Shared with the CHD Canada community.

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Love it! Sums it up so well how utterly useless the WHO is.

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The world, health organization takes direction and uses information from the centres for disease control in the USA. This post is brilliant as a reflection of the ongoing US led biomedical Scam of global proportions It’s not new. In 2013 the World Health Organization diagnostic publications for HIV Aids showed a cautionary page on the inside cover indicating that the world health organization had yet to receive from the CDC, evidence of an isolated virus called HIV. While AIDS was a recognized multifaceted condition, there was no evidence that HIV was a thing or cause or precursor of AIDS. Sound familiar? If the WHO is captured then we should demand that the US authorities hold and prosecute the government, corporate and individual captors and racketeers. We don’t have to go so far to find the criminal pandemic profiteers. 🇺🇸

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Hi James/All,

I had previously written an article on Canada & the Pandemic Treaty:

- Updates about the Pandemic Treaty being negotiated between Health Canada and the WHO, full Report, https://fournier.substack.com/p/updates-about-the-pandemic-treaty

Well, this morning I just added an addendum to that article which shows the release package the PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada) had released following my ATI (FOIA-like) request - which shows 700 letters from Canadians who are in opposition to the Treaty. Here are the links:

- [ADDENDUM 2025-01-27: PHAC Releases the 700 letters]


- PHAC ATI Request Release Package (446 pages):


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Trump has pulled out of the WHO so I'm hoping this massively corrupt criminal organization will now collapse and disappear completely.

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The world health organization WHO is as evil as the Antichrist. They can say there's a possibility of a pandemic and shut 194 countries down just like that. They're evil people they've been in power since the 1940s. I repeat this again they can say there's a possibility of a pandemic and they'll close 194 countries down just like that and if you don't comply they will penalize them so bad that what little government they have after their major fines those countries will collapse. The Antichrist world order wants to take care of everybody which it's like a dictatorship. When they say on your local radio stations or television stations once in a while they have said borderless community means no borders worldwide the Antichrist is at work The dear Lord needs to get involved at some point when that time is right. I borderless community means no countries exist. Very smart people get brainwashed really easy.:-(

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What Qualifications do you need to be classified as WHO mouth piece because their Agenda is not easy to describe the Morals and Misinformation that spews from all corners of the World.

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Who needs the WHO?

"Pandemics" are about contagion, which has NEVER BEEN PROVEN!!!

I say if we're supposed to be "involved," if we're supposed to VOTE, then let's get rid of this fascist, Globalist monster right now. It exists because of LIES, it functions because of LIES, and it insists that we not only participate in the LIES, but also give our lives for LIES.

To hell with that.

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Many people passed away from that covid shot and governments around the world covered it all up.

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Cancel the all bullying tactics 💉😷

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Please Reread AT article again Zoe! I could add more but I'm sure you won't recognize any of our dissent. This is so sad and pathetic that you have given yourselves this right to control our destinies. In one word, Primitive is all I can muster for now. I hope to respond when I can control my sadness.

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I hope someone accident sides this peice Bill gates WHO puppet

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Jan 24Edited

My letter:

Dear Zoe Kahn,

Canadians don't want any 'pandemic agreement' and we definitely do not need the WHO. We've already lost individual doctor's care having witnessed doctors turning a blind eye to everyone being given an experimental injection for something called 'COVID' (an acronym that still has no official definition). It should never have been given to anyone with allergy sensitivity. It should never ever, ever have been given to pregnant women! It should never ever, ever have been given to children. Yet doctors bent the knee to a corrupt supra-organization; in my province, called Alberta Health Services. Now we plan to further hand over our individual health sovereignty to a corrupt global supra – organization called WHO!? Do you personally not want authority over your own healthcare decisions?  If you decide you want to go with traditional health approaches like Chinese or India (Ayurvedic) medicine, do you not want that choice? You know that 'Western medicine' and pharmaceuticals have very little to do with health and everything to do with power, money and control! It is nothing short of racism or ethno-supremacy to assume that 'Western medicine' is superior to other forms of traditional medicines around the world that have existed for thousands of years before Western medicine!

Here is a list of obvious red flag markers relating to the WHO pushed 'COVID' injections opposing as vaccines:

* The 2019/20 and 2020/21 Flu seasons simply vanished, we were told all the cases were COVID!

* The somewhat reasonable 'Slow the Curve' slogan soon morphed into the ridiculous, laughable and obviously impossible 'Stop the Spread' mantra!

* A 'PCR' test for Covid with a nasty habit of giving false positives, was used as the Gold Standard!

* Doctors and pharmacists were forbidden to prescribe proven effective repurposed drugs like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in order to push and corporately mandate a one solution yet experimental technology posing as a vaccine!

