Please email your public comment to the Office for Global Affairs and post a copy of what you told them in the comment section below. Please spread the word as much as you possibly can, ASAP.

Here is my message to the OGA...

Dear OGA:

I am writing to express my strong disagreement with the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. Signing this agreement would give more power to an unelected, unaccountable, international organization and threaten our very existence.

My thoughts are best summarized in this video:


and this website: http://ThePeoplesDeclaration.com

The Office for Global Affairs MUST HEED the 33,884 comments that were submitted to the World Health Organization in April 2022:



The Office for Global Affairs MUST ALSO HEED the hundreds of video comments submitted to the World Health Organization by INDIVIDUALS in September 2022:



The 10th amendment of the US Constitution reserves health policy decisions to the States or to the People. Congress does not have the legitimate authority to give those powers over to the WHO. Neither does the Office of Global Affairs.

My concerns include the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, the WHO CA+ Framework Convention or the "Pandemic Treaty", and any centralization of power into the hands of unelected and unaccountable officials through the negotiation of international agreements that do not reflect the views of the people of the world, and of which many are not even aware.

I am vehemently opposed to what is essentially biological weapons research, whether it is referred to as the "One Health Approach," vaccine research, gain-of-function research, dual use research of concern, or by any other name. This type of research must NOT be expanded. It must be stopped. I am extremely worried that if research on pathogens of pandemic potential that includes creating such pathogens in laboratories or experimenting with them to increase their danger to humans in any way, is allowed to continue, this could, and probably would, lead to more pandemics, not fewer. Accidents such as lab leaks can happen, as well as there are some who might use such pathogens to try to gain wealth and/or power.

One of the greatest tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic, was the censorship of science. Many doctors and scientists who questioned the public health narrative were shut down, cancelled on social media, and many lost their jobs. The whole premise of science is about questioning even the most cherished theory, sharing data and research, and discarding hypotheses that turn out to be untrue. Scientists must be allowed to discuss different ideas with one another and not be shut down.

Repurposed drugs that could have been used to help were illegally kept from people who needed them. The experimental mRNA “vaccines” were rushed through channels of approval which did not allow for proper risk assessment. Pharmaceutical companies fought to hide their data from the public for 75 years. Yet we were asked (required, in many cases - to retain our employment) to take the vaccines without knowledge of potential risks.

The tens of billions of dollars that might potentially be spent on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response would be much better spent ensuring that safe, potable drinking water and sanitary removal of waste water be provided for everyone on earth.

The Pandemic Agreement’s "One Health" approach is deeply disturbing, as it is designed to negate individual freedom and requires submission and compliance to an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy, one whose so-called “science” has been captured by vested, embedded interests.

Given the history of WHO mistakes and lack of accountability of the last four years, there is no trust whatsoever in this institution. There is zero chance of rebuilding trust without any admission of mistakes, an independent investigation, analysis and recommendations on how to avoid such over-reach in future.

The “Pandemic Agreement” also undermines free speech by calling for "effective international collaboration" to "combat false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation.”


For these reasons and others, I oppose the WHO “Pandemic Agreement,” and I urge the Biden Administration to reject it.



These negotiations are in regards to what is essentially a trade dispute masquerading as a health issue that is beyond the competency of the World Health Organization.

Health care is NOT an enumerated authority of the federal government. You have zero lawful authority regarding health. Health care is an issue that must be controlled by the 50 states as directed by the people of each state. Note that health services are provided by the States alone, not the Federal Government, under the 10th Amendment to Our Constitution.

These negotiations MUST be stopped immediately.

Before any international agreement is to even be considered, a full reckoning of mistakes made, and crimes committed over the past five years MUST occur.

No treaty, agreement, framework convention, amendments to the existing International Health Regulations or any other international instrument is needed, nor is one desired.

Any agreement in the form of an open-ended "Framework Convention" MUST BE REJECTED.


The search for "pathogens with pandemic potential" and the plan to build a global laboratory network to facilitate genetic sequencing is a thinly veiled disguise for bioweapons research.

