Response from Hon Martin Aldridge MLC:

"Thank you for contacting me in relation to the Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022.

The Opposition opposed the passage of the Bill, arguing that the legislation did nothing more than extend the State of Emergency by another name.

Despite our concerns, the government used its numbers in Parliament to rush the legislation through, limiting debate and consideration of the Bill and rejecting all amendments proposed by the Opposition. The Opposition proposed sensible amendments that would have provided for ministerial and parliamentary oversight of these extensive new powers vested in the Police Commissioner, all of which were not supported by the government.

Of greater concern was the government admission that they had not conducted any public consultation on the Bill and nor was it their intention to do so. We sought a referral of the Bill to the Standing Committee on Legislation to, among other reasons, provide for an appropriate level of public consultation which, again, was opposed by every member of the Labor Government.

Further information on the Opposition’s position in relation to the Bill can be found on the links below:

New COVID legislation is just State of Emergency by another name - Opposition Alliance

( https://loop.wa.gov.au/2022/09/22/new-covid-legislation-is-just-state-of-emergency-by-another-name/ )

Transparency concerns as Labor blocks Chief Health Officer access - Opposition Alliance

( https://loop.wa.gov.au/2022/10/06/transparency-concerns-as-labor-blocks-chief-health-officer-access/ )

Opposition to introduce safeguards for extraordinary COVID-19 powers - Opposition Alliance

( https://loop.wa.gov.au/2022/10/18/opposition-to-introduce-safeguards-for-extraordinary-covid-19-powers/ )

Lastly, after more than 950 days of a State of Emergency in Western Australia, the Bill does nothing to provide for future pandemic response or public health emergencies. Other States and Territories in Australia have introduced pandemic specific amendments or legislation, with appropriate safeguards and transparency, to provide capacity and certainty in the event of future outbreaks. This again was another missed opportunity by the McGowan Government.

Thank you for contacting me in relation to this matter."

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Thank you for sharing this information

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Thank you for spearheading all your work to explain wHO-attempted take over of our state's health authority rights by going around the Constitution of the United States.. I listened to Francis Boyles explanation on Dr. Mercola podcast this morning. This interview really clarified to me how WHO is relentlessly trying to take over the state's rights either through regulations or using a treaty that will preempt states rights. Francis indicated that a treaty would be harder to fight in the court of law . All these actions Didn't quite sink in for me over 6months, too much distractions, now I feel more prepared to explain the potential for loss of health freedoms plan to others with more authority. UnFortunately, it's hard to figure out who still believes in these jabs But i imagine many jabbers would not want to forfeit their states rights.🙂

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I am posting these responses for posterity and for your reference.

Response from Shane Love MLA , Member for Moore:

"Thank you for writing regarding the State Government’s Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022.

The Opposition actively opposed the Bill through all stages in the Legislative Assembly, and we have called on the Government to end the State of Emergency in Western Australia.

The Government’s Bill does nothing more than continue the State of Emergency by another name for an additional two years, while reducing the Ministerial and Parliamentary oversight of these increased powers.

It is our view that a public health issue such as COVID-19 is best managed through a fit-for-purpose Public Health Act which would not only allow for better management of COVID-19, but future pandemics. This approach has been followed by other States.

Despite our opposition The Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022 passed the Legislative Assembly on 21 September 2022. It is expected to be introduced into the Legislative Council this month.

While the Opposition will again vote against this Bill, it will still pass due to the Government’s overwhelming numbers in both Houses of Parliament.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views on this legislation."

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Thank you

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I just received a response to the pre-written email. It doesn't say much, but I hope that there will be a consideration to dump this Bill 2022 by the Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC, Member for the South West?

Thank you for your email to the office of Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC, Member for the South West.

Please accept this automated response as acknowledgement your email has been received. Where appropriate, you will receive a response in due course.

Due to the large volume of emails received, priority is placed on responding to correspondence directly addressed to Jackie from constituents and organizations in the South West Region.

If you have not done so already, please provide your name, address and contact details to assist us in responding.

Please be aware that we may not be able to respond to emails where Jackie is simply copied in, or to emails generated as part of a campaign. We will, however, note your concerns.

If your matter is particularly urgent, please phone the office on 9757 9555.

If your query relates to COVID-19, there is a range of information available at: https://www.wa.gov.au/government/covid-19-coronavirus

COVID-19 coronavirus - WA

The WA Government has declared a State of Emergency for Western Australia. For updated details, including State of Emergency Declarations and Directions, visit COVID-19 coronavirus: State of Emergency Declarations.



