I was wondering if my memory was faulty (I was looking for this article), but after reading the article and downloading the images: It confirmed a major concern of mine.

With Article 59 implemented, the timetable wouldn't see implementation of the amendments 10 months after approval, but 6 months after approval. After all, if this was implemented as described, the timetable went from 24 to 6 months. If I recall, the amendments were approved on June 1, so they'd go into effect on December 1, 2024.

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3 May 2024

Keep up the good work James Roguski.

Do you have people in the U.K that can shadow your work for us to pressure our U.K M.P to stop this world order push. We in the U.K need someone like you.

Also they are overturning our over 1000 years marriage laws, so that slowly from 2021 the world order can fascistly tell us who we can marry or not since 1 July 2021's fake new marriage rules for them in U.N to force in A.I marriage control on us for their world order A.I world rule later.

Please. If you are on our side please share this with the world so we can get married.

Help this petition by sharing multiple times at


or the link story at


Sorry it’s long and complex story and need to be in the open as much as can be now, in case they murder us to shut us up.

Del’s parents came from English Crown Jamaica to rebuild mother England before 1960, after W/WII, as full British Crown Sealed Birth Certificated Citizens that descended from end of slavery in Jamaica by 1833 with black and white blood. Both parent died in England and left me a ward of Crown Court Orphan in England till I left care in 1974, and they did not give me birth certificate when I left care as it was not needed for any ID then and the council did not know what I would be facing when I wanted to register to get married in 2021. I let care with no birth certificate, and with eye problems I never drove nor travelled from England and Wales, so had no passport and everybody from old days knew I descended from freed black slaves and are from 1833 are born full British blacks, and I and my fiancé are descended from and have English and Scottish white mixed race family before our parents came from Jamaica before 1960/62, before the Tory Party did these evils to me, in putting me Del on some secret cross departments blacklist, and then from 5 November 2021 fought against me Del to register to get married and then panicked 12 April 2022 and then 13 April 2022 said let them see what ID I have and saw proof I was a word of court orphan document, and still they refused my notice to get married 14 May 2022, pretending I need to show impossible birth certificate that they had us hunting all over the world for from 5 November 2021 and could not find one since November 2021. So we missed out marriage 14 may 2022 and they were in serious trouble by them and still not wrote to me del why they refused to let me register on 13 April 2022 to get married on 14 May 2022 under new world order new marriage rule that our over 1,000 years Magna Carta 1215’s Preamble & Articles 1, 3/5, 38, 39, 40 civilian Jury laws say was illegal for them to turn a registry office into a non jury court to be judge and jury if we both British Born Citizens have a human right to get married. They promised to put the refusal in writing and have not because I want to put them to Magna Carta jury Court, and they refuse to answer any of about 16 letter to do so, and for me to have the full real names of those behind it to put them in summonses and put them before a jury court for their also treason against said Magna Carta written English Crown and people# Constitutional laws.

Since refusing to register our marriage 13 April 2022. They have ignored all my about 16 letters to put it in writing and the full names of the culprits, then panicked worse since September 2023, by pulling strings in U.K Home Office Controlled Jamaica to be from September 2022 hiding (Del’s 1956) my own 1956, and all my freed from 1822 black and mixed race freed from 1833 slaves’ ancestors’ Original Hand Written English Crown Sealed Birth Certificates (From 1833), for them to continue to cove-up their Tory Party from 2021 grown open crimes on me, that came out in a plot to stop us getting married 14 May 2022 (We missed our wedding and brides maids cloths and for about home and abroad 200 guests, so we have to save again for cloths, church, reception, special food, cars etc ).

So please circulate the petition for us.

There are Many Dangers without paper trails, for safe inheritance purposes too, if we do not win this fight and get back England’s pre 1 July 2021 Green Book Marriages Recording Systems?

They know for over 1,000 years England’s Crown’s hand written birth, death and Marriages Certificates are safer for execution of wills and inheritances laws too.

