Yes that is exactly what I said. He requested we defund the WHO NOT the UN. The US also has legislation to get our country out of the UN (HR7806) and all of its affiliate organizations. We also have legislation to defund the WEF (HR8748). This is why they must steal the elections to keep the conservatives from passing legislation like these.
I mean -- there's this But it's published in FP, which is owned by the Graham Holdings Company, which is the former owner of the WaPo. (Washington Post). How can you trust anything put out by such an organization? Oh wait, that's right, you believe in Astrology ....
The Biblical Abraham was an astrologer. All the big events in History are written in the stars as probabilities, not absolute certainties because we have free will. Also, History moves in cycles according to academics. Please read the book "The Fourth Turning" by William Strauss. There are summaries of it on the internet. We are in a Fourth Turning now. These times of crisis occur in the last quarter of every 80 years. The last one was WW1 to WW2. The one before that was the American Civil War. The one before that was The French Revolution and The American War of Independence.
Yes, I wondered why eveyone seemed to blithely assume that the recent mid-term elections in the US would be honest. Maybe the most important thing that needs to be done before the next presidential election is to deal somehow with the many MANY ways in which US elections can be -- and I strongly suspect are -- stolen. I don't know the US electoral system at all, so I can't even make any suggestions about that How would you go about fixing that minor problem, Karen?
OK, the WHO is only part of the UN. BUT HE DID DEFUND THE WHO.
Yes that is exactly what I said. He requested we defund the WHO NOT the UN. The US also has legislation to get our country out of the UN (HR7806) and all of its affiliate organizations. We also have legislation to defund the WEF (HR8748). This is why they must steal the elections to keep the conservatives from passing legislation like these.
I think there is going to be a Revolution to overthrow the Regime in China. It started in Hong Kong and is spreading to the mainland. Please also read how Pluto enters Aquarius on March 24, 2023 -
Where does your information about a Revolution to overthrow the Regime in China come from?
I have read several articles on the Planetary Constellations at this time in History. Here is one -
I mean -- there's this But it's published in FP, which is owned by the Graham Holdings Company, which is the former owner of the WaPo. (Washington Post). How can you trust anything put out by such an organization? Oh wait, that's right, you believe in Astrology ....
The Biblical Abraham was an astrologer. All the big events in History are written in the stars as probabilities, not absolute certainties because we have free will. Also, History moves in cycles according to academics. Please read the book "The Fourth Turning" by William Strauss. There are summaries of it on the internet. We are in a Fourth Turning now. These times of crisis occur in the last quarter of every 80 years. The last one was WW1 to WW2. The one before that was the American Civil War. The one before that was The French Revolution and The American War of Independence.
Yes, I wondered why eveyone seemed to blithely assume that the recent mid-term elections in the US would be honest. Maybe the most important thing that needs to be done before the next presidential election is to deal somehow with the many MANY ways in which US elections can be -- and I strongly suspect are -- stolen. I don't know the US electoral system at all, so I can't even make any suggestions about that How would you go about fixing that minor problem, Karen?