a national and global priority.

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Please read the book the real Anthony FAUCI' before you let them stick you again

No chance ever will I take anything from Fauchi gates nor TEDROS of the WHO

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I find it quite amusing that any “novel” communicable diseases MUST have exotic origins: bat or pangolin coronavirus, monkeypox, bird influenza etc.

Whatever happened to human influenzas that apparently kill on average 600k per year worldwide???

I guess human flu doesn’t sound scary enough and most if not all people would ignore any news about it no matter how many people die of it…

Bird flu deaths - zero - but it is all over the news and social media and an emergency response is in the workings.

Deaths attributed to human (seasonal) influenza - 290-650K per year - no news posted since it apparently disappeared worldwide in April 2020 and somehow gave its way to SARS CoV-2 killer with lower mortality rate than the seasonal flu…

I’m just wondering how long can this nonsense continue before the so-called experts and their flocks figure this scam out???

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Thanks for replying but where do we all go from here millions of us in the world

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The big question is do they develop a vaccine for the disease or create a disease for the vaccine?

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It has always been a business model. Germ Theory was never proven but found to be profitable and of course political clout. Create illness and disease with vaccines for viruses that do not exist to create life long customers for the healthcare and pharma industries. Its all about profiting from population control. Now they push the fake climate agenda for the propaganda puppets to go along with green policies that are impossible to achieve but will cause mass starvation with the destruction of the food supply and supply chains.

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This needs to be repeated- it is exactly what it is and those who go back and read source documents from the 1800's and onwards will see that what you are saying is precisely the case.

Where I would alter your comment somewhat is that it was the social conditions that created the original illnesses/diseases that were (and are) falsely attributed to mythical viruses and the diseases themselves (false causation and labeling) were inventions of the industrialists who wanted to conceal/deny that the conditions they created were the cause of the illnesses.

The vaccines would come in later in the racketeering operation and be sold as the "solution" to the disease and as you mention would then create further illness as all vaccines are poisons. They were making money coming and going through their fraudulent operations.

Similar story with the bacterium paradigm. If you've ever read early studies that were searching for answers to what caused what are now considered bacterial diseases you can see right through the fraud. Nope, it wasn't the mining operations that caused the lung disease it was the Streptococcus bacterium.

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I can agree with that. Thank you for the response. So many think I am a crack pot but like you I looked at mortality tables from the oldest life insurance companies and the data is there. Many disesases were quite rare until the rollout of vaccine schedules. Even in the last 40 years the schedules have gone from a handful of vaccines to over 100. Many of which are given to young children who now suffer life long ailments from depression, autism and ADHD for example. Its all a scam.

Yes, in the past, social conditions such as horrendous sewage for example was the cause of the great plague in England in the 15th century and many other examples including bad personal hygiene.

Cheers to a fellow open-minded critical thinker.

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Exactly and, the very worst - what gives me the creeps, - are the humans who can't even hide their pure pleasure, destroying other humans - the more, the better 😢

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hi folks check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..break free from un control reject the international health regulations..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets from any country in the world including yours..it currently has over 24000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and most importantly be sure to reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same..when resharing it dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it

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Do you think they've done a petition back in 1776?

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🐒Smallpox/Monkeypox & Ebola🐒https://gab.com/PwKiki74/posts/107652257561222550

💥May 19th 2022 Post💥


💥Monkeypox Test run March 2021💥


💉𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐨𝐱 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐒💉


🩸December 13,2021 Post🩸


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Dear James,

I used to work for no less than 2 Western NGO's - both claiming to work for Human Rights!? One of them was an organisation most here have at least heard about. The organisation. called Amnesty International, the other called Oxfam.

Both seem to be failing to even have an interest in the massive crimes, the Western self proclaimed "leaders" now commit against the entire population on our planet, including their own.

When I spoke to Amnesty International a few years ago, they were at least honest and told me, "It's all about money"...

When it comes to Oxfam, I have simply started to avoid them.... This órga idstion who's employees rape the victims they claim to help!?

Both organisations have head office in London, United Kingdom and so far, I haven't been able to find any indication they have even realised what crimes are going on but OK, they are probably on the "front-lines" trsting (pcr) and jabbing people in the thousands.... A "tiny" bit of irony in my last sentence..

Maybe they receive donations from Bill Gates...

A third similar western organisation, is Genocide Watch who have not mentioned anything sat all about this either and, I assume the donations they get, are good as well.

Have you been in touch with any of these?? If yes, what did they have to say about themselves?

I am pleased to experience many people in Dublin turn their back when asked for donations by these organisations but, it hurts as well as. I know they all can do good work IF they want to that is...

The Gates Foundation and other similar, are sad,, sad places and what I see is, when/if the current insanity ever stop, some serious efforts have to be made, in order to make similar organisations and, with some serious punishments for fraud, corruption etc....

I have promised myself, never again to work for or donate to/for any western NGO.

Thanks again for all your work. What motivates you James?

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Just because you start a fake disease doesn’t mean you are in control of the world population, YOU FAILED MISERABLY THE LAST TIME….GO AWAY….OR IN ENGLISH…..” F” OFF!!!!!

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I really don’t give a flying F what they decide…JUST SAY “NO”!!!!!!!!!

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