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thanks james a combination of the censorship gestapo on censor book and the present scandal concerning a bbc person means that people have no idea whats really going on its the old look here but dont look over there narrative and most people are falling for it..no doubt there will be at some point people from the uk join the thread and to each one of them i say join the quest in getting the petition up to and beyond the target figure of 100000 signatures needed to get it voted on /debated in the uk parliament i would strongly suggest e mails are our most powerful ally after all its impossible for them to be stifled censored or suppressed even by the censorship gestapo on censor book folks its of utmost importance that you reshare this post widely all over the uk with as many like minded people as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to also sign it and themselves to reshare it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people as they possibly can and so on the idea is to get it continualy signed and reshared widely from all over the uk if both you and they will commit to doing this just watch what will surely happen with the signature count i anticipate that once it passes the target figure of 100000 signatures that the signature count will go through the roof and the strangelhold of the censorship gestapo will be AT AN END and the uk public will be able to view the petition unhindered in closing come on people weve got a job to do

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