Hi Kathleen!

I have tried to get hold of many of the people on campus. They seem to want to protect SDSU. Very strange indeed. We cannot sue because the HPWREN cell tower has 'Governmental Immunity.' Parents need to know that these towers are on college campuses. I have a picture of this tower, and all the tops of the trees have dead foliage all over many trees. Right now, this tower transmits 200 mi E-W and 125 mi N-S... I've read documents about illegal emissions and the scientists involved, some of them have said, "I'm glad I don't live in San Diego County" referring to this tower. Hans Werner Braun came to the U.S. from Germany to start ARPA Net. He is the one that started the HPWREN cell tower network. I believe he is part of 'Operation Paperclip.' This will be the new 'Wireless Holocaust.' Our children are going to die. I live in CO and if I lived in San Diego, I'd be on that campus every second. These towers are on most college campuses now, unfortunately. I have taken my meter over the CSU down the road from my house. The readings are incredibly high. I cry about this most days, but I won't quit fighting. Have you heard of HAARP? It is an antenna field out of Alaska. They can bend the ionosphere, make populations docile/agitated, or cause weather modifications. That is the bottom line, that this cell tower is. So very dangerous. They closed HAARP in Alaska in 2014-15 and a few years reopened it. It put chills down my spine. The reason they closed it for a while, is because the grid is all in place in the lower 48 states. HAARP cell towers are on government properties (SDSU STATE university) and on Communication buildings. HPWREN is on top of the communication's Building on campus. Stanford University has the 'VLF Research Group' and the University of Florida. Also, there is the GIRO Network (Global (Ionospheric Radio Network) out of MA. All of these grids are involved and are linked to HAARP. Really sad. Right now, the body count is 17 and I'm sure more than that on campus. I contacted all media in San Diego. Had a brave gentleman reporter and he called me at home. He said, "I want to send my condolences and let you know that this story, "Would never get out." I asked why and he said, "Because of $$$." I have also investigated 6 other school cancer clusters. They are all from wireless. Wireless is under National Security, and why it's hard to fight.

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Im not sure I buy that 22% are still taking them.

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My first memory (prob 5 or 6) going to a doctor was fainting after being given a shot. My first act of rebellion was running away from home (hiding in my neighbors bushes) when my mother told me I had to go to the doctors that day.

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I've assembled my thoughts a little more coherently about stopping the insanity. I feel strongly that action needs to be taken at the local community level. To circumvent the obstacle of mass media, government reach, and social group think....you have to look the source of the whole problem right in the eye. The only place you can do that...is at the community level. All hands on deck. We need to move. Time is short.


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From what you report, taxpayers have funded these shameful supplies, despite their application?

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Go to Jon Rappoport's substack, this is what he will be covering in his recent podcast but has many articles well written:

MYTH ONE: Vaccination has led to the major decline of childhood diseases.

MYTH TWO: Vaccination produces a high standard of health and well-being.

MYTH THREE: Substances added to vaccines, called adjuvants, add to the positive power of vaccination.

MYTH FOUR: Vaccines are remarkably safe.

These myths are 4 cornerstones of a completely false foundation. I’ll blow all of them to smithereens.

Then I’ll go further. I’ll take on the official gibberish about antibodies, and how that fake science has been used to prop up vaccines for many decades.

And of course I’ll comment on the use of vaccines to prevent disease caused by viruses that don’t exist.

Finally, I’ll explain how the human clinical trials of the RNA COVID vaccines were DESIGNED TO FAIL.

All the myths about vaccines are based on false evidence. I’ll boil down that farce in straightforward terms.

- Jon Rappoport

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Me either....not one vaccine...except for stepping on a rusty nail....I did get tetanus shot several years ago.

I am 73. Never had a "flu" shot....never took one "covid vaccine"....I am perfectly healthy. Please everyone...don't believe the lies of the drug industry. You do NOT need these injections that contain god only knows what....Some say the "covid vaccines" had actual pieces of metal in it....I can't believe that...but who knows. Don't submit to this madness resist with all your might.