That’s why -

We also want back our original pre 1 July 2021 new marriage rules, and our hand written Green Book issuing Marriage Certificate 4 issues and storage places back too. Because like they now be hiding my 1956 hand written English Crown Sealed Birth Certificate, until it was found in September 2023 and they are caught have defrauding it, by now be saying I cannot have copy of my original 1956 British Crown Sealed hand Written Birth Certificate, but now I can only now have a printout of it with only some abstract data on it that they now put only on computers with no born British seal on to prove I am born English British, so that all to now proves that they only want new 2021 marriage rules computer records in England with no ancient law hand written wedding certificate issued the the same day to the couple, and copy stored the same day in the church or solemnized place records, and then copy sent to locally council records, and later copy sent national public records, that are separate 4 witnesses records stored safer and harder to defraud or find in 3 repositories, that they now do not want those 4 Marriages separate hand records, so that they can now after 2021 delete whomever and whenever they in government department want to victimise such as we civilians, or delete us when they or A.I want too, by them now since 2021 only issue computer marriages printout records, and replacements on only printouts, now only from registry offices only, so that solemnized wedding place such as church’s own hand issued marriages records cannot be surely independently checked later against any ever state corrupt officers plots, or checked for copy reissued if originals cannot be found.

They know for over 1,000 years England’s Crown’s hand written birth, death and Marriages Certificates are safer for execution of wills and inheritances laws too.


Del & Lorna

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Dear James, there are no proper words to express my gratitude towards you for doing all that arduous work of reading and try to understand the agenda of the WHO and try to explain to us what trap is waiting for us.

I fellow just about every newsletter and tweets you are sending out and unfortunately in your site (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/reject-the-amendments) the video of about 3 minutes can't play in my browser. I have the latest version of Firefox. So I would suggest to have the IT person responsible for it to have a look at it.

In any case I think the WHO will try to fool us and pass the amendments anyway, I just hope that some unforeseen event in our favor will derail this train bolting towards us.

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Hi. Thank you James so much for making it easier for us to wright the congressmen. I tried to open one of the links in the letter, but it says "403 Forbidden".

It's this one: The International Health Regulations:


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I VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR MANY YEARS,,,,,, BUT I GUESS OUR IGNORANT OFFICIALS ARE BLIND AS THE DEMONICRAT TERRORISTS --- Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it”

No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated

No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction

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Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it”

No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated

No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction

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Hello James. I adapted & sent your letter to the UK Primes Minister. Also sent your letter to Tedros. And emailed my Member of Parliament with copies of those letters asking them to chase this up with the Prime Minister. I've emailed them before about this topic and unfortunately, they're all for the WHO! Thank you for your tremendous efforts

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And here is the letter to the German Bundestag (=Senate), slightly altered so that to correspond to the national conditions. I´ll send it in this form today. The Russian say: Late is better than never. We will see, I´m sorry I haven´t done it earlier. But how many important matters were decided at the 11th hour... Maybe this letter will reach some German citizens on this way, whom I could not reach on any other way.

Deutscher Bundestag

An jeden Bundestagsabgeordneten

Platz der Republik 1

11011 Berlin

An jeden Bundestagsmitglied und an die Baden-Württemberg´s Landtagsabgeordntete aus dem Wahlkreis 62, Herrn Daniel Abal, GRÜNE und Frau Dorothea Kliche-Behnke, SPD


Schon seit 17 Monaten SPRECHEN SIE SICH ÖFFENTLICH NICHT AUS UND HABEN NICHTS UNTERNOMMEN, um den Bundeskanzler Scholz aufzufordern, die Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen (IHR), die auf der 75. Weltgesundheitsversammlung am 27. Mai 2022 verabschiedet wurden, abzulehnen.

Ich erwarte von Ihnen, daß Sie mit jedem Bundestagsabgeordneten und mit Abgeordneten in den Landtagen Kontakt aufnehmen, um sie zu warnen, daß die Frist für die Einreichung dieser Ablehnung am 1. Dezember d.J. endet.

Ferner erwarte ich von Ihnen, daß Sie zusammen mit Ihren Kollegen einen Brief an den Bundeskazler Scholz schreiben und an ihn persönlich aushändigen, in dem Sie darauf bestehen, daß er die Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen vor dem 1. Dezember 2023 ablehnt.

