Happy Birthday Patriot Act
The Patriot Act was put into effect 21 years ago on October 26, 2001. Did this protect us from biological warfare, or did it just set the stage for the situation we find ourselves in today?
Please watch the video below…
Download the Patriot Act below…
1. Why did the Patriot Act (Title 18 Section 175b) exempt restricted persons from penalty?
Restricted persons are defined in the Act as criminals, drug users, illegal aliens, mentally defective, dishonorably discharged and terrorists.
Below is page 116 of the Patriot Act:
Kind of gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, does it not? To know that the criminally insane can dance down the street with a vial of anthrax between their teeth, if Mother Government deigns to allow them to.
And why did the US fail its mandate to report this change in legislation to the international treaty organization known as the Biological Weapons Convention? Is it true, as alleged, that this piece of legislation constitutes a de facto violation of the treaty?
As Latin America gears up to celebrate “The Day of the Dead,” we in “Anglo-America” might take a moment to look back on the birth of the USA PATRIOT Act and consider if it might better be renamed “The Death of America” Act. Along with the destruction of our civil liberties and privacy rights, it may actually have struck a blow against our very health and viability.
-Janet Phelan
2. Why is the Lancet advocating for the World Health Organization to be given regulatory powers over gain-of-function research?
WHO should be given new oversight authority regarding the biosafety, biosecurity, and bio-risk management of national and international research programmes that are engaged in the collection, testing, and genetic manipulation of potentially dangerous pathogens.
Please read the article below…
3. Why has the World Health Organization set up a BioHub system to collect and distribute pathogens?
Based in Spiez, Switzerland, the facility will serve as a centre for the safe receipt, sequencing, storage and preparation of biological materials for distribution to other laboratories, in order to inform risk assessments, and sustain global preparedness against these pathogens.
In parallel, WHO will broaden its BioHub System for the use of biological materials by qualified entities – such as manufacturers – for the development of medical by-products for fair allocation to countries. WHO is currently running a pilot phase, using SARS-COV-2 and its variants, to test the feasibility and operational arrangements for sharing such materials with the facilities of the BioHub System.
Following results from the pilot project, the BioHub will expand from SARS-COV-2 and its variants, to other pathogens, and connect partners with other repositories and laboratory networks in 2022
4. Shouldn’t Gain-of-Function research be shut down completely?
All so-called biodefense research is biowarfare research. There’s no hard line separating the two. Hence the term ‘dual use’ research. What we need is a ban on dual use gain of function research, i.e., research in which a pathogen is equipped with new functions that makes it more dangerous, which could be used for good or ill.
What we really need is a ban on dual-use, gain-of-function research, i.e., research in which a pathogen is equipped with new functions that makes it more dangerous, which could be used for good or ill. We simply do not need this kind of research. It’s all offensive, as it hasn’t prevented a single epidemic or pandemic to date.
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
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A few years after this, I tried to speak against it, the whole false flag wars we ended up losing....and of course I was shut down.
I went to jail, lost my business, and they charged me with terrorism
I tried to defend myself and was kicked off my own counsel.
Although the trial occurred afterwards, they said I did this all to raise awareness of the election. I lost .
Gavin won, Mr care not cash
Solitary isolation came to us all too.
Regards from SF killafornia.
I liked Janet's piece in full.
Thank you for your work.
Rock on
I'm 64. I've been awake to Big Brother, Deep State, banksters, medical mafia, etc since my teens. When 9/11 happened, my BS meter knew it was NOT foreign terrorists. (Plus simple physics and observation). I knew the Patriot Act was rigged against America and our Constitutional freedom. With current events, I have the advantage of perspective, of history. For others, not baby boomers, not yet awake, they have people like you, James. THANK YOU, to you and all truthful digital soldiers.