I knew We, as a Country, would reach this point eventually; I just didn’t expect it to be this soon.

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This is why all internet traffic, SM, message boards etc , including cell phone conversations are being recorded and disseminated by ai to separate the awake & the dead.

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What's shocking is the complete intentional disregard of the U.S. Constitution. The primary reason of the existence of the 1st Amendment is to PROTECT SPEECH THAT CRITICIZES THE GOVERNMENT. That's it. That's the four corners. That's the nuts and bolts. And if the U.S. Supreme Court does not in a 9 to 0 vote to destroy that CA bill or overturn Alex Jones' verdict, then we are in deep, deep s**t.

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It may shock you; but, a while back I learned not to expect anything positive out of politics.

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Alex Jones has just been fined One Billion Dollars US for voicing his opinion which hurt some people’s feelings. The judge, from the bench instructed him that “You have sworn to tell the truth and just because you believe something to be true does not make it so”. In other words, “you must respond to questions with answers I personally accept as truth”. No matter what anyone thinks of or says about Alex Jones, that is plum terrifying!

Recently several people I considered ‘Good Guys’ have been revealed as just not quite so, which is fairly disheartening. They are those Ivory Tower Quasi-elite who supposedly, of their own volition, noticed problems with the Scamdemic and attempted to alert the subjugate masses - those without degrees or doctorates, prestige or notoriety. All the while, as they did “all they could possibly think to do at great cost to themselves, socially and financially”, their mindset has remained in those high towers apart from the ‘lowly scum’. A small hint posted in attempt to boost one, that there is an underworld where cash is king and that those ‘junkies’ will not stand up to be counted, but they can be counted on to stand up and fight is repellant and the orator of the intended good will silenced, banned, timed out, cancelled. Somehow, they have completely overlooked that as they continue to house themselves in those high and mighty towers with their former colleagues, they are at this point in time, living among murderers for hire. As the Baptist preacher eulogized a dear friend, looking out at the congregation of long-haired and tattooed mourners, “Some of Jesus’ best friends were whores and thieves!”

At least South Afrika is attempting to legalize the same activity Joe Biden announced in his Red Speech “Ultra Maga are the terrorists!” Add to that, an FBI insider has recently divulged that agents are being pulled from child trafficking investigations to hunt Red Terrorists. Lucky for them, the IRS just hired some 75,000 new agents and armed them and other agencies to the teeth, including hollow point bullets… looks to me as if a person with holdings in the tens or hundreds of Millions would fare well to take a hint from Jesus or just go on ahead and join those dark forces they hold in such high esteem. (75,000 agents are not required to go after the 1%, they are intended for the 99%.)

By the way, you appear to be one pretty amazing individual! I’m ever so glad I learned about you!

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Thanks for the kind words. I very much appreciate it. 310-619-3055

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Oh shit! I did publish it and neglected to inform you that I mentioned you!!! Sorry! (Oops)

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Lemme gets these goats milked out and I will holler. When I typed what I posted I thought about being half a mind to just call and talk. I was once a massage therapist but I couldn’t not share my visions and quit before I got sued and lost. It is a crime to help the person remember what happened emotionally which excited the phantom oh, er, I mean ‘idiopathic’ pain from the past. No pain visits the body without cause! I also talked a patient into having C-4 and C-6 nerve roots branch out and enervate C-5 which “the body does not do, is impossible, is cruel to suggest” EXCEPT MRI PROVED ME RIGHT! It would be funny but for the suffering.

I may have published a rant about being cancelled by those who are singing on alt media by people who have been cancelled by the main stream. Have a look see, if you like?

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When the people pull back allegiance and honor away from the government, the government has to stoop so low and to criminalize public comments.

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Anyone else having issue sending petition. Says I have error in one of my fields but I do not see any.

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The U.S. government has finally paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims.

In doing so, the government admits that harm was done by the shots.


The government needs to prioritize injury compensation instead of promoting and administering these unproven and harmful experimental shots to the general populous.

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Comments about stopping beyond Orwellian total tyranny sent.

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If they can silence us with threats of imprisonment for telling the truth about VAX induced DEATHS (De-population campaign), they'll tell even more lies about Vax necessity, efficacy and safety. LIABILITY for vax makers would, if reinstated, end the Tyranny and skulduggery surrounding the WEF/NWO/WHO true intentions! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to teach other to join dots!

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THANK YOU James for alerting us here in WESTERN AUSTRALIA to Mark Mc Gowans horrific proposed bill. I will be protesting outside Perth Parliament for the second week tomorrow. You are a hero.

