NOW is the time to join forces against those who lied.
My heart is filled with love and compassion for those who were deceived and harmed by those who lied. Many of us tried with all of our heart and soul to warn you. Join us now in our shared truth.
The CDC has changed their official COVID-19 guidance.
Receipt of a primary series alone, in the absence of being up to date with vaccination through receipt of all recommended booster doses, provides minimal protection against infection and transmission. Being up to date with vaccination provides a transient period of increased protection against infection and transmission after the most recent dose, although protection can wane over time.
Please watch all 3 videos below…
And now, for a little more censorship…
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
EVERYONE has the inalienable right to make their own individual health related decisions.
The virus that has been named SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated. No one has provided actual evidence of its existence, even though hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests for such evidence have been submitted.
SARS-CoV-2 has not been properly shown to be the sole cause of a collection of symptoms that have come to be known as COVID-19. Mis-diagnosis has been widespread.
The genetic sequence that was used to design the COVID-19 “vaccines” was created “in silico” (in a computer), not by nature. The “spike protein” that is said to be produced in the body due to the COVID-19 injections is a man-made biological weapon that is not found in nature.
RT-PCR “testing” to determine “asymptomatic cases” is fraudulent.
Epidemics, pandemics and states of emergency must not be predicated on manipulated tests that are said to determine “asymptomatic cases.”
“Two weeks to flatten the curve” was a lie that clearly failed.
Lockdowns, curfews, travel restrictions, social distancing and mask mandates failed miserably and have never been shown to reduce the spread of respiratory pathogens.
The use of ventilators, and the drugs that are associated with their use, did not save lives, they shortened lives.
Many people have died, but the reasons behind their death are exceedingly unclear and multi-faceted.
Masks do not stop the spread of pathogens and, in fact, they can aggravate respiratory diseases.
Remdesivir has caused more harm than good.
The COVID-19 “vaccines” were rushed into use and were NEVER shown to be “safe'“ nor “effective”. In fact, those terms have no legal definition.
Incentivizing the diagnosis of “COVID-19” with a 20% bonus payment to hospitals was a mistake and encouraged poor treatment and corruption.
Many people have been killed by the COVID-19 injections.
Many people have been permanently disabled by the COVID-19 injections.
Many people have suffered immune, cardiovascular, nervous system, kidney, liver and other systemic damage due to the COVID-19 injections. Their injuries are real, not rare.
Essential medicines and natural substances along with intelligent early treatment by wise and courageous doctors around the world were far more successful in preventing hospitalization and saving lives than the official protocols.
Censorship of those who were merely seeking to expose the truth is wrong and is a violation of the scientific method as well as our inalienable right to free speech and freedom of the press.
The declaration of a “state of emergency” does not give anyone the authority to trample upon an individual’s inalienable rights. PERIOD.
The next twenty items were suggested in the comment section below by:" “la chevalier vit”
Thank you!! [I took the liberty to make a few edits.]
21. COVID-19 had an extremely age-stratified risk profile with respect to severe disease and death, which was ignored by the government health policy to the detriment of the public, but could have been used to avoid a general lockdown and the associated harms that accrued.
22. The COVID-19 Task Force was poorly run and allowed to become dysfunctional by having insufficient quantity of health policy experts as members, and by ignoring the advice of the one health policy expert that was on the team for a short few months.
23. The original study data presented by pharma for EUA, which showed higher all cause mortality and included signals for cardiac issues, was not diligently interpreted and used to disqualify the biologics but rather was recklessly disregarded in favor of advancing them to the public to the detriment of the public. A surrogate metric, relative risk reduction, was used to overstate the benefit to the public.
24. Animal trials were skipped or results hidden from the public to hide unfavorable symptoms and outcomes.
25. The COVID-19 injectable biologics, a.k.a. COVID-19 vaccines, are and have been since the early days of the pandemic, unlawful experimental biologics due to the existence of inexpensive and effective treatments that are fully FDA approved and listed internationally as WHO Essential Medicines.
