Something else to look out for: they want to delegate TSA to AI biometric companies, in the name of "privatization" ..to a crony monopoly corporation. You think censorship is bad on social media? Wait till they block you from traveling because of your low "social credit score" or "carbon credits" or vaccination status. Or maybe they'll just flat out restrict access to the lucky few and force us all to play a "lottery" like they already do with parks and our public lands while maximizing profits for the government contractor with non-refundable "lottery fees". Project2025/UN SDG 16.9 Digital ID/



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Technically, it won't do a damn thing the courts are all bought off. However, WE will know!

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From the inside, it seems. They won't see it coming.

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Everyone was welcome. I've put that idea aside for right now, a different one though. I started a group in Pro America Only.org called Plan C

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Part of the problem is all the legalese in the first place. The common law jurisdiction needs to be brought back, instead of pretty much outright ignored these days. Common law refers to God's common law, common sense, conscience, whatever you want to call it. In common law, the excessive legalese is irrelevant. 12 average jurors with average common sense can sift through the data and make the call. That is how it is supposed to work for those who try to skirt justice and God's law...legal is all manmade ideas and needs to be totally redone too, methinks.

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A thread on the importance of understanding the social contract and how that knowledge can help us out of the ongoing crisis.



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Of course the White House vetoed the legislation designed to remove the emergency status of the Covid situation in America. Of course another totalitarian government in the making

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can you link to the veto and also the draft proposal which would rescind/remove the emergency?

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To what legislation and veto do you refer?

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I wonder at which point or if in the end of the truth and reconciliation that’s made public, if the global citizenry will learn how the allopathic medical controllers fear of Orthomolecular (nutritional) Medicine was a provable leading forcebehind the 100++ year of citizen/ patients abuse. As a decades long promoter of Orthomolecular Medicine, I hppe citizen can ask and learn all about its near miraculous past and It’s extremely pertinent use right now against bio weapons. When people learn that 80 to 90% of all medical presentations at hospital and doctors offices are reversible using nutritional medicine, everything should change. Here’s a great place to learn more from.thank you James and good luck everyone.


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We are not only on the same page, but most likely next to each other in the same sentence.


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Thanks for reminding me it was James that put forward the work of another person he admires. With regard to your 'challenge', I think we're on 'the same page', which is quite remarkable, since all we have had to go on is info from cranks and Conspiracy Theorists that chose to question. Thankfully, I quickly became a fully committed Conspiracy Theorist after making my irrational conclusions from fact gleaned from the internet - NOT FROM MSM who I quickly began to suspect as part of the biggest con in history.

Side Note; The BBC became top of my hit list after quickly realising they focussed 50% of most news programs on 'pushing' the need for DEADLY INJECTIONS and the inflated, exaggerated and falsely manufactured 'facts' - NEVER MENTIONING ADVERSE REACTIONS or Vax related DEATHS!

In the Uk we have to pay a 'licence fee' for the pleasure of watching some of the worst BBC coercive Vax marketing propaganda imaginable. We've cancelled our TV licence and now the BBC send threatening letters about sending the 'heavy mob round'. Bring it on - I say!

Back to the topic; We seem to have come to the same conclusion that there are sinister intentions behind why the virus was 'modified' (initially in the USA - then in Wuhan) before being deliberately released upon humanity.

I occasionally collaborate with my Wife and Son-in-law with facts of serious interest we discover which means we can bounce theories around.

When I learned that mysterious materials were being discovered by various independent persons with the need to investigate such matters and started to suspect, like you, that perhaps some of these seemingly non-medicinal materials like Graphen Oxide might have other purposes.

There's another Conspiracy Theorist 'crank' like me, who goes under the pseudonym 'NOT ON THE BEEB' (BBC in jargon). He found evidence that Graphen Oxide found in post vaxxed blood would illuminate' in the presence of a cell phone, and that the illumination would continue for up to a couple of hours after the cell phone was removed. This phenomenon made me suspect there might be some truth in the 'ridiculous suggestion in early 2020, that people were dropping dead in the streets (I think it was supposedly in China). This suddenly became more credible when you add everything we have learned about Fauci, Adolf Schwab, etc, who proclaim "They will own nothing but will be happy eating bugs". (My deliberate amendment)

You imply the jab has other reasons for being applied to gullible humans and I can't refute your wild ideas, because mine are equally as insane. My conclusion for the illumination phenomena is that;

If the minions rise up after eventually coming to the realisation that the world has changed dramatically over a very short period of time - for the worse. Digital Currency will be a Control mechanism applied for cranks like us who dare to interfere with the NWO they have planned. The NWO Authorities know there will be riots and uprisings. The jabbed will be easily dispersed or perhaps 'disposed of' by directing radio signals that will activate the non-medicinal Graphen Oxide or/and other materials injected into the unsuspecting vax recipients. No need for tear gas, rubber bullets or water cannon. All sorted from a remote office with surveillance of any/all crowd issues.

