James, I cannot thank you enough for posting all this superb info on PCR!! My husband, as a virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs has worked with PCR and 100% agrees with all you posted here. Sadly, PCR "test" was forced on him when he was in hospital 4 yrs ago and they would NOT allow me to be with him for the 11 days he was in hospital. They forced PCR on him at least twice. He did NOT consent, he knew it wasn't a test. When he came out he was not himself. He has later diagnosed with Parkinson's which makes sense, as the swab touches your blood brain barrier, which should NEVER be done, we know it causes harm to the brain and Parkinson's is a neural/brain disease. He was a brilliant scientist, worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist at her invitation, and now he has forgotten most everything he ever knew about science. People need to know that this is what PCR does and that it is NOT a test for a damn thing.

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Thank you .. I have included a link to your RT-PCR test article within my RT-PCR test article.

Was it an RT-PCR PLANdemic?


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Sure, of course the PCR is absolutely a fraud, but so was Kary Mullis. I was THERE in our old "AIDS" dissident movement. I met Mullis a few times. Mullis was ALWAYS very closely tied to the ESTABLISHMENT! He said many things when he was "pretending" to be an "AIDS" dissident, but his comments were NEVER critical of the so-called "PCR process" itself! The things Mullis said were most likely MEANT to create this kind of CONFUSION you are demonstrating here! I was THERE when Mullis made those comments in front of the red brick wall! In fact, I actually helped to produce that seminar where he SAID those things!

STOP this NONSENSE about MULLIS!! He was NO hero!


1. https://longtimedissident.substack.com/p/the-mullis-mirage

2. https://longtimedissident.substack.com/p/was-mullis-more-machiavellian-than

3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fbpYott1Mdw_BuuiE6_rjO_7Xr5Z_PdoxtK3fNZI9Gc

4. https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2022/05/08/pcr-and-real-time-rt-pcr-under-critical-review/

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I've seen a video where someone in audience asked Mullis about PCR "test" - he responded with great bafflement over why someone would think this was a test. He carefully explained, with great conern that this was NOT a test and should never be done that way. Quit spreading lies about him, he called out deep state people for their fraud. I watched him for years and my husband was a virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs, followed Mullis closely and knows he is for real.

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Shut the F UP already! I was THERE when Mullis SAID those comments! I helped to PRODUCE that FREAKIN' SEMINAR where Mullis said that freakin' WORD SALAD!! Who the F are YOU?? Did you read ANY of the links I took the time to graciously provide for you??? If you're not willing to learn the TRUTH, then *YOU* need to stop spreading LIES!! Mullis was a FRAUD as a so-called "dissident", and he was ALWAYS ESTABLISHMENT!! What part of that can you not understand??? Mullis' own WIDOW APOLOGIZED to FAUCI FFS!! See: https://longtimedissident.substack.com/p/new-kary-mullis-was-not-killed-by I'm providing that link for your BENEFIT, but I doubt you will take the time to read it! Again, if you're not willing to explore this vital information, do all of us REAL truthers a HUGE FREAKIN' FAVOR and just STFU!!

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The way we determine SARS-CoV-2 "infectiousness" from PCR positive samples is sloppy and misleading, https://open.substack.com/pub/joomi/p/the-way-we-determine-sars-cov-2-infectiousness

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James, I was also injured! I watched CHD show for 8/28. I am the person Polly was mentioning from another interview. I thought I was alone! Thank you for doing this work!!!!

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James, Have you received any legal opinions regarding your Notice and Statement of Facts - PCR Fraud? I am searching and/or funding for legal challenges to our Canadian government(s).

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Thank you James. Never give up, never surrender. I posted on my list of crux matters bbtruth.uk time is of the essence. Good smells coming as we de crap the controllers

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What to do when you can’t board an international flight ?

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Never took that damn test, nor will I ever!

What happened to the man that invented it???? Ask yourselves THAT!!!

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don’t allow fraudulent PCR testing of your citrus trees which will be “quickly” removed if positive,


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Thankyou James The Lord be with you 🙏🙏🙏

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I didn’t vote for this OBAMANATION!!!

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So much of this information was available in the first half of 2020. Watching interviews and lectures from Kary Mullis revealed the obviousness of what was happening.

The problem…

1. People refused to listen. The psy-op got to them first. My main revelation during this time as I tried to tell people was- I’ve give the individual way too much credit as I was growing up, people are far stupider than I ever imagined.

2. Social Media(an outlet in my case) was 100% onboard with the scam. I got banned for telling the truth so many times I had to run multiple Facebook accounts but continued to be banned and blocked.