The use of Midazolam, ventilators, Run-Death-Is-Near, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, and most other pharmaceutical interventions has been an absolute health and financial disaster for everyone except the pharmaceutical industry.

Any discussion of, or any attempt to control or even monitor our unalienable right to free speech must be opposed and destroyed in its entirety. The WHO, and the “captured” FDA and CDC are the true source of the “infodemic” and they are the greatest providers of mis, dis and mal information and truly do meet the definition of domestic terrorists.

The mRNA platform and the coercion used to implement it has been such an absolute disaster that those who promoted and implemented it are guilty of crimes against humanity.






James Roguski

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New amendments to WHO Treaty

I, Denise Layton, a sovereign being, accuse you beings of another land of going against the laws of the universe. You have no right to take away our God given rights!


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We, The Sovereign People of Sovereign Republic of United States of America, reject proposed amendments to WHO Pandemic Agreement, which make participation in its treaty binding instead of arbitrary, as they are currently. WE did not vote for this change as should be required in our free Republic governed by free peoples! Our Constitutional Republic not subject to the whims of unelected bureaucrats of UN and its health arm, WHO. US should exit WHO ASAP! WE REJECT PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO WHO TREATY AND WE REJECT ALL MANDATES THEY ENTAIL!

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James, i posted my entire letter for you in this comment stream. i emailed it today to the hhs email you gave us. Please add it to your submissions.

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Here's the reply to me from Senator Katie Britt, Alabama regarding the WHO Treaty

January 15, 2024

Dear Storm, Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the World Health Organization (WHO). I am always grateful to hear from Alabamians on critical issues like this one.

As you mentioned, the WHO is the United Nations agency dedicated to global health and safety. The WHO is governed by 194 member states, including the United States, and the World Health Assembly (WHA) is the decision-making body of the WHO. This year, the World Health Assembly has begun consideration of a voluntary treaty that seeks to create international cooperation on pandemic prevention, preparation, and response.

Like you, I believe our government has a duty to be accountable to its citizens and act with transparency as our national leaders react to global events. Regardless of good intentions, any international treaty obligations negotiated by the President must be submitted to the Senate for ratification. I am proud to join my Senate colleagues in co-sponsoring S. 444, the "No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act." If enacted, this legislation would require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the WHA to be subject to Senate ratification. On March 28, the Senate voted on this legislation, which was filed as an amendment to a bill being considered on the Senate floor. While I voted in favor of the amendment, it failed by a vote of 47- 49.

As your U.S. Senator, I am fighting tirelessly to rollback government overreach, allowing hardworking Alabama families to thrive in safe, strong communities. Thank you again for contacting me. Do not ever hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance.


Katie Boyd Britt

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Typical Senate Repub hiding behind "Needing" another "Law" (that fails narrowly of course) INSTEAD of the Plain Clear Words of the Constitution.

You/Me/We are Being Played, Comrades.

btw, it was former Repub Senator Bob Corker that Enabled Obamy to Do the Iran "Deal" Avoiding any Treaty Ratification.

DC is a Uni-Party of rinoRats & democRats that pretend to arguing over the "cheese" ($$$) while Destroying what little is left of a Constitutional Republic.

Confirmed by the "Conservative" Repub Speaker /House SELL OUT on the Budget Scam.

I Spit.

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Beautiful! Now, how many others will join?

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Just a Pretense, Don't get excited. See my reply just above yours. All the best.

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Thank you James for ALL YOU DO! 💖✊🏽

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tell em sign send share give them a piece of the dark side of yer mind that they caused

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Your response is perfectly Suited for the USSA Senatuhs who willing abandon the Treaty Requirement of the Constitution.

WROL (without rule of law) Sadly, but Also a Two Edged Sword.

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Just sent a very, edited version of your letter!

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Sent an edited version of your letter: STOP THESE NEGOTIATIONS

These negotiations are in regards to what is essentially a trade dispute masquerading as a health issue that is beyond the competency of the World Health Organization.