Die Änderung des Artikels 59 dient keinem rechtmäßigen gesundheitsrelevanten Zweck. Sie wird den Gesundheitsstand nicht verbessern, noch wird sie die Sicherheit der Deutschen erhöhen. Die vordergründige Absicht dieser Änderung zum Artikel 59 ist es, die Frist zur Ablehnung der nächsten Runde von Änderungen zu verkürzen, die derzeit durch die Arbeitsgruppe für die Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen geheim von der Öffentlichkeit besprochen werden.

Die hier erwähnten Änderungen wurden eingereicht am 24. Mai 2022 unter Verstoß gegen den Artikel 55 der IHR:


Die Einreichung von diesen Änderungsvorschlägen erfolgte unter klarem Verstoß gegen den Artikel 55, Absatz 2 der IHR, der besagt:

"Der Text von jeglichen Änderungsvorschlägen soll vom Generaldirektor an alle Mitgliedsstaaten der WHO übermittelt werden unter Einhaltung von einer Frist von mindestens vier Monaten vor dem Beginn der Gesundheitsversammlung, an der sie besprochen werden sollen".

Die Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen:


Die Version von den Änderungen der IHR, die am 27. Mai 2022 verabschiedet wurden:


Videoaufnahme dieser Verabschiedung:


Die geänderten IHR-Artikel, wie sie lauten werden, wenn sie vor 1. Dezember d.J. nicht abgelehnt werden:


Ich frage mich, ob diese Informationen in der vom Gesetz dafür vorgesehenen Art und Weise veröffentlicht wurden, und ob Sie und andere Bundestagsmitglieder darüber vollständig, wahrhaftig und rechtzeitig informiert wurden von den Leuten, die zur 75. Weltgesundheitsversammlung nach Genf geschickt worden waren - Leute, die vom Volk nicht gewählt wurden, dem Volk gegenüber nicht rechenschaftspflichtig sind und dem Volk nicht einmal bekannt gemacht worden sind.

Ich erwarte von Ihnen, dass Sie unverzüglich handeln! DIE ZEIT ENTSCHEIDET!

Freundliche Grüße,

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Sorry for a couple of the typing errors, every German woman or man will understand the content none the less.

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This is the German version of the letter to tedros:

World Health Organization

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


1211 Geneva


Das Inkenntnissetzen des Mitarbeiters gilt als das Inkenntnissetzen seines Vorgesetzten

Sehr geehrter Herr Generaldirektor Chebreyesus,

mit diesem Brief erkläre ich meine Ablehnung der Änderungen von den Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen, die auf der 75. Weltgesundheitsversammlung am 27. Mai 2022 verabschiedet wurden. Artikel 59 und 61 der Internationalen Gesundheitbestimmungen besagen unmissverständlich, daß Änderungen abgelehnt werden können unter Einhaltung der Frist von 18 Monaten ab dem Moment der öffentlichen Bekanntgabe ihrer Verabschiedung.

Ich LEHNE diese Änderungen hiermit AB und äußere meine Zweifel bezüglich der Gesetzmäßigkeit dieser sogenannten Verabschiedung. Dabei berufe ich mich auf die Tatsache, daß diese Änderungen unter Verstoß gegen den Artikel 55 der Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen eingereicht wurden.

Diese Änderungen wurden ursprüglich an die Weltgesundheitsversammlung eingereicht am 24. Mai 2022 durch Australien, Bosnien und Herzogovin, Kolumbien, die Europäische Union und ihre Mitgliedsländer, Japan, Monaco, die Volksrepublik Korea, Großbritanien und Nordirland und die Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.


Die Einreichung von diesen Änderungsvorschlägen während der 75. Weltgesundheitsversammlung war ein klarer Verstoß gegen den Artikel 55, Absatz 2 von den Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen, der besagt:

"Der Text von jeglichen Änderungsvorschägen muss duch den Generaldirektor an alle Mitgliedsstaaten der WHO unter Einhaltung von einer Frist von mindestens vier Monaten vor dem Beginn der Gesundheitsversammlung übermittelt werden, auf der sie besprochen werden sollen".

Internationale Gesundheitsbestimmungen:


Die Version der Änderungen von den Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen, die am 27. Mai 2022 verabschiedet wurden:


Videoaufnahme der Verabschiedung:


Geänderte Artikel der Internationalen Gesundheitsbestimmungen:


Diese Änderungen waren in gesetzeswidriger Art und Weise eingereicht und müssen von allen Mitgliedsstaaten der WHO als null und nichtig betrachtet werden.