So I think, as probably planned, we are at a stage where finally some are waking up, some are to comfortable & too scared to wake up, some refuse to wake up in fear of exposing their own idiocy, and some(oh so many) are so dimwitted, so ideologically possessed, or so cowardly that they will never wake up.. this very large group will likely doom us all. They are practically campaigning to limit speech, limit freedoms, and have us all under a control of a communist style digital dictatorship.

“People aren’t ‘that’ stupid” I hear you say… the world literally elected a computer guy, a nerd, an obvious psychopath as world’s leading Dr and poison shot expert all the way through 2020. They promoted him without any medical qualifications whatsoever, and revered Bill Gate, the guy who openly admitted his profits from producing poisons for human injection would be around 20/1 with an investment at that stage of about $10bil.

Cmon, that is stupidity personified

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So true, the masses of stupidity will gladly comply to the b.s.!!!! And I know so many of THOSE sheeple!!!!

Therefore, it overpowers us who will not COMPLY!!! Can't we send them to another country that doesn't mind STOOPIDS!? My God, this is never going to end!!!

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You know… I contemplated this thought too. But then realized I was only hoping for… segregation🙄. What a conundrum hey, just wanting to be left alone so bad that you fantasize about a huge section of the moronic masses pissing off to their own island where they can inject themselves all day with any ol chemical crap they want, they can wear their underpants on their heads all day(because that’s what they seem to want), they can live in fear of fresh air and sunshiny days, they can sanitize themselves into oblivion for all I care haha.

Personally, I have a sixth sense, I see idiots, I see idiots everywhere haha.

I guess I’ll just keep my interactions to a minimum and do my best to survive on grass fed beef and my wife’s fresh grown organic vegetables… avoiding chemicals of all descriptions, what a moron I am huh.

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Mike Yeadon actually said it: "you validate one of the big club´s prime control mechanisms by doing so" (=by letting them "test" you). you join into their lies. and a lie is a lie, that´s true. knowing that the whole farce is one huge lie and joining into it, you declare yourself being their accomplice, do you not? you validate the lie and because of you and the others like you the lie thrives. they always pervert the situation in the same way: that it is you who damage or injure yourself, out of your own decision, it´s not them. this factor seems to be very important to them, maybe the most important, but why? for those of us who believe in our devine nature it is said: against your will you can receive no harm. maybe these words are not that void and are no fairy tail? maybe this law is really there and maybe their best efforts to conjure up this impression of us willing to damage ourselves is an unmistakable evidence of it? what do we have to lose, why not try and find it out? what if this IS a border they cannot come across? against our will they cannot hurt us. that´s why all these infowars are there.

we all still know how it was in 2020: no one cared about whether the pcr-monkey circus worked. we were bewildered, we certainly knew that something muddy was going on and could not classify it because we´ve never experienced such a things before, we knew not how to behave, how to react. waking up in the morning, we tried to maintain as much of our normal life as possible. going to bed we could not fall asleep because the head was painfully trying to figure out what´s going on and what´s to be done. then we knew it was all fraud and crime but we could not break free from it. the feelings were always telling us that all´s wrong.

now we know what we all are at, now it´s a completely different setting. now it is: will you lie along with us, you know, we´re lying and cheating for money, for retaining our jobs or because we always lie, that´s just what we are and we´re okay with it. that´s why you have to injure yourself, it´s what YOU want. now we SEE it. the unseeing will do it again but while you know what it really is, you validate it by joining in it. it´s not the same as before. nobody cares about whether the pcr-fraud works or not, it´s about will we lie along with all the rest.

it´s the theoretical part, the practical part is a bit more difficult. what if you could not secure all that is dear or important or vital for you while we had time? there can be no absolute security for nobody of course, with one exception. I just thought about it this way: you´ll have to discourse with a lier. have some experience with it already I´m sure. just let them talk and catch them at their weak points and then hold them tight - lies are always weak, that´s why they always try to back them up with impertinence, absurdity sounding logical, threats and and and. catch them at their weak spots, you now know the truth, truth is strong given you believe in it. hold them off with your words, you know the truth. or just say the truth straightforward. if they scent your fear or insecurity, they´ll rend you. but a fool (liers are often of this sort) is easily disrupted and lead on a dead-end street, confuse them. then just command them and they´ll obey. they obey all the time to those who command them, they are used to it, so if you just show an iron will and true courage they will obey to you, that I know for sure. I do not know any better protection than words and the truth. but do not validate their lies for them.

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This needs to be taught to all the lab techs because my daughter is one and she does not believe any of this and I think the lab technicians need to be re-educated and maybe that will go along way into stopping this. She lives in British Columbia.

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