Health care is NOT an enumerated authority of the federal government. You have no lawful authority regarding health. Health care is an issue that must be controlled by the 50 states as directed by THE PEOPLE of each state.

These negotiations must be terminated immediately.

Before any international agreement is to even be considered, a full reckoning of mistakes made, and crimes committed over the past five years must occur.

No treaty, agreement, framework convention, amendments to the existing International Health Regulations or any other international instrument is needed, nor is one desired by the people.

Any agreement in the form of an open-ended "Framework Convention" MUST BE REJECTED.

The search for "pathogens with pandemic potential" and the plan to build a global laboratory network to facilitate genetic sequencing is a thinly veiled disguise for bioweapons research, which in the past was to be used only against foreign enemies, NOT American and global citizens.

The use of Midazolam, ventilators, Run-Death-Is-Near, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, and most other pharmaceutical interventions has been an absolute health and financial disaster for everyone except the pharmaceutical industry.

I am opposed, as are all Americans, to any discussion of, or any attempt to control or even monitor our unalienable right to free speech. The WHO, the FDA and the CDC are the true source of the “infodemic” and they are the greatest providers of misinformation and disinformation.

The mRNA platform and the coercion used to implement it has been such an absolute disaster that those who promoted and implemented it are guilty of crimes against humanity.




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It's not just a trade agreement, but a ticket to usurp all power & resources from the US and other nations. It's a sellout agreement masquerading...be wise as a serpent. Repent, cry to God and he'll hear you. Judas Maccabeus in 2 Maccabeus, the battle in chapter 8. Similar battle. "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those that deserve it.."

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Rechazo totalmente el tratado mundial de pandemias qué quiere imponer la OMS

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Human beings are individuals.There are no global solutions for individuals.

"Global" is another word for saying "totalitarian".

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Dear Office of Global Affairs:

I do not consent to the pretense that private corporations have the authority to violate inalienable rights.

I do not consent to proven lies and propaganda being presented as true, while the true data and statistics are falsely labeled 'dis-information.'

I do not consent to government organizations, or international conventions, agreeing to commit genocide. 

I have seen the willful destruction of this world by people who hate not only themselves, but everything else on this earth.  It is especially sad because that destruction includes you - the person receiving this message. 

In spite of the millions of deaths and tens of millions of lives devastated by the CV19 mRNA jab, it was a failure.  And yet the unmistakable cruelty of Anthony Fauci; torturing dogs, experimenting on AIDs infected orphans, or gay men in the 1980s is plainly evident.

For those who think the world is over populated and the population must be reduced, I suggest the most effective action they can take is to remove themselves. 

I hope you will do something to stop the insanity, if not for your own life, for that of your  family, friends, or those you rely on - your community.

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We should withdraw from the Global Vaccine Alliance and exit The WHO. I oppose the WHO Pandemic Treaty because the pandemic was created on purpose to murder humans or control and surveil humans. All actions taken during the "pandemic" from lockdowns,censorship, masks, distancing and mandates were false measures.The "vaccines" were created to control, injure or murder humans.

Now We have a national security crisis: The employed of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population. Ed Dowd(due to the "vaccines"-ss)

Early in the Corona Virus ID "Pandemic" I noticed some unusual things.

1. Conflicting and suppressed information about the use of beneficial drugs Ivermectin and HydroxyChloroquine. Both were beneficial but neither were recommended to the point of being suppressed. Instead Remdesivir and other expensive drugs were recommended even though some were harmful. When patients were hospitalized they were often subjected to mistreatment with a chemical cocktail that could kill such as overdose of Precedex, morphine and lorazepam and ventilators. Also, Retired neurologist Professor Patrick Pullicino, who was instrumental in raising concerns a decade ago that the Liverpool Care Pathway was bringing forward patients’ deaths, believes the jump indicated something similar had happened. He said: ‘Midazolam depresses respiration and it hastens death. It changes end-of-life care into euthanasia.’

