Contact me directly at 310-619-3055 if you wish to get involved in opposing the WHO's "Pandemic Treaty."

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Are you able to simplify what we can include in the email/mail? Perhaps a sample letter we can customize and send? Thank you

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I acknowledge your legitimate request and I am open to suggestions. The first video on the page covers the topic thoroughly. Oversimplifying a complex issue can backfire.

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Wow, impressive and so important and terrifying. I am happy to discover you. I wil share widely. For the next 2 weeks I am intensely focused protecting the little ones from Spikeshots, I just posted n this minutes ago. I am part of a group with Toby Rogers working on various strategies, but our process and strategies we are developing can be applied to the WHOs Pandemic Treaty. I will call you . I am in DC. It occurs to me that many of the players may have their Icarus moment as they fly closer to the sun. We need to develop a system, structure to coordinate better. More later on that. My # is 202 775 0777 Thanks for doing this.

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Many thanks to Diane for her article that exposes the mental manipulation that we are all up against: https://coronawise.substack.com/p/dont-fall-for-whos-psyops-but-comment

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Thank you for sharing! It's extremely important we get involved.

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Hi James, is this something new? Or it just moved to the top of your list?

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I actually wrote this article two months ago. it is now THE PRIORITY. http://StopTheWHO.com

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Ok. I was looking but couldn’t find anything. Do you have a letter or something that we should be forwarding if we oppose this?

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On behalf of humanity, thank you for what you have attempted and accomplished. Job well done!

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With the IHR stream being highlighted and given sufficient exposure that the proposed US amendments didn't make the floor, this pre WHA75 distraction stream is now going to control space in the drivers seat instead of the backstop the backup the catchment net stream optics presented it as.

This is the immediate action space for the near term.

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Hi James, what do we need to do? I was trying to read from your link am there’s alot.

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Phenomenal foundational portal for informing 'the world' JR. China on the exec board and yet another quango committee to oversee the progress of global grab attempts

As with the GPMB which was set up with the single mission of driving implementation of IHR, now split into multiple groups of oversight. So these newest groups shall be spotlighted with increasing intensity

Hopefully readers of your IHR pages will take time to breathe and pivot into this stream.

All streams will require continued focus so the more the merrier as the saying goes.

To your interview comment regarding WHA75 viewing. Are there adjectives which describe what the informed viewing audience were tuned in to ?

We have yet to find unearth one which does justice to what was seen and heard.

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These people love to use steganography to encode their little messages into whatever they do. They often use gematria (a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase) to communicate meanings that the general public is completely blind to. Based on that, when I saw the acronym IPPPR, I added up the letters based on their position in the alphabet (ie A=1, B=2, C=3, etc) and the sum is 75. I'm not sure what the significance of 75 is but I have a guess. Between the end of WWII and the start of the pandemic was 75 years (1945-2020). The Great Reset is also referred to as the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" (or FIR pronounced "fire"?) by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (or WEF which in reverse = FEW as in the FEW will rule over the many?). So between the supposed fall of the Third Reich and the ushering in of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR) was 75 years or IPPPR. So there's that. God bless.

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I realize how old this is now, but I was catching up on The Highwire earlier and I saw part of the January interview with Astrid Stuckelberger where she mentioned Article 19. She failed to acknowledge the “in accordance with its constitutional processes” clause, and it’s clear that “it” refers to each member state, which means that in the United States, 2/3 of the Senate would have to ratify any treaty changes. If I’m mistaken, please correct me. If I’m right, please ensure that your audience understands this so they don’t become Chicken Little. While we certainly need to keep an eye on these things, we need to get the facts right both to ease people’s fear (it can be suicide-inducing - I’ve seen this in my own family), and to prevent “fact checkers” from making us look dumb.

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