26. Data supporting the use of many essential medicines and natural products were presented publicly and subsequently suppressed and overwhelmed by unfounded propaganda from government and pharmaceutical companies that misinformed the public into believing these eminently safe and helpful treatments were harmful and ineffective. Results of metastudies, which looked across several randomly controlled trials and other observational studies, were ignored and suppressed, and actively undermined by key scientists in positions to influence government policy.
27. Fake science was performed by a cabal of investigators, in cahoots with the medical-scientific-pharma-military complex, who set up studies to fail by applying a variety of techniques such as improper dosing and inaccurate data definitions.
28. Public health data collection was compromised by changing the definition of becoming vaccinated, from the traditional definition of the moment of injection, to two weeks after injection or two weeks after two injections for “fully” vaccinated. This move distorted the results so that misleading conclusions could be advanced to the public to the detriment of the public.
29. The definition of a vaccine was changed to wipe away the traditional definition that it conveys immunity, to a watered down definition that it stimulates an immune response, thus allowing the biologics to be called a vaccine only in respect of the new definition, and putting the biologics on par with yogurt.
30. Scientific and medical journals abdicated their responsibility to publish scientific studies without prejudice, specifically those that would potentially undermine the government’s narrative, and instead actively published propaganda opinion pieces supporting the government narrative.
31. Other treatments that showed promise were not sufficiently and honestly pursued to quantify their true benefit.
32. The Nuremburg code is the most authoritative, internationally recognized document in the history of medical ethics. The Nuremburg Code unquestionably asserts the primacy and dignity of the individual human being over the greater good of the state, or society. (credit: Vera Sharav, 8/20/2022) The Nuremburg code establishes ethical requirements for uncoerced consent and places the burden on those who conduct the experiment to ensure proper informed consent and right of refusal. The Nuremberg Code has been ignored.
33. Doctors, pharmacists, nurses and medical professionals and administrators failed to provide complete information, failed to call out the government narrative, failed to call out unscientific policies, failed to do no harm, and actively worked to advocate the experimental injectable biologics to the public to the detriment of the public. The net result what that patients were coerced into giving their consent in clear violation of the Nuremberg Codes and established law.
34. Governments failed to protect the elderly by establishing policies that sent infected people back to nursing homes thereby spreading disease among the most vulnerable, and by depriving them of their dignity, humanity, rights, and agency, through forced sequestering.
35. Government failed to protect our children and continues to put them in harm’s way by authorizing experimental “preventative” biologics that they do not need and that pose increased risk of harm, making them counter-productive.
36. Years of knowledge about the ineffectiveness of masks were ignored in favor of a symbolic policy that forced compliance from the public and manipulated them into accepting other bad policies.
37. The policy to inject children, in the absence of medical justification for the net benefit of those children, for the professed benefit of protecting adults and the elderly, is grossly unethical: particularly so since children are not a significant source of transmission to adults. Children cannot possibly be in a position to understand risks and benefits and therefore are not able to engage in informed consent and should be excluded from medical experiments (Nuremberg).
38. Parents and public institutions that pushed jabs on kids and young adults must have an opportunity for a moment of reckoning and spiritual soul searching for what they have perpetrated upon our children, so that they can reaffirm the principles of Nuremberg and regain their status of protector of our youth.
39. Corporations that engaged in the government propaganda and who coerced employees to take medical interventions against their wishes or lose their job as a consequence, and who intrusively asked for employee health status with respect to injections, must be rooted out, identified, lambasted, and penalized. Laws must be passed [and enforced] so that they do not ever again have incentive to repeat the behavior.
40. Citizens of every state should consider advocating for state legislation regarding a medical bill of rights, that references and incorporates the Nuremberg code and that provides priority and autonomy to individuals with respect to their own medical procedures where the life of another is not directly and imminently jeopardized.
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Hi Sir James are you aware about Yuval Noah Harari ? Check out about him in Odysee he’s an evil unimaginable!
Time to lock them all UP