Powerful sedative prescriptions doubled at the height of the coronavirus crisis

Prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100% in April

Whistleblowers also claimed to have witnessed misuse of sedatives

Grandmas entered the hospitals and were put in ICU but not treated with Ivermectin. After treatment with Ivermectin the Grandmas returned to the floor but the doctors were not allowed to continue treatment with Ivermectin so court orders had to be obtained to get access to the Ivermectin.

Doctors were attacked by "medical boards" for doing their own research and saving patients instead of following the official narrative and mistreating patients.

2. The origins of the coronavirus were suppressed by Fauci and his associates. Papers were drawn up after a phone conference and scientists refuted things they said only days prior to this meeting. So the lab leak was suppressed. We know that operatives worked on the gain of function years before Covid 19, the spike protein was engineered in the labs. We now have irrefutable evidence that Sars CoV2 was engineered.

Emily Kopp(USRTK) found evidence that this proposal also listed the very restriction enzyme (BsmBI) that Bruttel et al. claimed could build the virus. Not only did Bruttel et al. notice that BsmBI sites were conveniently evenly spaced throughout the viral genome and this spacing was not only NOT observed in other CVs but that this approach made complete sense as a logical path to manually assembling the genome. The DEFUSE proposal actually contains NEB R0580S part numbers to order these enzymes to construct the virus in the manner Bruttel et al. predicted.

3. Dr David Martin has tracked the patents and documents and traced that SARS CoV2 is a bioweapon.

4. The "vaccine" DNA contaminants found by several labs beginning with Kevin McKernan, chief scientific officer and founder of Medicinal Genomics — who identified the presence of SV40 contaminants in the mRNA vaccines are so prevalent it is known that the contaminants are in the "vaccines" on purpose and can alter the human genome.

5. The LNP-Lipid Nanoparticles - " exactly what quantity of mRNA/LNP is in that volume of fluid? Just as so many other well-established regulatory norms were discarded, the fundamental bioethical and clinical mandate for patient informed consent prior to administration of any pharmaceutical or procedure was arbitrarily and capriciously disbanded by both government regulators and pharmaceutical industry sponsors in the name of a Public Health Emergency.". The FDA failed to regulate the contents of the "vaccine" The "vaccines" were neither safe nor effective. Lipid Nanoparticles and mRNA Shots: Did You Take Them Without Knowing What Was in Them? David Gortler

6. The Graphene Oxide is in the "vaccine" to build the circuitry to enable the tracking and surveillance of the persons containing it. This can also be passed on through the chemtrails.The use of graphene is highly compatible with existing 5G and more advanced 6G communication systems in establishing interconnectivity between man and machine.Obviously, graphene oxides can only be declared as part of the “lipid nanoparticle formulations LNP” in vaccine patents because of its inherent toxicity, and the sinister agenda behind its global distribution today.

If a person is in range of 5G or 6G they can be surveilled and controlled. With pulsations the LNP's can release pathogens and exhibit specific diseases. https://geopolitics.co/2021/07/31/does-the-covid19-vaccine-trade-secret-ingredients-include-graphene-oxide/

“This is their numbers. Pfizer’s own data…It was the deadliest rollout of the drug ever. 1223 dead in ten weeks, and ten times more injured, severe injuries. And then they buried that. Wake up America, your Federal Government does not care about your health, they want to KILL you and HURT you, INJURE you, and PROFIT off of you. They want nothing more than to use you as a slave. Dr James Thorp

It was obvious from the beginning when I saw the Coronavirus Plush Toy made for the Event 201.

All agents who had any part in the PLANDEMIC must be prosecuted from Bill Gates and Dr Fauci to Dazak, Ralph Baric and Shi Zenghli, the FDA, CDC and anyone who took a bribe--universities, schools, etc. Especially Pfizer and Moderna and Big Pharma and the medical boards and all the way back to the eugenics cabal-Rockefeller, Soros, Gates and the others.

We need in America today the release of profiteering from drugs and poisonous genetic engineered chemicals. There is no need for centralized control because it was disastrous and because there are no pandemics unless created nefariously.