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Any chance you could help me find a list of phone numbers for the members of Parliament?

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Dumas House. 2 Havelock Street. West Perth. Western Australia 6005. Telephone: (08) 6552 5000. Fax: (08) 6552 5001.


Senator Slade Brockman

(08) 6245 3305



Units 4, 1 Harper Terrace, South Perth WA 6151

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3478


Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash

(08) 9226 2000


(08) 9226 2211


44 Outram Street, West Perth WA 6005

PO Box 1966, West Perth WA 6872

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3045


Senator Dorinda Cox

(08) 9228 3277



1300 088 218 (toll free)

Unit 11, Level 2, 440 William Street, Perth WA 6000

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3069


Senator Patrick Dodson

(08) 9193 5955


(08) 9192 6010


Unit 1, 23 Coghlan Street, Broome WA 6725

PO Box 3490, Broome WA 6725

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3746


Senator the Hon. Sue Lines

(08) 9481 4844


(08) 9481 4244


1300 655 388 (toll free)

51 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005

PO Box 1322, West Perth WA 6872

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3300


Senator Matt O'Sullivan

(08) 9226 5387



Unit 10, Cockburn Gateway Shopping Centre, 816 Beeliar Drive, Success WA 6164

PO Box 3466, Success WA 6964

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3653


Senator Fatima Payman

(08) 6245 3322



Shop 10-12, Forrestfield Forum, 80 Hale Road, Forrestfield WA 6058

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3417


Senator Louise Pratt

(08) 9277 1502


(08) 9277 1509


183 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont WA 6104

PO Box 531, Belmont WA 6984

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3189


Senator the Hon. Linda Reynolds CSC

(08) 9477 5411



1300 301 845 (toll free)

Suite C, 117 Great Eastern Highway, Rivervale WA 6103

PO Box 369, Belmont WA 6984

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3054


Senator Dean Smith

(08) 9343 4108



Unit 2, 91-97 Wanneroo Road Greenwood WA 6024

PO Box 40 Madeley WA 6065

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3442


Senator Jordon Steele-John

(08) 6245 3310



Office 1.19, Level 1, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 3646


Senator Glenn Sterle

(08) 9455 1420


(08) 9455 1421


1300 666 494 (toll free)

Units G2 and G3, 150-152 Riseley Street, Booragoon WA 6154

Units G2 and G3, 150-152 Riseley Street, Booragoon WA 6154

Canberra Phone (02) 6277 361

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12:56 (8 hours ago)

to me

Hi Boszenna

Thank you for writing regarding the State Government’s Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022.

The Opposition actively opposed the Bill through all stages in the Legislative Assembly, and we have called on the Government to end the State of Emergency in Western Australia.

The Government’s Bill does nothing more than continue the State of Emergency by another name for an additional two years, while reducing the Ministerial and Parliamentary oversight of these increased powers.

It is our view that a public health issue such as COVID-19 is best managed through a fit-for-purpose Public Health Act which would not only allow for better management of COVID-19, but future pandemics. This approach has been followed by other States.

Despite our opposition The Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill 2022 passed the Legislative Assembly on 21 September 2022. It is expected to be introduced into the Legislative Council this month.

While the Opposition will again vote against this Bill, it will still pass due to the Government’s overwhelming numbers in both Houses of Parliament.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views on this legislation.

Shane Love MLA

Member for Moore


Dear James, I will try to find numbers for parliamentarians as calling them can only help, but look at the above reply! I'm gutted.

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Thanks, James.

Done. I used my real name!

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All of this is possible due to excessive public ignorance and complacency for decades... That's how this corrupt system was put in place using our taxes. Whenever I brought it over the past 20 years: crickets and tumbleweeds with most people. This isn't a surprise and isn't going to just get better or go away by buying a Rivian or new Bronco while I work for some Silicon Valley mega-corporation from home.

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Tyranny has no boundaries, hence this globalist, borderless, one world government. We must protect sovereign constitutions

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When they put me in jail 2007 and stole away my business, they'd charged me with being a ....


Then they terrorized me In solitary.

Thanks Gavin and ScKamala.


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Very sorry to hear that. Any more details you care to share?

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Tis the focus of the work Grasshopper's Appeal of which the first seventy pages are free to read so far in parts in my substack.

Eventually will post the rest if I get time to type.

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I posted scientific facts concerning the covid vaccine on Twitter & what did I receive? A lifetime ban & my account is still active. I've asked Twitter to delete my account & they won't, so I've gone to the European courts to get it closed. I can't post on my account or interact, yet my account remains open & I suppose helps the sale to go forward with musk or any other potential buyer.

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