Kind regards

Office of the Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC

Member for the South West Region

Deputy Chair of Committees

Shop 6, 157 Bussell Highway


P: (08) 9757 9555

E: jackie.jarvis@mp.wa.gov.au

We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, the Wardandi people of the Nyoongar nation, and pay respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

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Response from Hon Wilson Tucker MLC:

"Thank you for writing to me about the Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022. I share many of your concerns.

Currently under the Emergency Management Act 2005, the State Emergency Coordinator, who is also the Police Commissioner, can exercise extraordinary powers, however they can only do so if the Minister for Emergency Services declares a ‘state of emergency’. If this Bill is passed into law, the State Emergency Coordinator will be able to make their own ‘COVID-19 declaration’, granting themself many of those same extraordinary powers. This is concerning because, unlike the Minister, the State Emergency Coordinator is not an elected representative and is not answerable to the public or the Parliament.

The government has not demonstrated why this Bill is necessary. It seems to me that this Bill is driven primarily by the government’s desire to declare triumphantly that they have ended the state of emergency, while still retain all the substantive powers they had under it.

For this reason, I intend to vote against the Bill when it is debated in the Legislative Council next week.

I thank you again for taking the time to share your concerns with me."

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Response from Hon Dr Brian Walker MLC:

"Thank you for your email regarding the McGowan Government’s proposed Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022.

I have read the Legislative Assembly Hansard, the Explanatory Memorandum, and the Blue Bills for both the Emergency Management Amendment and the Public Health 2016 Act, and, like you, I have serious concerns about this piece of legislation, which I consider to be both rushed and flawed. I fail to see what ‘emergency’ requires us to rush this legislation through, without regard for due process and the Parliament’s tried and tested committee structures, and moreover, I worry that the Police Commissioner will be the individual tasked with overseeing our pandemic response for the next two years, rather than the Chief Health Officer, or someone with a scientific background.

Please rest assured that I intend to speak against those aspects of the Bill when it comes on for debate next week, and that I will do all I can in the face of the Government’s huge majority to scrutinise, and ideally improve, the legislation before it is passed into law.

Meanwhile, your own options include protesting, be it individually to your local Labor MP, or collectively outside Parliament on Tuesday, when we expect the debate to commence in the Legislative Council. And, of course, when you next go to the ballot box, you have the option of voting for and lending your support to a party which consistently supports personal autonomy along with all aspects of wellness – physical, mental, social and financial wellness, as well as social justice – namely the Legalise Cannabis WA Party.

Yours sincerely,


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Response from Hon. Colin de Grussa MLC:

"Thank you for writing regarding the State Government’s Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022.

The Opposition do not support the Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022.

We will also seek to refer the Bill to committee for enquiry.

Thank you for your email."

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Yes, I received the same response and included it in the article above. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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Now, that is great news. I hope that this Bill gets the thumbs down!

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There is a sense of reaping what one sows. Murderous incoherence is a beacon totalitarians flock toward.

WA has fully embraced the global corporate technofascist narrative and its politicians are the embodiment of a majority who neither wish to, nor can see beyond media talking points on the MSM. For example, I know a consultant physician with a PhD in pharmacology who blatantly demonstrated his inability to critically analyze the literature around mRNA biotechnology or the initial Pfizer study or the wider putative infection fatality rate, who welcomed multiple jabs as enthusiastically as he reliably embraced the mantra of climatism.

Cognitive dissonance is as much a blessing as it is a curse.

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We already knew this would happen. It is the next step in changing our freedom into slavery and death.

I think, for the first time now, the original plan was to fear the world at once by harming and killing people all over the world by a bioweapon they created for us.

The 'they' created with the bioweapon itself, immedeatly their counter-poison, in the form of so called mra-gentherapy which they called vaccines so indoctrination to acceptance without asking has already been done really well and active for many years by telling people they dye without it and that 12 years of research at least has been done for a possible approval of a vaccine so only when they are 100 procent sure it works and it doesn't harm us as well.

We are very very very lucky part one of the plan is failing.

Part one was the governments and big pharma together would stop the killings and save the world.

China is in it, with the americans as well because I guess that the chinese people no longer accept being suppressed and ruled by and for their government.

In the rest of the world, because of communication directly within seconds between citizens, it is every day for big bad rulers more difficult to fool people and the need to fool more people every day. I guess they are tyred of that.