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Here is my e-mail to OGA, unfortunately I had to write it in a hurry to have it sent before 5 pm EST yesterday:

Ladies and Gentlemen

In the Federal Register /Vol. 88, No. 245 / Friday, December 22, 2023 /Notices, p. 88637, you are requesting comments on the Implications of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Commitments/Regimes and Other Proposed Commitments Being Considered Under a WHO Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.

Here is my comment:

I sincerly believe that a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response is no necessary. After all, we have the International Health Regulations were trade and travel between countries is taken care of. In the last four years we had a pandemic of unknown etiology, basic scientific experiments were not done so that there was never proven if the so called "infectious" agent really is infectious and the cause of the illness later named "COVID-19". Neither Wu et al. (Link) nor Zhou et al. (Link) nor Zhu et al. (Link) were showing any experiments on the causality of the "infectious" agent they supposedly found to produce an illness later named COVID-19. But on the calculcated genome of Wu et al., a PCR-test was produced by Corman, Drosten et al. (link) and the circular reasoning was completed. No one ever looked further for the real causes of the "pandemic" or rather the observable events where people were killed by lockdown and other measures and horrible protocols to save the health care workes from contracting an illness they were never susceptible to. China showed the way with lockdown, and after showcasing some hotspots in Bergamo, New York and Iran, the countries of the west followed suit and implemented lockdown measurs, masks, vaccinations etc. Australia and New Zealand were there to show how lockdown really work and can get carried out, most brutally as we all know, and that in a "democratic" country. A thorough examination of the events show, that the was a lot of misinformation originating in science, governments and the WHO. They abused their appearance of being an epistemic authority to misguide many people of this world. Sloppy science is a great danger for the well-being of the people of this world.

If there will be a "pandemic treaty", such showcases will be even more easily done and even more good people fooled and misguided in their thinking. The people of this world should live without fear of "pandemics", because they do not exist anymore in the richer countries. This COVID-19 pandemic was no exception, people died even older than the average life expectancy of present newborns, younger people were rarely affected, and people died of motorcycle accidents but had post mortem a positive PCR-test-result were counted as deaths from COVID-19, as a representant of the gouvernment of Switzerland told the country in January 2022 on television.

Instead of spending billions on such elusive things as "pandemics" we should focus our money and especially our working hours on improving the hygienic situation, water and food supply everywhere where it is needed. People starving to death do not die of a missed vaccine or some elusive virus, but of lack of food. People getting sick of bad water do not get sick because of a missed vaccine or some elusive virus, but because the water they drink is bad.

We do not need "laboratory samples" and the following disease mongering. We need calm people and the basic requirements for a living.

Rapidly created vaccines do not get safe and effectiv by naming they so, but by showing that they are safe and effective by testing them thoroughly over the time needed to show these features.

The pandemic we had in the last four years was not a pandemic of a deadly disease (infectious fatality rate nowadays way below 0.1%), but a pandemic of fear and panic. In fear and panic people tend to make bad decisions, cause more illness and death than usually and maximize the impact on the economic and national security of people around the world. We were told that because of the measures taken by the rich countries in 2020, over 100 million people more will starve in the poorer countries. You should not meddle with a working system. Changing too much in little time will damage the system in more places than one would expect.

We should stop the vaccinations with mRNA, stop the negotiations in this INB and ultimately we should exit the WHO or even better dissolve it once and for all.

RNA-viruses are no pattern integrities, the cannot cause a pandemic on the whole world, because they are copied very sloppily, so that after one or two passages they are altered that much that they cannot cause the same symptoms as the one before if any.

I live in Switzerland, in a democratic country where we vote on laws and amendments to the constitution. A majority of the people and the cantons is needed to have major changes. In the WHO and its INB there does not seem to be a democratic legitimation. There was no vote and I doubt there will be a vote on this treaty in Switzerland, so it is against our laws and especially our constitution. Health care is not a federal matter but a matter of the cantons. So these negotiations have to be stopped better sooner than later.

