Love it, I'm gonna copy and paste my stuff from today because without each other we're stuffed by the lying meanstream mediocre. Calling all writers and journalists to the helm. Some of us have the detail but fail in the ability to communicate our information. "All for one, one for all"!
Love it, I'm gonna copy and paste my stuff from today because without each other we're stuffed by the lying meanstream mediocre. Calling all writers and journalists to the helm. Some of us have the detail but fail in the ability to communicate our information. "All for one, one for all"!
"Miracle vaccine"?
The "miracle" was how they managed to create mass stupidity from evolved brains of natural selection over many millennial success of the survivor genes.
I'm completely at a loss when I use the natural data of trillions to one chance of success of each live birth of every human being past or present. In one foul swoop the Nazi's bring a swift end to all of this with full consequences never to be fully realised.
The WHO PLANDEMIC response ideal remains a real threat to the global health as nobody can deny they're nothing more or less than an advanced version of the Mengela's ideal in the demonic eugenics programs of the 1930-40s sociopath programs aimed at the weak, disabled, disfigured, different and worse was their experimental programs on children who were born with a celebrated twin or more but an unfortunate condition in the evil days of eugenics.
The same people are about to be given an undemocratic licence to return without any authority to appeal for leniency or democratic process and we walk ourselves directly into the Furness of death and destruction as witnessed by the plandemic response of recent!
As we did during this sick retard led time of backslapping and great celebration we the freedom fighting truthers are the only true and just individuals of this whole sorry murderous saga.
Last year we had CONVID inquiry cost millions to do nothing but hide the billions spent by corrupt politicians and stake holders while the political criminals attempt to save their skins by refusing to acknowledge the complete pantomime of a fatal vaccination or the fear porn causing death to the economy and everything we ever thought to be normality.
The mere mention of the genocidal program and it's vaccination of some weird and unnecessary ingredients is about as well hidden/ignored and dismissed as the stage managed "party gate" cover up fiasco. Let's be fair, party gate was a conscious dismissal of the real crimes committed as the actors stood at Downing st behind lecterns giving the greatest performance f their lives as the put the fear of death and destruction into the most vulnerable of society guaranteeing unquestionable compliance people fought with each other with some commiting suicide and so many crimes against each other in the belief that the world health was in serious danger.
Please use your memories if nothing else. I've provided the great breakthrough that was to be the miracle cure until the evidence proved this also to be a lie.
Gain of function is a laboratory technique and the antidote (not so great lie of a breakthrough jab) are produced as one and never without the other as the Frankensteinian scientist's of pure evil have to have an antidote for their own self preservation.
If the references aren't here they're plenty even on goggles/ google ha!
Love it, I'm gonna copy and paste my stuff from today because without each other we're stuffed by the lying meanstream mediocre. Calling all writers and journalists to the helm. Some of us have the detail but fail in the ability to communicate our information. "All for one, one for all"!
"Miracle vaccine"?
The "miracle" was how they managed to create mass stupidity from evolved brains of natural selection over many millennial success of the survivor genes.
I'm completely at a loss when I use the natural data of trillions to one chance of success of each live birth of every human being past or present. In one foul swoop the Nazi's bring a swift end to all of this with full consequences never to be fully realised.
The WHO PLANDEMIC response ideal remains a real threat to the global health as nobody can deny they're nothing more or less than an advanced version of the Mengela's ideal in the demonic eugenics programs of the 1930-40s sociopath programs aimed at the weak, disabled, disfigured, different and worse was their experimental programs on children who were born with a celebrated twin or more but an unfortunate condition in the evil days of eugenics.
The same people are about to be given an undemocratic licence to return without any authority to appeal for leniency or democratic process and we walk ourselves directly into the Furness of death and destruction as witnessed by the plandemic response of recent!
As we did during this sick retard led time of backslapping and great celebration we the freedom fighting truthers are the only true and just individuals of this whole sorry murderous saga.
Last year we had CONVID inquiry cost millions to do nothing but hide the billions spent by corrupt politicians and stake holders while the political criminals attempt to save their skins by refusing to acknowledge the complete pantomime of a fatal vaccination or the fear porn causing death to the economy and everything we ever thought to be normality.
The mere mention of the genocidal program and it's vaccination of some weird and unnecessary ingredients is about as well hidden/ignored and dismissed as the stage managed "party gate" cover up fiasco. Let's be fair, party gate was a conscious dismissal of the real crimes committed as the actors stood at Downing st behind lecterns giving the greatest performance f their lives as the put the fear of death and destruction into the most vulnerable of society guaranteeing unquestionable compliance people fought with each other with some commiting suicide and so many crimes against each other in the belief that the world health was in serious danger.
Please use your memories if nothing else. I've provided the great breakthrough that was to be the miracle cure until the evidence proved this also to be a lie.
Gain of function is a laboratory technique and the antidote (not so great lie of a breakthrough jab) are produced as one and never without the other as the Frankensteinian scientist's of pure evil have to have an antidote for their own self preservation.
If the references aren't here they're plenty even on goggles/ google ha!