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Thanks Robin! I also lost a son from a cell tower on the SDSU campus in San Diego. He and 3 other men died in 2008, all with brain cancers. All worked in the same room/building. Found many articles about illegal emissions. Of course, used in the lawsuit against the FCC with Robert Kennedy Jr. and the CHD (Childrens Health Defense). The cell tower is called HPWREN (High Performance Wireless Research & Educational Network), a major backbone node to the UCSD Supercomputer Center. Lots of horrific stuff on this government tower. There is a paragraph in the HPWREN - Acknowledgements and Disclaimers which says:

"In no Event shall the University of California or any of the institutions collaborating or who have collaborated be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, property and POTENTIALLY LIVES, arising out of the use of the HPWREN Web Tool and its services, even if the University of California or the HPWREN Project Team have been advised of the possibility of such damage. The site content is subject to change without notice."

These kids in schools may as well be in a FEMA camp, as far as I'm concerned. They are being fed junk food, unfiltered water, Big Pharma shots, radiation exposures (I've had attorneys tell me, "Massive amounts of radiation, off of this tower). The tower of course has 'Governmental Immunity.' It is so sick what is happening to our children. How many parents (with critical thinking) would ever allow a child of theirs on a college campus, or any school campus these days? They just don't know. The tower at SDSU to-date, has claimed the lives of 17 people. I'm sure this is just the tip-of-the-iceberg!

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I am so sorry for your loss of your son. this is beyond horrible. Maybe you could contact the other parents of the students who died and do a class action suit....something should be done. They should NOT BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER.

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We predicted they would have a follow-up prepared for when the Covid Scam ran out of steam!

We thought it would be Bird Flu, but they probably failed in distributing this virus worldwide?

Accepting an 'Experimental injection' that has been documented as lethal for millions is total insanity!

The supposed 'Covid', 'BirdFlu' and 'MoneyPox' 'evidence' was carefully constructed to SELL EXPENSIVE but useless and dangerous INJECTIONS (called vaccines) and to obtain our submissive co-operation and willing participation to play their depopulation game by falling into their evil trap! Never again!

Only the unthinking minority takes the CORRUPT WHO seriously, since they were bought by Bill Gates as his marketing division for his massive financial interests in the lucrative vaccine marketplace.

The carefully constructed WEF's New World Order 'DEPOPULATION Plan' is on its designated course?

I have learned to assume the impossibly speedy introduction of "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" DEADLY injections (Vaccines?) was, at best, ineffective under all circumstances. Far more dangerous than abstaining from the gene altering, natural immunity destroying, depopulating mRNA jabs.

At best, vax recipients gain a psychological belief that they were protected. In reality, they were allowing an unproven toxin into their system which has a myriad of consequences, none of which I believe combats a virus! I call this genetic modification! 'Life Expectancy' reduces with every jab.

These consequences are borne out of diminishing natural human immunity to all illnesses and diseases. Allowing easy access of almost every disease to attack our damaged immune systems.

Why have the FDA mysteriously granted 'Full Approval' for the useless but highly dangerous Covid Vax? These deadly C19 injections, which they pretend are vaccines, have now, (in spite of Big Pharma, in collusion with the FDA, media, etc, previously hiding the existence of other effective proven anti-viral medicines) given 'FULL APPROVAL' to these incredibly dangerous, unreliable and ineffective injections?

This is bizarre because in 1976 the FDA removed (BANNED) a previous Experimental injection, for Swine Flu, because around 50 +/- US Service personnel died after taking that injection.

The current deadly injections have killed and maimed MILLIONS but the FDA have mysteriously 'Approved' the depopulating concoction. What could be their motivation?

Ivermectin and other proven anti-virus medicines work - pretend vaccines can kill you and are useless. No more dangerous, unproven mRNA injections until Big Pharma relinquish ZERO LIABILITY!

