OPSDT website:

"WHAT STANDARD OF PROOF APPLIES? The standard of proof in all Tribunal hearings is proof on a balance of probabilities, which is different from the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. For example, this means CPSO must show it is more likely than not that the alleged misconduct happened."

More likely than not!! According to CPSO "court". They can turf any witness they don't like, classifying them as "not an expert"!!

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Today the email link tribunal@opsdt.ca did not work, no response. I contacted the CPSO and they said there was no hearing today. I was adamant that I heard the panel say they would start at 10am today. Then I was told that I have to use yesterday's link that was sent to access the hearings. Indeed. How is the public supposed to access the hearings if they're just joining today, I asked. They said that was in the jurisdiction of the OPSDT as they're "separate". But on the OPSDT website (posted above) they do not have ANY notice to the public on how to access these hearings. (So if I hadn't run into James Rojuski's substack I would never have found my way into Dr. Trozzi's hearings in the first place.) The CPSO website also has no guidance for the public.

Get the feeling they don't want the public to watch these hearings?

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I gained access and let them know about this issue in the chatbox. They said sorry, and let me in on their secret link: "We have a page dedicated to accessing these links: firstclassfacilitation.ca/opsdt"

Can you believe this is a "public hearing"??? Anyone who hasn't accessed prior to today is going to be lost.

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Had to use a different email today in order to get the link. I guess they don’t want the same people watching their nonsense day after day? This “tribunal” is really infuriating.

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Watching what goes on in the hearing I mean.... what a waste of time. They get paid to sit around bloviating pretending to do important work but in truth it could not be more meaningless. Bullying doctors for advancement. Let’s hope AI takes numerous white collar jobs. So many are just bloat.

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I do t know what happened to David Spuria. He banned me on his Patreon page for not agreeing with every single thing that he says. I support a certain candidate that he hates and stand up for him when he bashed him so he banned me. Ridiculous.

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Hi James! Thanks for tracking this. Just sent email to get the links.

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Watching.... they are on a break at the moment, but still watching

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I used duckduckgo to look up canadian physician & surgeons of ontario (cpso) discipline hearings, which took me to a home page for Ontario Physician & Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (OPSDT) & scrolled down to Dr. Mark Trozzi. I re-registered. The chat box was at the bottom AND today it is changed! https://opsdt.ca/hearings/upcoming-hearings. Today they state the link as in the email for the tribunal link & also that it is a CPSO Public Register. I clicked the link & went to the home page. I asked for doc referral by name. It gave me his license # as well. Here one can find his public hearing information. - alleged behaviour/conduct for discipline hearing. They seem to like the word - hearings & specific - hearing, although the term tribunal is the home page & ditto Dr. Mark Trozzi is being smeered before judgement on his case!!!! The charges pre-judgement are as though already judged & found guilty -- the actual attitude of a tribunal or guilty until proven not guilty or the fact that one is before the tribunal means you are guilty -- been that way for centuries! Tribunals should never be allowed under any circumstances.

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Thank you James for stoking the boiler.

I'll be observing what happens at Dr. Mark's hearings.

Canada is the "Western guinea pig" of the NWO, chosen because of it's small malleable population of easy-going westerners.

What the NWO goons can get away with in Canada, will next be accomplished world-wide.

C'mon folks support James, and Dr. Trozzi, and be vocal about it.

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The link they sent me did not function in any browser, and I tried three of them.

So I sent this note in reply;


I tried 3 browsers, the link did not function in any of them.

It appears you are deliberately making observing the hearing difficult for concerned parties.

Please send me a functioning link to see what you are trying to hide from the public.

Dr. Colin Melbourne

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The way round this "bug" was to ++use another email account++, and copy the link and paste into a browser. (Clicking on the link didn't work, copying and pasting it did work. The hearing resumes in 2 hour's time.)

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There are currently 103 people watching the Tribunal.

Dr. Mark's Lawyer began by complaining that the College emailed him a tranche of Case law documents he day of the hearing, which he's not had time to even open. He objected that it was both unfair, and unprecedented, despite him giving ample previous notification of expert witnesses he'd be calling.

The Tribunal then went offline for a period to discuss this point out of the public eye!

When they resumed, the Lawyer was profoundly dissatisfied with the Chair's response, and gave notice of appeal to the Tribunal record.

So already, we see sleight of hand by the College Tribunal.

And we are expected to believe this process is fair, balanced and honourable?

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My heart goes out to the (persecuted) doctors involved.

Having to sit through this tribunal would be seen, by some, as a more painful punishment than an old fashioned flogging in the style of Admiral Nelson's Royal Navy. Give me a pint of Navy rum & I know which I'd choose.

Having expressed a preference for two of the three Royal Navy traditions, I fear Dr. Trozzi et al are being subjected to the third. I'd give that one a miss, so they have my deepest respect.

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Just wanted to say --"Thank You" James Roguski for putting International eyes onto Canadian Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) Disciplinary Tribunal (CPSODT) vs Dr. Mark Trozzi.

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Should read OPSDT as each province has its own tribunal.

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If your email request to the tribunal (cpso) sends an inoperable url link - regardless of browser, including a 2nd request, ditto; use a search engine to locate cpsodt lists the hearing. One can re-register & the chat box request at bottom of page will asap send a valid button link.

The schedule is changed to 10:15 a.m. Wednesday.

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I just got through the link they sent. YOU HAVE TO CUT AND PASTE THE LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER FOR IT TO WORK!! They know it's a "glitch" but haven't sent out an email to inform people.

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Tried! Mine wouldn't allow me to highlight the link, only click it.

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Just letting y'all know, i signed up, and NO LINK RECEIVED.


James, we are paying attention

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update: i emailed again, got a link and IS THIS ALL ABOUT 27 exemption letters the guy wrote? Somebody, please help me wrap my head around this boring insanity...

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If the link sent via email is inoperable, i.e. mine looked good but every browser used placed a /&20 in front of the link. I found the OPSDT in duck duck go. Their home page listed the hearings & I was able to re-register. The chat box at bottom sent me a servicable link).

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I see no "chat Box" any where on the OPSDT site.

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That was yesterday! ALL is changed today! I just added info. for today. One can go to the Canadian Physician & Surgeon site for a Public Register listing of docs & seek a referral by name. Under Trozzi's name, scroll down & will supply info on his alleged conduct resulting in tribunal hearing. One can download the .pdf. My favourite Doc is being smeered pre-judgement.

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Kathleen, you got further than me! GRRRRRRRRRR

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