So, it seems we have similar theories that seem to agree this Covid/Vax scam is more about CONTROL than public wellbeing.

What do you think of my supposition?

Regards! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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Hi Mick,

If you haven't found them already, I hope you will consider watching UK Column News as an alternative new media source of news and information. They broadcast live at 1pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday and on replay. The website is full of articles and interviews. They have a lively members' forum for exchanging views. www.ukcolumn.org

If you knew already this or you're not interested, just ignore me, lol.

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I've added this news source to my list of daily intake. Thanks! Mick from Hooe.

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Nooorinnnberg! Newranburg! Nurunbork! Oooooo!! Scaaaaree!!! 35 people were hanged by the neck, or was it 34, one committed suicide the night before, or wait! Was it 21? Yes! 21 went to trial and all, uhm 10 (ten) of them were hanged by the neck until dead, Dead, DEAD!!!

DO YA’LL GET THAT? ALL OF THIS CRAP ABOUT NUREMBERG 2.0, SO WHAT? 20 WILL HANG? THAT’S WHAT THE THREAT IS “If you evilsickfucktards don’t stop destroying humanity and inflicting megamurder (new word - I made it up!) on us and our little children, we’re gonna force you to select a handful of scapegoats and we’re gonna hang ‘em up reel good!” Seriously! Take the 20 minutes to research the history before you go strutting around on it!


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Oops, sorry Jim. Number 10 is not a valid statement. “There are NO Institutional Review Boards supervising administration of the experimental products.”

Point numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 clearly state there are no experimental products, only EUA products! What the Hell are you saying? What ‘experimental products’? There are only ‘NO experimental products’! Your failure to double speak is uncrossing my eyes! (I’m ever so disappointed!! 😔 You usually are completely fluent in Evilsickfucktardish when explaining these Clever Bastard plots. Please pull yourself together, man! 🤪)

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This trickery by the WHO is a mess and every time you turn around, they have added a different proposal to the amendments but it means the same. Pandemic Treaty to usher an continuation of GENOCIDE. How about this, we are continuing to reach out to congress/reps, to these vultures (WHO), the (INB) and to the US Delegates. But these same US Delegates need their rear ends in front of the House/Senate Oversight Committees and answer questions about the status of the negotiations to the amendments, their roles and why on earth would they pull such a thing to agree in handing over US Sovereignty without congressional feedback on the process of these negotiations. I think that former Trump HHS Azar needs to be look at his role on what did he really knew about COVID-19. While Fauci and the Mail Order President Joe Biden still pushing these dangerous jabs.

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Hey! Maybe we should try sending some money to Ukraine? Is that anywhere near the Ukraine? I guess it doesn’t matter, it’s really all just Russia, Russia, Russia.

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Thanks Katherine! It seems more are waking up after nearly three years. Maybe the truth will have to be acknowledged by the media soon?

Only the USA, China & North Korea are countries still BANNING ENTRY for fit and healthy unjabbed foreigners that realised the jab is just a CULL!

‘LIABILITY’ must be reintroduced for Vax makers then they will have to stop the mayhem and pay massive compensation = Hopefully meaning LIQUIDATION!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I read the small print that Pfizer choose not to avoid!

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First off (and only because I’m a stickler for credit where due), this is the Substack of and work of James Roguski, summarizing in detail the exceptional work of Katharine Webb. Faithfully, he has linked the source at the very beginning of this article if you wish to make contact with her.

Moving on, I’d like to address your statement “…the jab is just a CULL!” and ask that you engage me in my all time favorite game: ‘What If?’ Ready? I’ll go first!

What if, megadeath is merely a desirable side effect of the insertion of the device for the purpose of genetic modification of the human genome?

What if, the primary purpose of the insertion of that device is to equip the modified with Bluetooth and other programmable technologies?

What if, every modified humanoid product is now in part digital? Remember when we communicated via analog wireless technology and then one day the service providers informed the customer base that analog service would no longer be provided and only digital telephony and internet connection would be supported?

What if, just like cell phone Bluetooth connection which may be activated remotely, the modified are now a mass of autonomous data collection devices? How many millions are worth being culled in order to have just a few thousand readable / writable surveillance men of clay and iron wandering about day to day?

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You listed out exactly why our entire legal system worth dogshit. This is going to require military tribunals to fix because every single system involved has failed catastrophically to the point where nothing can be reformed and it’s actively trying to KILL BILLIONS.

I strongly recommend everyone share, download, backup offline, watch, and encourage others to watch Died Suddenly. It’s barely a 1 hour documentary and it’s GRIPPING.

