There is NO 'recovery' from these EXPERIMENTAL mRNA BIO-WEAPON INJECTIONS!! Once your HUMAN DNA/GENES have been changed.....that's it!....DONE!! One is NO LONGER HUMAN!

Harsh.....it may be, but this is now FACT! THIS is the REALITY in which we now find ourselves! And, just so some of you don't jump down my throat.....TWO THIRDS of my WHOLE FAMILY were dumb enough to get Injected!! That being said.....for the HUMAN RACE to SURVIVE all of this, those who have been INJECTED, CANNOT! They MUST NOT! Otherwise, the HUMAN RACE will go extinct!

I don't know how many realize this, but those who have NOT been INJECTED with these EXPERIMENTAL mRNA BIO-WEAPON INJECTION.......CANNOT come in contact with the BODILY FLUIDS of those WHO HAVE!! ALL bodily fluids!!! No sweat, no tears, no 'sex fluids', no blood and no spit. Even if a HUMAN 'swaps spit' (kisses) an INFECTED individual?.....then YOU have now been 'vaccinated'! And then we have the SHEDDING!

It is also my opinion (COMMON SENSE!!), that these INFECTED individuals should NOT be buried, when they die off. They ALL need to be CREMATED!!! Do we REALLY want our SOILS to be this kind of BIO-HAZARD?????

We should NOT be trying to 'save' these individuals. It would be like COMMITTING SUICIDE! For the Human Race to survive......survive BEING HUMAN, the Injected MUST 'GO'! (and be CREMATED after death!). I LOVE my family, DEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!.......but those Injected CANNOT STAY HERE! What's done, IS DONE; there is NO 'FIXING' this!! NOW?.....those of us that are still Human, need to survive all of this, with our Genes/DNA INTACT!

Do NOT let ones EMOTIONS get in the way of LOGIC THINKING!!

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...Diana West...

"It's hard to overstate..."

{via Lioness of Judah}


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FYI: I have added a link to the recording of Dr. Paul Marik's presentation to the article.


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I may not get to watch live because chapel mass is beginning before that ends. Posting the recording to play afterwards is deeply appreciated, James.

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Here is a link to the recording of the event: https://event.webinarjam.com/replay/5/67nw6tgur4uqvu2pg

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ThAnk you, SO much, for posting the link!!

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I will try to do that as soon as possible afterwards.

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Thank you James. My husband was just with a customer whose father and friend are injured. I had referred him to the FLCCC but will also share this with him.

Just watched Dr. Marik interviewed by Del Bigtree on The Highwire this week. What a true hero that man is. I had the honor of meeting him (and Pierre Kory) in May of this year. I will have that honor again in October in Knoxville, TN. Come join us so I can have the honor of meeting you as well! https://childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-conference/

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Thank you again for the useful information.

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I have lost most all of my friends due to our differing opinions on the taking the covid jab. It's been quite lonely! 95% have taken the jab, despite continuing to alert them of ongoing medical complications from taking the shot(s). And indeed, they ALL have ended up with covid at least once and are fully vaxxed. I'm thankful for James and his substack, Steve Bannon's War Room the Childrens Health Defense network and a plethora of other information sources as well. You all are my friends and family now. The only ones with common sense left! I've had no covid shots, nor been sick with covid, been taking vit D for decades and zinc and C etc. Haven't been sick since my last required shot in the Army 1987!! Praying for all those who were forced, coerced or bribed to take them.

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Many are in that boat with you as well...

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Sorry to hear that. Maybe they won't communicate with you because they know they are screwed? At any rate, were they really friends or just acquaintances ? You are in better company now.

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Thanks for the support. Yes, longtime friends 25 years. They simply have a more trusting opinion of the situation and fact check everything I send which of course shows its misinformation due to Big Tech controlling the fact checkers as well. So, anything different from the narrative is considered incorrect and/or malicious in content.

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Julie - I too have lost many longtime friends and more profoundly, my two brothers no longer speak to my sister and I. I have found a wide awake church and attend weekly meetings of the Ohio Freedom Fighters. They have been Godsends. I have made many more friends than I have lost. They are all kindred spirits.

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Thanks Julie Brandt...It's a form of madness, and I am leaning towards the idea that they can no longer think freely after the jabs, due to ill health or due to their thoughts being shaped by others.

I too feel alone in my city, Portland Or, its very hard to connect with unjabbed people. If it weren't for Substack and Rumble, I would be completely shut out. Its been a gift, even if it goes down, now I know we are many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You might join Oregonians for Medical Freedom and find some new friends. I am thankful we are many as well!!!

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Hang in there!

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Thank you James.

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The FLCCC has several different protocols, for various COVID-related scenarios. For example, I am unvaxxed and have successfully used the FLCCC protocol for exposure whenever I've been around someone with COVID or someone who has recently been vaccinated (viral shedding).

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I received vitamins C, D, and Zinc upon my release from the hospital for Covid pneumonia. I added several of the OTC items on this list because I had tachycardia and was still having a hard time breathing. I bought ivermectin paste at our local feed store and took it in doses based on weight…the apple flavor isn’t too bad. It’s taken almost a year, but I’m just about totally recovered and the tachycardia is gone.

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Most of our friends are jabbed and now prefer to be 'ex-friends' because we try to engage them in helpful discussion on their DEADLY Covid Vax errors. It seems best to allow them to continue participating in the Gates, Fauci, Tedros, Schwab Depopulation Program! If LIABILITY was returned to the deadly vax makers this farce would immediately become history. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and wishing to meet up with the above mentioned, who are responsible for the deadly farce.

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Thank you

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Yes, many thanks! I have not received the poison jab but many in my family & my circle of friends have. This information is greatly needed as so many have been injured (not to mention those who have been killed but they are, obviously, beyond help!).

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Excellent, thank you.

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God bless you James

We are aware you are fighting day and night on the most important issue.

There is no freedom if we don't tackle the medical tyranny.

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Thank you for sharing this! I have printed out both the three-page summary and the 30+ page document going into more detail to hightlight, make notes, and share with those I know. I hope they can watch this, so important. I have one question though.

If graphene was used as a synthetic lipid-nanoparticle for the delivery of mRNA, is it all affected significantly by the biomagnetic therapy listed on page 2? In other words, would there be any hesitation in using that modality, especially given that LNPs can cross the blood-brain barrier?

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That would be a good question to ask at the event tomorrow!

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