I believe 'new' mRNA injections for MoneyPox probably comes from the same vat as the deadly but ineffective Covid crap? It will continue the same predetermined course of depopulation.

We all now ignore the obsolete WHO, the CORRUPT UN , WEF, their New World Order and any other pseudo organisation trying to control us and remove our rights to freedom, autonomy and free speech. We now distrust the media, press, Big Pharma, the medical profession and our governments!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without corrupt medical intervention!

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Hey Mick, your comment although on the whole is commendable it is somewhat contradictory as Ivermectin was developed by Merk (big pharma) who still hold patents AND...... is still manufactured by big pharma; AND..... is promoted by the World (ahem) "Health" Organization. https://www.pipelinepharma.com/ivermectin-manufacturers

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Sorry to disagree Andy, but my long term understanding of the history of IVM is that, Yes, Merck had a patent on the medicine back into the 1070's and 1980's, but the patent ran out and alternative versions suddenly destroyed the massive profits Merck had enjoyed. They stopped manufacturing IVM a long time ago as it became unprofitable.

For decades, IVM remained a Top 50 WHO recommended medicines. That was when the WHO was honest, honourable and trusted = before Gates bought into, and corrupted, the WHO. The corrupted WHO allowed the FDA etc, to hide IVM to support the money train that Pfizer, et al, has now become. There all seem to share in the spoils.

We bought our first IVM back in early 2021 - from India. It was inexpensive as we had expected. Obviously, our supplier could have been a scammer, but it's not a profitable venture to 'copy' a cheap medicine with another 'fake' cheap medicine!

Check it out to see if my version has any credibility please!

Regards! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Have you clicked on the link I provided?

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I'm over cautious of clicking unknown 'links', so I hadn't opened it. I just did so and found the potential suppliers of IVM. Strange how some cannot supply the UK? Even though it's supposedly been reinstated as an officially recommended medicine by the CORRUPT WHO. They collaborated with the FDA, Pfizer, etc, to hide and denigrate IVM as a proven medicine, instructed to do so while the Covid vax EUA was applied for. Now, the poisonous injections have peaked causing millions of vax related injuries and deaths, it's safe to concede that IVM is NOT "for sole use on animals" and that it can have human health benefits!

The other issue I have recently become aware of is that certain heroes of the fight against the Covid/Vax con, are now suggesting that IVM can be harmful in large doses. I have had no reason to take IVM tablets because, even though I refused to be 'LOCKED DOWN' I haven't had Covid. I had a mild cold a year ago which lasted 3 days - my Wife had the same problem which lasted 6 days. If I had stupidly tested for Covid, the ineffective test would probably have suggested I had it. I now wonder if Covid ever really existed? But since 2019, I've become an ardent and enthusiastic cynic and PROUD Conspiracy Theorist.

Regards! Unjabbed Mick. (Obviously, being in my late 70s, I was a prime Pfizer, etc, target for being compulsorily injected with the DEADLY crap, ridiculously referred to as a "vaccine".)

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I'm trying to point out to you, the anomaly within your posts that advocates the use of the big pharma developed & manufactured ivermectin whilst simultaneously saying; (& I'm paraphrasing) "don't trust big pharma".

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it's not an anomaly! Big Pharma exists and they do some good. They also prioritise profits before human health & wellbeing.

IVM has been around marketed by Merck since around the mid-1970's, when it was obviously Patented. The patent ran out (I'm guessing after 10 years) and so other pharmacists could copy it and market it for pennies, instead of far higher mark-ups for Patented meds.

Big Pharma ARE CORRUPT by nature, but their purpose is to provide meds, drugs and injectables (VAX) at ridiculously high prices = during the period the meds are patented'

So you are missing the point = IVM is a safe alternative to the 'experimental' injections they call 'VACCINES'. Merck are part of Big Pharma but have little or no interest in IVM since the Patent ran out.

