I appreciate this: While tagging them on Twitter is useful for putting them on the spot and raising awareness; the real ultimate way to apply pressure is to call them every day.

This was a strategy we used when opposing the TPP; we called our legislators every day; then we spread the word and told others to do the same; then spread it around more.

Long before SARS-CoV-2 struck, everybody fighting the TPP knew the value of exponents: Contact 5 people and they contact 5, those numbers go up really fast: Just using the basic exponent tables for 5, the numbers rise remarkably fast...

5^1 = 5

5^2 = 25

5^3 = 125

5^4 = 625

5^5 = 3125

5^6 = 15,625

5^7 = 78,125

5^8 = 390,625

5^9 = 1,953,125

5^10 = 9,765,625

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The mRNA that occurs naturally in the cell, but the backbone of mRNA is Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Uracil. The backbone of the Vaccine mRNA is made without Uracil, but uses pseudo-Uracil. Natural mRNA is communications between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and the half-life is usually less than a day. The earlier mRNAs are destroyed to make the system sensitive to changes in the cell. The pseudo-Uracil stops the cleanup and the vaccine mRNA has been found in the body 180 days after the vaccine. The template may be eternal and continues to make the spike protein probably much longer than 180 days. Which spike proteins are being created by the mRNA? The original Wuhan, Variant 4 and Variant 5. All three strains are obsolete and have impacted the immune systems of the people who got those injections,, Where will your immune system find these spike proteins? Your body has been trained to make the spike protein without an off switch. That is called auto-immune disease and the vaccinated are now with compromised immune systems and become generators of the variants. There are protocols to address these situations, but they can be extreme. See the protocols at www.flccc.net. Good people who have saved millions.

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Jun 15
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I was a biologist who worked in a genetics laboratory. Why would the vaccines replace uracil with pseudo-uracil except to foil the cleanup and deactivation of the mRNA? If the templates were found 180 days after vaccination, and they did not check beyond that point. Why not? There seems to be no off switch for this template. It may well be eternal.

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Jun 15
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Some more;


>>https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9059/10/7/1538 15 Days is 14 days too long

The pseudo-uracil is to keep the template active and generating more spike.

I have lots more.. This is just what I could gather quickly.

Read Kennedy's Book on "The Real Anthony Fauci".

Also read "The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond..." " What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling US" by Sally Saxon, J.D., Deborah Viglione & James A. Thorp, MD. Ivermectin works like a champ and I killed Omicron in 4 hours after symptoms presented themselves and got to sleep through the cure. The EUAs were a lie. The testing was as likely to identify pollen or a minor cold virus as COVID. The test was wildly inaccurate. You might as well flip a coin. As for ivermectin, there has been over 4 billion administrations on humans with fewer adverse reactions to the drug in 40 years than hand sanitizer in 3 years. Ivermectin has way less toxicity than asperin. We have been lied to by people we should have been able to trust. Also read "What the Nurses Saw" by Ken McCarthy.

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Your belief is nice, but wrong. Where is all the long covid coming from, but the templates that keep churning out more spike. A vaccine would only present the spike once and not keep making the toxic protein with out end. Natural mRNA only lasts for much less than a day. The system has to get rid of old messages from the Nucleus so that the cytoplasm is ready to respond to the next mRNA generated by the Nucleus. A template that stays around like the Vaccine mRNA is a real problem and is wasting your immune system putting out this old protein to the point that IG-4 is being produced by what is left of the immune system to ignore which ever spike protein is being produced. Any of the spike proteins is being produced means trouble for the cells and your system. Pfiser even admitted that they never really tested for the efficacy or real effectiveness of the vaccine. There is plenty of evidence in the unexpected deaths of the community. >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC8AQygT0CM Follow The Science? CDC Director Throws Expert Committee Under The Bus - 3210928

>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFiTBJQlyy4 RonPaulLibertyReport - Credibility In Shreds: CDC's Shocking Admission On Covid Deaths - 3220111

>>https://rumble.com/v4429g3-dr.-ryan-cole-gives-update-on-mrna-vax-spike-proteins.html - Rumble - Dr. Ryan Cole Gives Update on mRNA Vax Spike Proteins - 3240210

>>https://rumble.com/v415v1k-italian-health-minister-gave-orders-to-conceal-vax-deaths-now-investigated-.html - mRNA Vaccine - 3240210

>>https://rumble.com/v3wr8mm-warning-dr.-john-campbell-death-rates-rising-in-young-adults-by-20-in-2023.html - mRNA Vaccine - 3240210

>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gafV6YhhnAQ GBNews - This pandemic treaty is the greatest power grab any of us has seen in our lifetime, Neil Oliver- 3220514