However, their plan to be the hero of everyone in the whole world that survived their really deadly virus, failed completely.

The virus rappidly lost his deadlyness and there so called vaccines didn't work either, so it became not the quick totall disaster they planned it to be, but just a pain in the arse and reason people woke up instead of blindly adoring their governments but some even started to look really critcally.

But instead of giving up, the country, which had the most slaverable citizins, just

starts plan B, after fearing with corona and instantly fabricated a necessary new threat monkeypox also failed but succeeded in keeping the audience quit when tiranny rules were extended and extended.

I haven't seen those extra formulated extremely fargoing tyranical rules being used by governments but I did see them really occupied by 'keeping them warm for using' while knowing they don't need them, as well as the don't help people at all.

So they still need them for something we can only guess. We guessed they needed them to take totall controll over our lives, which you can see it was a good guess too. We couldn't possibly miss, didn't we?

Than the answer to the question how solve this ungoing problem is an easy one.

The governments who bring up these kinds of rules are criminals, because there is no threat and if there is, they could do anything necessary and the whole world cooperated really really well.

Criminals must be caught and put away in jail.

So protesting but also at the same time together plan forcing the law will be done justice to who need it which is actually a citizens now and make judges and wathever autorities doing their job as it has to be done more attractive than it is now to not do it.

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Hey James, I sent my email of the Kill the Bill to Minister. Cook and I did receive a response from Australia. Do you have another list, other than the one that is posted?

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Everything I have is in the article. What other list might you seek?

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My email went to Deputy Office of the Hon. Roger Cook MLA

Deputy Premier of Western Australia

Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade;

Tourism; Commerce; Science

+61 8 6552 6500

13th Floor, Dumas House; 2 Havelock Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 Australia


He didn't respond to this Bill 2022. Who is the person on the list that is not the Deputy Premier but a legislator in Australia

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I apologize, but I do not understand your question.

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I owe you an apology, because when I received the response to the pre-written email from the office of the HON Roger Cook MLA, it wasn't met with his satisfaction, at one point in his email, he suggested that If I knew anyone who is in need of an assistance with mental health, drug/alcohol abuse, to please call the Australian hotline number. No reference to bill 2022. I wanted to know who legislates bills in the Parliament from the list? Is it a process such as in the US Congress?

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Kill the Bill Amen

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.....QUITE simply, Greg Hunt MUST suffer the DEATH penalty ALSO - for his WANTON disregard of humanity (with Morrison, Andrews & McGowan at LEAST sentenced to life in prison - PERIOD).

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Historically, reliably putting a full stop to the endeavours of dictators or budding tyrants was well known. It seems to have become quite unfashionable.

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Oct 13, 2022
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With the 'official' demise of individual responsibility and the adoption of neo-Marxist derived collective identity in media, politics, medicine and education, these entities now appear quite well advanced along their trajectories to figurative and literal dead-ends, whether biological, social or economic. A parallel but quite distinctive and adaptive social order is slowly coalescing around traditional values. Therein I believe?hope?pray, lies the 'undoing' you refer to.

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I too sent the pre-written letter to members of parliament, there should be boxes and boxes of this type to fill up their offices so they can no longer ignore the fact that there may not be a way back if we don't stand together strong right now. Peace

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God can pull the living frequency of any living thing at any moment. These evil politicians are being used as LEVERS to elicit a reaction from the populace. It is how we REACT that COUNTS. This is The Great Awakening.

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Oct 12, 2022
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Yes, I agree. What keeps me going is not to take any of this too seriously. William Strauss wrote a famous book called "The Fourth Turning". Society falls apart due to corruption in the 4th Quarter. The previous one was WW1. Also, there was a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 2020. This happens every time there is a War. The last one that was this close was in 1663 when the American Pilgrims sat down for their first Thanksgiving meal. It was the Birth of America.

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Talk about government overreach?!?

Praying & speaking out for my fellow Australian Patriots who wants Medical Freedom.

Pfizer just admitted it lied about the depopulation vaccines & we are losing more people worldwide from the jab than we ever lost from Covid!

We wouldn’t have lost very many to Covid virus if we were allowed early treatment with proven good drugs like Ivermectin & Hydroxychloriquine!?!

If this bill passes then it is a disgusting blow to Freedom worldwide!



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Done - twice today. And also sent it to Mad Man McGowan too. Thank you James.

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