Mr. Roguski:

1) THANK YOU for your work! "Thank you" is woefully inadequate recognition of your stupendous contributions. You are an amazingly-good human being and deserve every reward, earthly and beyond.

2) I think you may have missed an edit of material import. I think the article's second-from-the-top mention of "Global North" is supposed to be "Global South." If I'm incorrect, please forgive me -- perhaps I need another drink. (haha)

3) Here's the Feb-21 letter about Intellectual Property/IP concerns from Sens. Coons & Hirono (Dems) and Sens. Lankford & Tillis (Rs):


These are two quotes from their letter to Jake Sullivan (Nat Sec Advisor) in which the four Senators express their enthusiasm for the greater totalitarian endeavor (NOTE: It's entirely unclear if the Senators are referring to the pandemic "accord," the international health regulations, or all):

"We appreciate the Administration’s leadership during the COVID-19 global public health emergency and commend your efforts to prepare for future pandemics based on our experience responding to COVID-19."


"We commend the initiative to improve the global response to the next pandemic..."

So, if Biden fixes the IP problems, are Lankford and Tillis good to go?

Remember, Tillis took the baton from former Senator DICK "Biodefense" Burr to fully fortify the biodefense enterprise in the state of -wait for it- NORTH CAROLINA.

Also known as: the bioeconomy, the "innovation ecosystem" (per the letter), and "economic development" (per every corporatist elected official who identifies as Republican as rationale for every public-private scam).

Burr, still in the biodefen$e biz since his Jan-3-2022 Senate exit, now prefers to call it all "life sciences." I call it "big biodefense," along with "scamdemic industrial complex."

Thanks for letting me comment, and all the best to you and yours , Mr. R.

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Thank you for all your hard work and tenacity James, I still cannot believe how many people are not suspicious of why every Government in the western world wants to give their population masses of "Injections" that are being "developed" even before any specific health threat has been identified, its obvious this is a totally contrived plan to cull the population.

I spoke to my son in Law about it on holiday last week and he Just Laughed at me, he said Bill Gates is a decent enough bloke, and that Global Warming is real, so I challenged him to explain how all the oceans have been forecast to rise for the last 20 years and nothing has happened, he said "when the Ice melts in the sea we will all drown"

I pointed to a soft drink my grand daughter had left on the table filled to the brim with fluid and some Ice cubes, I asked him what would happen to the glass Level when the ice melts, he laughed and said "Its obvious it will over flow" .

We studied the glass level for over an hour in the hot sun and to his surprise the glass did not over flow, and he said "OK I will let you off on that point"

I realised that my daughter married an Imbecile, he is an Engineer by trade a good law abiding chap who took his Jabs despite my warnings.

I am detaching myself from him emotionally as I think I know how this is going to end and these are the saddest words I have ever Typed.

Thanks again James some people ARE listening thankfully

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In the last plandemic no safety, efficacy or manufacturing standards apply when a public health emergency is called and EUA is enacted. A public emergency is called on the basis that HHS Secretary THINKS that there may be one now or in the future. No other criteria are necessary.

Is that under both the 2020 IHRs and the ones on the table now?

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Handpicked “democracy” or as David called,”a relationship business”

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Feb 20Liked by James Roguski

The map's starting to look like Eurasia, Oceania, Eastasia.

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Feb 20Liked by James Roguski

James, until I saw Sasha Latypova’s interview today I had not idea that we have a rash of laws pit into place holding everyone who participated in the poisoning and murder of countless people. Sasha went into this in detail. We must all work together at a local level to get the ball rolling to take these laws off the books. Until then we are sitting ducks for a repeat.

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Welcome to the battle!

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WARNING TO EUROPEAN RESIDENTS AND TRAVELLERS. The French parliament has recently passed a law that introduces severe mass CASUALTIES for those TAKING mRNA LNP injections or other treatments recommended by the state based on current medical knowledge https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/article-pfizer-france-to-punish-criticism-of-mrna-vaccines/

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So many words James…..

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That's how they get ya!

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Yes. Just when I think ….finally I get it. Off they go again with their verbose word salad.

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Learn about the starting point of isreal; an act of fear from a "pathogen with pandemic potential." https://www.brighteon.com/e3bfc6ce-864c-488d-97a8-d2b9293308a8 7.39 “The claim that bioweapons exist is very effective in order to create fear. First and foremost of course, it’s effective in populations panic stricken about contagion. For instance, the Israelis managed to empty the entire Palestinian refugee camps without firing a single shot. They simply claimed the wells are contaminated and soon the dangerous disease will break out. Nothing happened at all. No shots were fired and walla, the Palestinians were gone !

I'm completely confounded to find out that Isreal was set up from a "pathogen with pandemic potential."

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"Everything Is Going Wrong For The Deep State" - Martin Armstrong Warns That's What "Makes Them So Dangerous" Now


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The Dance of Death

Will I ever trust them again? https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/the-dance-of-death

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1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil.

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Feb 19Liked by James Roguski

After listening to the Africans statements, I understand that this is a mechanism to get more money, technology and manufacturing. Right?

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Who'da thought it might come down to developing countries, which have been stripmined for centuries by "developed" countries, could end up saving the world from a disastrous treaty? If they do, we owe them bigly.

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That is not what is going on at all. The developing nations want the treaty. They are why these negotiations are happening in the first place.

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Fair enough; thank you.

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Feb 19Liked by James Roguski

James, by fortune I came across your info very early, possibly since you’ve commenced. I don’t know what fuels you but I need some of it (I think I do have it, truly...) As I’ve said previously- be encouraged. Your words are not falling on deaf ears, & your work is not in vain. Sincerely I wish you strength in your tireless efforts.

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