Keep up the great work and keep speaking dangerously uncomfortable truths.

I’ve stated repeatedly for a couple years now to anyone that’ll listen that the only permanent solution to this insanity will be publicly broadcast military tribunals. The scale of the war crimes involved is going to be larger than both World Wars combined by the end of this decade 100+ million fatalities minimum.

If there aren’t publicly broadcast military tribunals preferably from Guantanamo Bay or everyone responsible then this whole thing could rapidly devolve into some sort of civil conflict especially given how polarized America has become with soft secession movements becoming a reality across the country. Texas for example is very seriously going to consider putting Secession on the ballot in 2023 in no small part because of this medical tyranny.

An actual civil war would be even more disastrous because millions maybe even 10 million+ Americans could die and it would almost certainly lead to WWIII World War 3 which would result in billions dead instead of “just” 100’s millions dead from these experimental DNA altering injections.

This is overall an absolute shitshow and you’ve done incredibly brave work on exposing it.

I was just listening to the Kim DotCom Spaces talk on Twitter a few hours ago I think you might’ve been on that as well and within 2 days this thing already has 5+ million views. They will NOT SILENCE US. They can try but there’s no closing Pandora’s Box anymore.

(Partial repost of a comment from Steve Kirsch’s latest Substack)

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What ‘military’? Is your plan for Justice and remediation to continue to ignore the Constitution and support a governing body which continues to be anti, un, contra, super and supra constitutional?

Please consider the work of Dr. Vieria?


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Re: "25. There cannot be clinical trial fraud, because there are NO clinical investigations, NO investigational drugs, NO investigators and NO human subjects."...

In addition to EUA, the covid-19 'vaccine' products were ALSO submitted under Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs): they were actually "investigational" products; thus, were experimental. If they were ONLY submitted under an EUA, the above might apply.

"For the purposes of this part, an experiment is any use of a drug except for the use of a marketed drug in the course of medical practice" https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-21/chapter-I/subchapter-D/part-312

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Is there any way to track these "investigations"?? If you have actual links for these IND 19745 and 19736 applications/status/investigations, that would be helpful. But what I did find so far was this: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/types-applications/investigational-new-drug-ind-application (or https://archive.is/jZp7R ) The first paragraph says:

"...Current Federal law requires that a drug be the subject of an approved marketing application before it is transported or distributed across state lines. Because a sponsor will probably want to ship the investigational drug to CLINICAL INVESTIGATORS in many states, it must seek an exemption from that legal requirement. The IND is the means through which the sponsor technically obtains this exemption from the FDA...." [emphasis mine]

There is also a couple of other interesting statements on that page:

"...There are 3 IND types....An Investigator IND....Emergency Use IND....Treatment IND"

"...There are two IND categories: commercial.....research (non-commercial)"

"...The IND application must contain information in three broad areas:....Animal Pharmacology and Toxicology Studies....Manufacturing Information....Clinical Protocols and Investigator Information...."

Based on how the current jabbathon is rolled out e.g. large data insert pamphlets that are "Intentionally Blank", no independent analysis of what is in the vials from any gov't agency, intentional, encouraging face diapers that force wearers to recycle stale/waste air, social distancing science™, et. al, it is clear that there is no clinical investigation being done.

And even if there was an investigation using the IND method (perhaps a different formula/product label was submitted to the FDA just in case it is needed later), it doesn't matter because as the OP has emphasized: Covered countermeasures from SecHHS agents/actors DOES NOT constitute a clinical investigation.

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The covid-19 'vaccines' have regular INDs: they are not investigator, emergency, or treatment INDs. I'm not a regulatory lawyer, so can't answer all your questions--just trying to help with the information I can.

Pfizer-BioNTech Regulatory Information https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccines

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Regulatory Information https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/moderna-covid-19-vaccines

Here is a link to Comirnaty's approval with its IND number...


it's under...https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/comirnaty

Here's the same site for Spikevax...https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/spikevax

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You mean Comirnaty product? That's just another red herring. Can you prove you got Comirnaty? Or that comirnaty was even distributed? Plus, EUA products can be mislabeled without consequence. And there could be several formulas floating around....which one is covered under the IND?

Or maybe you are referring to something else. Can you point to these INDs?

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ModernaTX, Inc. IND number 19745, and Pfizer, Inc., IND number 19736.

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Even though we obtain swaths of information contradicting the official narrative on the covid fraud, the people we are trying to save from their demise are so innately stupid that they refuse to listen to lifesaving words.

These people are often relatives that prefer to believe in the powers that be & of the mainstream media.

And most of all, we often get vilified. In the end, this isn't good.

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If you aren’t constantly, always, without fail vilified, you really need to try a little harder.

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Good comment. Luc

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