Ok. Hey Mr Roguski what happens if the WHO gets too sign this pandemic treaty. When would it go into effect? Of course I'm hoping that it can still be stopped. I mean it seems many in the Senate are in favor of this enslavement treaty. Are we making any dents in WHO plans. I know the deadline passed which was January 27th. But they are just going on with there evil plans. They totally not following Article 55. And I saw the video on equity it was Pothetic. I saw the heathens speak and there overall concern was EQUITY. May is just around the corner. ЁЯдФ
Mr Roguski whatever happened too Michele Bachmann? She was so outspoken against the WHO and there enslavement treaty.
She's still in the fray!
Ok. Hey Mr Roguski what happens if the WHO gets too sign this pandemic treaty. When would it go into effect? Of course I'm hoping that it can still be stopped. I mean it seems many in the Senate are in favor of this enslavement treaty. Are we making any dents in WHO plans. I know the deadline passed which was January 27th. But they are just going on with there evil plans. They totally not following Article 55. And I saw the video on equity it was Pothetic. I saw the heathens speak and there overall concern was EQUITY. May is just around the corner. ЁЯдФ