Thank you James 👍

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F🤡ck the WHO!!!

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The WHO are some sick Satanic nut jobs who need to be locked up in a prison cell.

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Could someone in the public relations / marketing / pharmaceutical/ legal community, please comment on the way, given that the we now know about the many deceptions propagated by the US Israeli UK Five Eyes NATO and the defense department and the state department regarding the known toxicity of COVID vaccine and the ongoing state-sponsored cover-up of the Fauci / Gates Foundation’s patented toxic mRNA spike protein bioweapon platform’s origins as a bioweapon developed by Fauci / Gates and the US Congress Appropriations for CRSPR gain-of-function research at USAMRIID NIH NIAID lab at Fort Detrick Maryland BSL-4 lab as a bat-DNA/ RNA derived bioweapon, why our government is still able to politically assassinate those who dare to speak out about the Israeli and US and UK government being the indicted and apparently unindictable co-conspirators.

Clearly it is a cover-up based in the same DOJ policy as the Reagan-signed 1981 Executive Order 12333 that specified that the DOJ would not investigate the CIA as long as the Presidentially-appointed unelected Directors of the CIA and the DoJ agree on it.

As a PR professional, I can’t understand how PR professionals can rationalize the fact that our government is violating the 1913 Gillette Amendment that prohibits the office of the presidency from using Public relations since it leads to an abuse of power. It is written about in basic PR textbooks but I don’t know why PRSA doesn’t monitor it as an ethics issue. Also how can we prosecute Weber Shanwick for running the COVID plandemic out of the CDC and being the source of fake news about the AMA. AIIP and PRSA should be speaking out!!

Cc: National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Len Horowitz Young Professionals of PRSA - Los Angeles ACLU Federal Communications Commission Aaron Maté The Grayzone Webster Tarpley Sara Feigenholtz, State Senator Black Lives Matter Howard Dugan Bronxville High School Friends Peter Dale Scott Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President 2024 Supporters Worldwide The Real News Network ProgressivePress NAACP Hilary Snell Cynthia McKinney, PhD James DiEugenio James B Turner Paul Jay Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו President Joe Biden President Donald J. Trump Archived Israel Did 911- No More Wars 4 Israel The Atlantic The Electronic Intifada

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Jan 27Liked by James Roguski

Excellent work as usual James, Hat's Off to you Sir!

I've produced a 'Current News Events' video using some of your excellent images, if people wish to download or share here's the address :


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Hi James;

Thank you so much for your latest email, where I can print each item and post them on local bulletin boards!!! Much appreciated!

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That is the idea!

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Great pictures for Exit the WHO, James! Here a video one might call: "WHO let the dog out!?" or "WHO's your daddy!?" https://swebbtube.se/w/pWnfc6RvdD3nLrr2KeFaXr

A laughter prolongs our lives, and screws the plans of psycho farmer Bill.

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Jan 27Liked by James Roguski

Quite the collection of awesome graphics! There are many retired or semi-retired advertising professionals who may happen to love humankind and care enough about their children and grandchildren, (all children), to dedicate their time creating powerful counterpropaganda — you know, with virtuous subliminal stuff.

Do you think I am being naive 😊 in seeing this as a possibility with retired people?

Well anyway, I think James could use some like minded competition!

By the way, one of the graphics states: “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic? ➡️ DISMANTLE THE WHO”; I must admit that I love the word DISMANTLE, DISSOLVE, or anything like that, as opposed to the word resist.

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Dismantle and dissolve are good. I also like the term "abolish."

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Ultra vires ('beyond the powers') is a Latin phrase used in law to describe an act that requires legal authority but is done without it. Its opposite, an act done under proper authority, is intra vires ('within the powers'). Acts that are intra vires may equivalently be termed "valid", and those that are ultra vires termed "invalid".


🚩Audible pronunciation:


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Jan 27Liked by James Roguski

🔻Online Dictionary🔻


transitive verb

To do away with; put an end to; annul.

"voted to abolish the tax."

To destroy completely.

To do away with wholly; to annul; to make void; -- said of laws, customs, institutions, governments, etc..

"to abolish slavery, to abolish folly"

Abolish, yes definitely, I am putting that one in my blow tube and will use as many breaths as required until the bullseye is completely abolished.

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The WHO is Organized Crime .

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I'm not sure negotiations aren't going well. All they really said is that "we need to hurry."

Perhaps things are going as planned.

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Here's a link that Google put up on the first video to avail me of the opportunity to consume lies from Health Canada...


The metadata that was on that link...


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The heart of the world fights they can delay, the mark of the beast. No fight is coming quicker.

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Truly terrifying video. This isn’t about health. There is NO 1 health for all. We are individuals. So to me this is Business and money!!!!

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