Thank you very much for your attention and I hope you make good use of my comment.

Best regards,

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Hi, I used the supplied letter but made a significant number of changes. Please keep us updated, and thank you for all you are doing!

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A little after deadline, but thought it was still worth a try:

To whom it may concern: 

This is the first time I have felt the need to sit down and write to any department within the US government. But this matter is so vitally important that I have to ignore the cynical voice in my head saying there is nobody there listening. So I send this anyway, with the hope, however faint, that there may be at least one real, earnest person on the receiving end that takes his or her responsibilities seriously. I hope this person will also take a moment and quiet their own cynical side in reading this to see the real concern and love that underpins my words. 

As I understand, every elected member of the United States government has taken an oath to preserve, protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States. The unelected members of government, even if they have not taken that oath, must also be duty-bound in this mission to protect the Constitution. I do not believe there has been a time within my life, or that of my parents, or those of my grandparents, where our constitution has been under more threat than it is now. This is the reason I am writing. 

Some of these threats may be large and difficult to navigate. But some of them are obvious, imminent and incredibly simple to eliminate. And near the top of the list of these would be the World Health Organization's Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. I want to be clear here: For representatives of the US Government to sign this agreement would be nothing less than an abdication of their responsibility to protect the freedoms and God-given rights of the citizens of this country, as well as a ceding of national sovereignty. For this reason, I feel not only is it the duty of this government NOT to sign this agreement, but the endorsement of it or any similar agreement would be a betrayal of the American people and the offices our elected government representatives have sworn to uphold. 

It may seem at times that such proceedings are done in obscurity, that nobody is listening or watching. But I assure you this is not the case. I urge you to do the right thing, send the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement where it belongs, in the shredder, along with the entire "One Health" approach to medicine, in which the rights and interests of the individual are made subservient to that of the general good - a "general good" which will be decided, no doubt, by unelected leaders of organizations beyond our borders and beyond our citizens' rights of mandate by voting. This makes these organizations beyond democracy. Antithetical to democracy. 

People are watching, they are listening. And however it may seem, they are not oblivious to the nature of these global machinations. 

I thank you respectfully for taking the time to read. 

Sincerely, Brian Webb

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I am writing to convey my personal stance AGAINST this or any form of a pandemic agreement that is made with the World Health Organization, as I believe this organization has proven itself to be of nobody's interest save the profiteers and Zionist/globalist agendas for world genocide. Please consider proofs that this last pandemic was engineered, that the treatments were patented and stockpiled before it came about, and the treatments factually caused more suffering ON EVERY FRONT when scaled against those who did nothing. This includes but is not limited to losses of life, sovereignty, original DNA, business, social ties, freedom of religion, congregation and speech, even the masking made people factually sicker from breathing one's own ferment of bacteria. Not just a bad idea, a great idea for genocide and economic reset.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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As a double board certified family and addiction (preventive) medicine physician, I would like to express my strong disagreement with any attempt of the WHO or any international organization to usurp national sovereignty and patient autonomy, or to interfere in the sacred doctor-patient relationship. The WHO is not involved in the direct care of my patients nor has its representatives been elected by the American people, and as such, it is nothing more than a bureaucratic political world governance trojan horse, masquerading as a healthcare organization. Allowing them to have any say over the healthcare decisions or pandemic/medical response of the citizens of the United States would be a direct affront to the US constitution and hence is illegal and would essentially constitute a coup. They are free to provide medical recommendations, but not to make mandates or to suggest that any of their guidelines should be backed by the authority of any government. The power of healthcare decisions should be strictly limited to the patient and their direct healthcare providers.

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This treaty is just a deceit to impose tyranny.

It’s a tragedy.

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To the OGA

This message is to express my strongest as a disagreement with the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. Signing this agreement would give more power to an unelected, unaccountable, international organization that threatens our very existence.