My criticism of Big Pharma is justified and almost irrelevant when my comments refer to IVM which now, due to no current financial connection to Merck, is not still tainted by the reputation of Big Pharma. IVM is now a strand-alone medicine NOT made by a member of the BIG PHARMA cartel! Got it?

Please let me know that you understand my logic?

Regards, Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Thanks again Andy!

I'm not sure i get your drift? I realise that Merck are part of the corrupt Big Pharma gang and that they had patents fro IVM. these Patents ended and IVM was a free market forcing the medicine to be unprofitable, hence Merck dumped it manufacture and distribution of IVM.

I think we're on the same page but maybe i rushed some of my 'comments' and made them unclear!

Keep up your mission to inform the world about the evil that's become apparent since late 2019. I'll do likewise!

Regards! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

PS I'm off to the supermarket wearing my T-shirt stating "Post Vax UK DEATHS since July 2012 = 1791" (front) and "Post Vax DEATHS covered up" (back).

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I don't trust Big Pharma at all, but surely taking a drug that has been widely used by humans since 1987, and has an extremely good safety record, is preferable to the risks of iatrogenic harm through being hospitalised with Covid?

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If more people stood up and said No right from the start of the pandemic, I’m convinced we wouldn’t be in this situation. Inflation is out of control, so many people are sick. JUST SAY NO. Thanks James.

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portugal has fallen check out redacted for the details..beware the international health regulations check out citizen.org for the details

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This dog sez: NOOOOOOOOO!

I dogfart in their general direction! Their mothers are hamsters, and their fathers smelled of ELDERBERRIES.

I poop in their shoes! I chew their bootox! I dogyark on their pillows!!!

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Thank you, James for your constant and through information!! You and your team are amazing! We are strong when we stick together. We can say No. We have to say No. We need to stand up and not conform. They have no power if we stick together. I feel like I would rather lose my job than my life. With schools, use religious exemption if you have that available in your state. Colleges too. You should try and see if that will work ?

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Just watched full documentary The Entire History on ‘The Jesuit Order’ & The Plans on World Dominance located on YT. The film walks viewers through Freemasonry 33, Vatican, US Presidents, and the alliance- sworn to achieve World Dominance. Also confirms satanic child traffickings hidden cult. That supports #ocupythegetty Steven D Kelley TruthCat radio has been exposing these tunnels, child trafficking operatives, for years.

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There is also a lot more on stopworldcontrol.com

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Say NO! and the monsters and they all disappear! They are cowards and will recoil at your courage to say NO!

As a THANK YOU, to James for ALL of his WORLD-CHANGING FACTS, let's all re-stack @James Roguski's Public Service Announcement- we have more than enough information for us all to say NO!

Tag, YOUR turn to Re-stack the FACTS! I vote NO!

NO medical tyranny, NO tyranny, NO WHO!!

Long life our Sovereignty- say NO to protect our peace and prosperity! I's our job to say NO!

James' work is profoundly important, very thoroughly researched facts! At the very least, I can take a few minutes to support you through sharing with others. Thank you for your work, James!

Tag, YOUR turn to Re-stack the FACTS!

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Aug 23·edited Aug 28


David Martin is always worth a while, I love that man. interesting that he mentions our mutual foe the who.


apocaliypses have been overrated everytime they´ve been promoted and by the way, human history is filled with apocalypse forcasts and they all suck.

all the apocalyse forecasts we've heard before never came true, that's right. but Isaiah I'd rather take seriously. mr tedros I can't take seriously, but Isaiah is no joke. an exerpt of his apocalypse vision:

ravaged the earth will be, ravaged, pillaged...

the face of the earth is changed, it's residents dispersed...

the residents of the earth decreased, only a small remnant of them is left.

deceivers cheated, deceitfully cheated the deceivers.

that sucks, heard about 31 mio vaccine dead recently... but, nobody can prevent it and the end will be happy according to Isaiah, our happy ending, not theirs.

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