The UN-WEF partnered in 2019. Everyone needs to type in 'USA gov-WEF.' The WEF is very much in charge of the U.S. government. I even typed in 'WEF - UL Certification' concerning smart meters. The UL Certification is partnered with the WEF. They are the ones that are 'Weaponizing our government,' against the citizens. I've been telling everyone I can that if we don't get completely out of the WEF/UN we haven't a chance. They are in charge of our elections and putting people in place. OBAMA is behind everything that Biden is doing. December 23, 2023, Obama/Biden shored up 'Obama Care.' I remember in 2008 when Obama ran for Pres, he mentioned 'Totally transforming the government.' So scary. Obama Care was derived via the WEF. No wonder no one read the bill!

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And yet another exposés of the totally corrupt and genocidal Tedros....

"The Tedros File – Will the Head of the WHO Become the Most Powerful Man in the World?"


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The vile destruction of national sovereignty under many guises of the WHO will now be continued by another global entity. Wait for it.

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we can not accept the who origination on any level or any of these other want to be elite originations.

with them it is all about control.get rid of them all. who in the world do they think they are.we do not

want to tolerate these foreign hustlers.

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Well this guy Tedros is a known terrorist and no wonder the Globalist like Gates made sure he got the top job to do his insane bidding..as they knew he would be good at it, as he had many years of murdering and killing people directly and indirectly...the man is pure evil....just like Mr, Gates and his Davos friends who just want to destroy humanity for their power and control over life and deaths...just the same insane mindset as Rockefeller the creator of the biggest lie in history...virology that is a science made out of thin air...

"The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom"

April 14, 2020


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Demanding an investigation of the Devil's Director-General?... yeah, sure! That's gonna work... NOT!

Demanding that the W.H.O. 'play by the rules' is the epitome of folly and sheer delusion. I'm trying to be polite here by avoiding words that might offend, like idiotic? Other expressions stating the futility of expecting Evil to produce Good also come to mind like, dancing with the Devil, domesticating a rattlesnake, pissing into the wind, beating a dead horse and the list goes on. It's all just a waste of precious resources and here's why...



Likewise, other states are following their lead. And if your state legislators and other officials haven't done what these guys are doing, then THAT'S where YOU need to get busy. JUST NEUTER THE W.H.O. and ALL other international organization like them AT THE STATE LEVEL... JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME!

Let them pass their rules, treaties, agreements and institute whatever polities they want. THE MIGHTY W.H.O. IS DEAD IN THE WATER! Which means anything you do to engage with (accommodate) them is... well, go read my list at the beginning.

And if your argument is that the citizens of states traveling abroad whose states have not passed similar measures to Louisiana not being protected... well then, I can't think of a better reason or stronger incentive for those states to get on board with this strategy NOW!

"But William... you don't understand. We're gonna sue the W.H.O.!"

Oh!.. really? Have you thought that one out?

Those who promote suing the W.H.O. fail to understand basic fundamentals of the process; The first being that only those who are equal parties under the law to which they submit have standing in that particular court whether it be local, state, federal on international. By recognizing (empowering) that venue of law one becomes legally obligated to abide by the court's authority and whatever judgments they impose upon you as a recognized (self-acknowledged) equal party to the process. Are you willing to do that? What if the judgment handed down is not in your favor? Are you willing to live with whatever demands and constraints an (overwhelmingly likely) evil judge may demand of you?

Understand, your national (corporate U.S.) and international (W.H.O.) beasts are doing their best to KILL YOU. They are one and the same; hideously and inextricably joined at the head AS ONE and are totally united in their single-most agenda which is to 'kill, steal and destroy' ALL of mankind. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT and WAKE UP!!

If you want to be free of the stranglehold of international entanglements, JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME. Why is that so difficult for some folks to understand. I just don't get it!

Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17) And it's just that simple. JUST WALK AWAY!

Stop trying to reform, redeem, rehabilitate or negotiate with the Devil... YOU CAN'T DO IT!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ



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This is not on topic but it is a warning from a weatherman in California. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7G3GVMtS60/?igsh=N3prYWEzbDg1NzV6

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hi folks from the uik..be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours...be sure to sign it and reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same..it currently has over 2,222000 signatures

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Let's hope...

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I don’t know if you know, James, but you are featured at klaTV 22.05.2024:

The Real Agenda behind the WHO Agreement and IHR - Full Interview with James Roguski 40:22


Another good one 14.05.2024:

The WHO Cover-up costing us the Earth - Film by Olga Sheean 19:26


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Thanks for info

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Good one!!! Just wonder if they are falling apart (WEF?). I can only hope so!

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No. WEF's behind the scenes and only what's already been done is allowed to be exposed. They're crafty little rats. WEF is way bigger than WHO.