The Office for Global Affairs MUST HEED to the 33,884 comments that were submitted to the World Health Organization in April 2022:


These negotiations are not only illegal because we the people of the world have not elected those conducting them. They are false because they regard to what is essentially a business deals, profits and monetization of health and control dispute while posing as a health concern and they attempt to realize this by attributing powers to the World Health Organization reach far beyond its competency .

You have no lawful authority regarding health. Health care is an issue that must be controlled by the sovereign states as directed by the people and constitutions of each sovereign state.

These negotiations MUST be terminated immediately.

Many lives have been lost and crimes have been committed and still being committed under the false pretenses of noble public health pursuits.

Before any international agreement is to even be considered, a full investigation of craze mistakes made, and proper prosecution of crimes committed over the past five years under the guidance of this WHO and such other organizations has to take place.

No treaty, agreement, framework convention, amendments to the existing International Health Regulations or any other international instrument is needed, nor is one desired.

Any agreement in the form of an open-ended "Framework Convention" MUST BE REJECTED.


The outrageous search for "pathogens with pandemic potential

” that can obliterate humanity must be stopped at once as well as the plan to build a global laboratory network to facilitate genetic sequencing which is a thinly veiled disguise for bioweapons research.

The use of Midazolam, ventilators, Run-Death-Is-Near, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, and most other pharmaceutical interventions has been an absolute health and financial disaster for everyone except the pharmaceutical industry. Under the guidance of the WHO

Any discussion of, or any attempt to control or even monitor the unalienable right to free speech of the people of the world must be opposed and destroyed in its entirety. Unelected supranational organizations worldwide, are the true source of the “infodemic” and they are the greatest providers of mis, dis and mal information.

The mRNA platform and the coercion used to implement it has been such an absolute disaster that those who promoted and implemented it are guilty of crimes against humanity.


Lucia Paz

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So, Dr Tedros says we, in the great old US of A are wrong! That we think that the W.H.O. is NOT trying to STEAL our National Sovereignty. Funny, Just by the fact that the "Agreement" made between the United States and the World Health Organization, was not done through LEGISLATION, this EQUALS bypassing the peoples sovereignty. I say, the United States, Defund The World Health Organization. After The Covid Debacle, Dr. Tedros, China, and the CDC have shown the only "best interest" they have in mind is, pleasing the World Economic Forum. In otherwords, NO, we do not want this Pandemic Preparededness Agreement to proceed. We do NOT want the W.H.O. to have ANY Power within the United Staes of ANY kind. Any new propolsals are rejected.

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Here's what Schumer replied back which is not surprising:

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about the United Nations (UN).

While I understand your concerns about the moral differences between the US and various UN member states, I believe it is important to acknowledge the value of the US being a key member of international alliances and partnerships such as the UN. Through active UN participation, the US has been able to be a global leader in speaking out against human rights violations and promoting human rights around the world. The UN has also served as a channel for the US to be at the forefront of international efforts to avert catastrophes such as famine and to relieve the effects of drought on some of the world's poorest people. Now more than ever, we need to work with our allies and partners to turn the tide against the numerous humanitarian, economic and security issues we are facing today.

I believe that in a time of tremendous global uncertainty, the US should not withdraw from world leadership. We have a long and proud tradition in this country as a shining beacon of hope, and to turn our back on that tradition would be a travesty.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please keep in touch with your thoughts and opinions.


Charles E. Schumer

United States Senator

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To Whom this Concerns in Regards to Making Such an Agreement with the WHO,

Cease and Desist. This goes against the Constitution of the United States of America. As a citizen of the USA, it is my inalienable right to personal sovereignty, freedom of movement, and ownership.

No entity has the right to tell me what I have to take or ingest, not even for the so called good of society. Especially medications that not even tested adequately and have great risks of adverse reactions. This has been seen with the so called COVID vaccine. Further more the lies and disinformation and misinformation by this same agency along with other agencies and organizations. On top of the lockdowns, all of this did more harm than good.



Thank you for your time.

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The entire legal system is corrupt. It had to be dismantled immediately! I am a retired law enforcement officer of 30 years and the legal system here in Reno, Nevada is completely corrupt!

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