Freundliche Grüße,

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This is the text of the letter to tedros, translated to Russian. May it be of help, since I cannot exclude this possibility:

World Health Organization

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


1211 Geneva


Уведомление работника действительно как уведомление его начальства

Уважаемый генеральный директор Chebreyesus,

этим письмом я ставлю вас в известность, что я против изменений Международных медико-санитарных правил, принятых на 75-ой Всемирной ассамблее ВОЗ 27-го мая 2022-го года. Статьи 59 и 61 Международных медико-санитарных правил чётко предписывают, что изменения могут быть отклонены втечение 18-ти месяцев начиная с момента официального уведомления об их принятии.

Этим письмом я ОТКЛОНЯЮ принятые изменения и выражаю сомнения в законности их так называемого принятия на основании того факта, что они были предложены к принятию в нарушение статьи 55 Международных медико-санитарных правил.

Эти изменения были изначально предложены Всемирной ассамблее ВОЗ 24-го мая 2022-го года следующими странами: Австралия, Босния и Герцоговина, Колумбия, Евросоюз и его страны-участники, Япония, Монако, Корейская Республика, Великобритания и Северная Ирландия и Соединённые Штаты Америки.


Предъявление этих предлагаемых изменений во время проведения 75-ой Ассамблеи ВОЗ является очевидным нарушением статьи 55, части 2-ой Международных медико-санитарных правил, которая гласит:

"Текст любых предложенных изменени должен быть предъявлен Генеральным директором всем государствам-членам ВОЗ за соблюдением срока в минимум четыре месяца до начала Ассамблеи ВОЗ, на которой они будут рассматриваться".

Международные медико-санитарные правила:


Версия изменений к Международным медико-санитарным правилам, которые были приняты 27-го мая 2022-го года:


Видеозапись принятия этих изменений:


Изменённые статьи Международных медико-санитарных правил:


Эти изменения были предолжены к рассмотрению в незаконном порядке и должны рассматриваться всеми странами-участниками ВОЗ как недействительные и лишённые всякого смысла.

Всего доброго,

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Thank you 💜 James 💜 for all your hard work trying your best to get this most important message out! As I watched millions around the world taking to the street & protesting the bombing of the Palestinians, I thought wouldn't it be equally wonderful to have the same protest against the WHO & their dictates!

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Grand rising James and to all of my friends,

As requested I am adding the edited version of the letter for my country, Trinidad and Tobago.

James, do you have a template for countries that were former British Colonies with parliaments that I can use. I am trying to edit the document you have addresses to the US Senate but it is taking longer than I would like.

"November 6th 2023

The Prime Minister

Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

13-15 St. Clair Avenue

Port of Spain


Dear The Honorable Dr. Keith Christopher Rowley,

I call upon you to exercise your authority under Article 61 of the International Health Regulations (IHR) to send an official notice to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS to the International Health Regulations that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022, and to do so BEFORE the deadline of December 1, 2023.

The final version of the amendments that were adopted on May 27, 2022: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_ACONF7Rev1-en.pdf

Video recording of the amendments being adopted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M393lvg1650&t=466s

The amended Articles to the IHR, as they will be if they are not rejected by December 1, 2023. https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_R12-en.pdf

The International Health Regulations: https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/246107/9789241580496-eng.pdf

I call upon you to exercise your authority under Article 61 of the International Health Regulations (IHR) to send an official notice to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS to the International Health Regulations that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022, and to do so BEFORE the deadline of December 1, 2023.



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James, obviously by now, you've ( as I have)reached out to our US Cons/ Sen-Rs. 🦗🦗🦗!

Maria Zeee/ Stew Peters. ✅️

Have you reached out to Epoch Times,- Joshua Philip, Alex Jones, Elon Musk X, Tucker Carlson, Dave Ruben, Joe Rogan ?

I'm certain that you are doing everything humanly possible.

Feeling like it's 4th Q, 🏈 Hail Mary.

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I call on you people all around the world to share this page, print all documents and letters and give it to all worldleaders.

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