>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDzgNsBFx7w GBNews - Neil Oliver: This supposed utopia we’re having rammed down our throats isn’t workin - 3220705

>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivZsCju-Pe8 GBNews - German study into the phenomenon of excess deaths | Kathy Gyngell and Mark Steyn discuss - 3220903

... I have a lot more. Do a little more study. Most of the opposition is the bought media that has been lying to you for decades. A number of states are now suing the pharmaceutical companies for falsehoods and misfeasance and killing their populations

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Jul 13
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New item just published this year. "Moving Beyond The COVID-19 Lies" by Dr. Bryan Ardis. >>https://www.amazon.com/Moving-Beyond-COVID-19-Lies-Restoring/dp/1961641224 There is also a lot more. I ask the question, Why did the pharmaceutical companies use Pseudo-Uracil rather than regular Uracil? The mRNA normally lasts for less than 24 hours. The Japanese found complete mRNA with the Pseudo-Uracil over 180 days after being inoculated. They stopped looking after180 days, bu the templates were all over the body.

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Fair enough.

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I emailed all 3 of my Senators and called Scott and Mast as their phone #'s popped up. Rubio's doesn't. Just letting you know. Shockingly, both Scott's and Mast's office had phone's answered!

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Just contacted CO Hickenloopers office. It must be abolished ASAP!

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You and your community can issue a Proclamation of Independence from the WHO and the UN. You just better have the Power to back it up.


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we dont negociate with terrorists WHO HELL NO....the treaty is not dead in the water in fact itll be back sooner than you think.....theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition.its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..it currently has over 2,507000 signatures

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#ExitThe WHO

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Bullseye in a nutshell James - basics everyone can easily understand!

Some politicians are on board the WHO train regardless, for whatever reasons.

Some may be compromised or corrupted, but many still appear to think the WHO is the champion of world health and are actually ignorant of the real agenda.

Most politicians tend to trust "those responsible" in their own areas, and are reluctant to question them too much, for obvious reasons.

Ignorance and group think, are potentially deadly drugs of addiction, in and out of politics.

Waking politicians up to the real agenda, is a real challenge when most people are not awake.

However, politicians are all vulnerable to voter power to some extent.

We can continue to inform politicians that we know exactly what is going on, even if they do not!

If politicians do not respond positively or change their position initially, they will still think about our input and personal and political interests may be activated.

All informed people are appalled by the blatant lack of accountability of the WHO power players.

This attitude is reflected in our own politicians!

We must make "our representatives" accountable, to exit and disable the WHO.

As James says, the US is clearly the engine driving the WHO train.

Nations coupled to the US, may stay onboard, until they realise exactly where the train is headed.

Other nations are already questioning the WHO's real agenda and goals.

Nations leaving will dis-empower the WHO.

The US engine will still have to be disabled eventually though.

Supporting good US congress-people and senators will help to this end.

Putting all the rest on notice will also help.

We can all make a valuable contribution, regardless of our abilities or resources.

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I want Canada to exit the W.H.O. too!

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Please dear god give us Donald trump for our president in 2024. He will defund the who and pull us out.

However, if Gavin Newsom takes old Joe’s place. This will be the end of the USA.

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Don’t be distracted with the WHO! The WHO is just a maggot feasting on the shitpile UN. Bury the shit and the maggots will starve. Bury the UN.

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Thanks for that, I feel a little better now

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Support for the WHO is fake. It is an illusion. The internet is mostly fake find out how:


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James, I viewed your interview recently alleging the WHO “thinks vaccines are helping and that they don’t seem to understand”??? While I understand how you are giving them the benefit of the doubt-- It is naive at best to believe this.

Readers MUST know that The Who is an Appendage (reporting unit) to the UN-- seeking totalitarian control and The Great Reset... along with their affiliate WEF. Know Thine Enemy!!! Only Klauss Schwab (and soon to be successor as he is stepping down, allegedly ) reports to ONE PERSON -- KING CHARLES , who is at the top of the Globalist Cabal Heirarchy !!! People. Please wake up 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. King Charles, a Rothschild aka Bauer, aka Jesuit, aka Pro- Great Reset and author of WEF’s agenda --- and “Monarch” of the USA, Canada -- unbeknownst to We the People. Charles owns / Controls the Federal Reserve. The evil London based banksters are to blame. They will stop at nothing

However, the Book of revelation: God Wins. May we one day hear, he/she fought the good fight

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What about the Eu , we also need to leave this abominable conglomeration. Unfortunately there are no signs thereof, but the recent public vote gave the rights lot of progress, so one never knows....

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