* The 'deplorable vaccinated' were (and still are in Canada at least) denied hospital care and vital transplants - absolutely inhumane and criminal by 'healthcare' bullies who violated their Hippocratic oath and swear to God!

* The 'independent practice of medicine' by doctors was canceled!

* Informed Consent was cancelled - criminal!

* Legal guardianship for healthcare decisions for dependent adults was breached and violated in favour of experimental shots (direct experience)!

* For the first time ever, a 'Case' for an illness was not determined symptomatically but purely by the inappropriate use of a completely unreliable PCR test!

* For the first time ever, if you died from any event or disease having a positive test from a generally non-fatal disease (Covid), your death was reported as you having died from that generally non-fatal disease. If you were in a car accident for example, they took you into emergency, ran a Covid test on you that was claimed to be positive, your death would go down as a Covid death - outrageous and criminal!

* No preventative treatments were ever prescribed for Covid!

* Re-purposed drugs like Ivermectin and HCQ were outright banned, not even common sense vitamins D and C were recommended!

* Doctor's right to practice independent medicine was cancelled!

* Healthy people having NO symptoms were locked down!

* No drug, much less an experimental one, had EVER BEFORE been proclaimed to be 100% 'Safe and Effective'!

* In an emergency 'pandemic', rather than choosing a conventionally produced vaccine, an experimental one was chosen! If your house was on fire and you had a choice between a conventional fire extinguisher or an experimental one, you would choose the experimental one?!  (Not saying ANY conventional vaccines are safe, our eyes have now been opened!)

* For the very first time, having fought an actual infection was considered inferior protection to having a vaccine!

* We were told that an intramuscular shot in a highly vascularized muscle in the arm would stay in the injection site!

* If a spike protein was to be used as an antigen to stimulate immunity, rather than using an injection of it, a complex technology was used to cause your cellular machinery to manufacture it in your own body without any proof that the production would turn itself off- plain stupid and reckless!

* Exemptions for the shot were denied to all except those with existing myocarditis - THE main publicly known adverse effect of the shot!

* Pharmacies provided no Information pertaining to risks, and all drug information inserts were blank!

* You were not considered 'vaccinated' until 14 days after your shot. Therefore, if you had an adverse reaction or died within 14 days after having received the shot, you were recorded as 'unvaccinated' - outrageous and absolutely criminal!

* Minor kids were bribed with ice cream and other 'goodies' and separated from parental consent to receive an experimental injection which absolutely was not required for them - outrageous and absolutely criminal!

* A new Orwellian Doublespeak (self contradictory) term named 'Mature Minor' was created to trick children into receiving an experimental injection without parental consent - outrageous and absolutely criminal!

* Only 'vaccinated' people were allowed in public places. Those who previously had Covid and could prove positive antibody testing were not allowed unless they could prove to have received the shot even though they undoubtedly had superior protection!

* I'm sure that people could add dozens more red flags obvious to the casual observer but for some reason senseless to medical practitioners and administrators!

As a Canadian citizen, do you want anything more with an organization named WHO given what they just did to the world's populations? My answer is, along with no doubt the majority of thoughtful Canadians, is absolutely not!

Along with the US and an increased number of countries around the world say NO to WHO, their 'pandemic agreement' and anything to do with this ultra-corrupt NGO that was never chosen by the peoples of the world!

NO, we do NOT agree with any authoritarian 'pandemic agreement!


Alberta resident

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be rescued." 2Thess 2:9, 10

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The PCR is not a TEST. It continues to be called that, but it isn't a TEST, it never WAS a TEST and never WILL BE a TEST.

The PCR was invented to take a tiny fragment of something and make more of it, so it could be studied in various ways. That's it! And interestingly, the man who invented it, Kerry Mullis, very conveniently DIED of a "heart attack" when he tried to point this out, in Aug. of 2019, right before EVENT 201, and then of course, the "Pandemic."

Viruses have never been proven to exist.

Contagion has never been proven to exist.

The PCR is not a diagnostic instrument.

Tony Fauci is a murdering psychopath.

Bill Gates is a psychopath eugenicist.

And so on.

What we DO know, and in my opinion, without a doubt, is that our Creator loves us like no other being could ever do.


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Do you have her email address?

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No WHO health Tyranny, No WEF, No UN agendas 21 30 or any other year. No New World Order Madness genocidal agenda. No Tyranny no matter what it is named. We don't want the Ellison Stargate garbage either. AI vaccines and cancer customized for patients? Ellison said they will make sure we behave too.They are determined to enslave us.

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Hear, hear. Let us put all this BS where it belongs: In the garbage bin.

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Covid was a hoax to inject us with NEURAL LACE BCI Nanotechnology.

The aim is the AI war we are living in.

Don't contact anyone... shoot them.

No Negotiations.

No backing down.

No surrender.

This is war... AI war!



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Damn! So right on!! This shit will turn around

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