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Don't trust our government nor the UN/WEF as far as I can spit! At least the devil Klaus Schwab resigned. Now who will they put in? Schwab has to have had many death threats! What a piece of work he is. Now to shut the UN-Rockefellers down and many others.

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According to Alex Christorou from The Duran, he suggests it's likely to be Tony Blair, it appears he's a 'leading candidate', he states as much in the middle of this video, https://youtu.be/Tn-FmPQJgww?si=u4EPpJL0C867DwRq&t=1243 .

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Schwab probably ran short of adrenochrome so lost his energy source.

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Devils advocate here. Any country can cancel a treaty. U.S. does this and so do other countries. It does look like Biden will lose election and Trump has said he would pull out of WHO treaty. But lets say Trump wants to be more of a team player this next go around with our deep state. Yeah he might not stand by that promise when he learns about the profits that can be made with it. That is real possibility since we have heard Trump speak about how we need to support the military more. That was a clear peace offering to the deep state neocons that fell flat.

But wasn't it Trump that finally got us out of Afghanistan which was not what the neocons wanted since it makes it harder to make profits that way. Our neocons feel the only way to fund the military and make boat loads of money for a few is to engage in as many proxy wars we can. The neocons must have been livid but showed their anger by making the pullout a shit show. Apparently they don't know how to retreat effectively but they know how to support proxy wars effectively for decades. What are they teaching these guys at West Point and the ivy league schools these days?

What is the end game here since it is certainly not about sovereignty as much as many like to quip about. It is about money. It is about patent rights which means money. It is about not having any 3rd world countries holding the world hostage for payouts in order to them them to report and share dna on next pandemics. Many times these pathogens can mutate in some not so great places in the world so they really have to wine and dine these smaller despots on all this. Those despots learned the hard way when they got zilch for cooperating last time and they are much wiser on that now. That is why you see the west still at the table trying to make deals, probably under the table, to get compliance.

The west is good at getting compliance with smaller nations in general. If need be we will send a plan full of U.S. dollars when it calls for it. Heck with about 800 global military bases we fund to the tune of about 850 billion a year, intimidation works too!

They already know they can't force the issue with China or Russia or ____ with any compliance to send the profits to the west on the next pandemic. They can try with WHO treaties for the little despots. It is best to have the WHO be the face of this rather than deep pockets in the west. But I am sure all the parties know this it is the public that is no privy to the sides shows.

Do I think the west will allow 3rd world nations to dictate to them regarding profits from the next pandemic? Hardly. Sure they will try with the treaty and if they won't play nice I am sure the west will use other measures to gain compliance or provide payoffs to certain despots. They certainly have a rainy day fund from the last pandemic. But all of this is optics for the world to see how many are complying. Honestly they could send in special forces unit to steal sample of pandemic dna but who wants to do that when you can get them to step up quickly so profits can be made quicker before the pathogen burns out. Hey you got to give them some sort of cut now.

Kind of like how they tracked covid. They were not posting and tracking the variants in the localities. Nope they were tracking COMPLIANCE with the vaccines. We have no idea which variants were where and spoke in very generic terms. Why was that? I have ideas on why that was.

So if you think for a minute the west is not going to sign that treaty think again. It is in the west's interest to make sure they have access to data and can profit from it from their own people and other nations. Easy money now they trialed it with covid exercise.

Like a high stakes poker table you can only get in if you have enough money to play. Most smaller nations can't come up with enough chips to handle a pandemic so they only thing they can do is comply with the treaty and allow the bigger high stakes players profit from them instead. That is the best they can do. Some nations were SOL during the last pandemic and this time around they would just be happy with getting vaccines no matter what the costs are. Maybe a little bartering next time?

These treaties are only as good as the willingness of the parties to perform at the time the shit hits the fan. Yes it will give the west legal grounds for pulling whatever on the rest since the U.S. is really good at abusing the people legally while China and Russia do it illegally. The results are the same.

Heck if we couldn't get masks delivered here during a pandemic from China since they prevented any shipments to leave China. Then they quietly bought up the world's excess masks and other stuff before admitting a pandemic was in the works over there. Having a treaty is not going to make any difference with the biggest players and actually do much. It will only provide compliance and profits to the west from smaller nations. That is the end game. It is optics. West had more compliant marble nations to show off than China or Russia or ____ . We don't have to build damns in 3rd world countries to get alliance like China or Russia does. We just need to show them how vulnerable they will be with the next pandemic without signing on to get vaccines next time and remember who contracted for that last bioweapon leak? Or was it a leak?

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It does no good for an organiztion to investigate itself no matter what rules they may set up. I have often wondered why people try to protect their thug leaders but have come to realize that one of two reasons are in play. These reasons are as follows: 1)There's been a payoff or bribery committed or 2)The thug has threatened either them or their family. Either one is unacceptable. The w.h.o. must go now and never return!

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Tedros needs to be thoroughly investigated I’ve read that when in Africa he was charged with genocide

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