Is there any evidence the spike protein exists? I mean of course it can be printed, a toxic synthetic protein as all synthetic proteins are.

But as for us making it… surely that’s all baloney?

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Note To James:

Please add what the WarRoom Posse Pfizer Document Volunteer Analysts have done so far, it all also belongs in your amazing collection of works done by Truthers Seeking to Save Humanity! Thank you James for your hard work and dedication as you continue to compile all of this information and evidence to bring Justice! It stands as a beacon for history, a testimony and a warning moving into the future.

There are currently 102 Reports which for now can be found under the INVESTIGATIONS banner at: https://dailyclout.io/

Here are just a few which warned the world early on from 'Pfizer's Own Words' :




And the saved original LNP report first published but taken down because of fear: https://web.archive.org/web/20221028173547/https://dailyclout.io/lipid-nanoparticles-hijacking-nature/

Then rewritten & republished: https://dailyclout.io/report-74-lipid-nanoparticles-corrupt-nature/




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There were NO mistakes made. This was indeed a supreme act of pure evil.

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With this information fully in our faces. Big Pharma & supplement industry now mostly owned by chemical companies can now reap even more financial benefits in human suffering and sell their products. This is diabolical! What are we going to do about this? With Technocracy outweighing the individual. I again appeal to the notion of creating a "WE THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD Corporation." For those eschewing this idea, it will become more evident that its is what needs to be done. Humanity must align will full shielding force.

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You might be on to something there! Not sure what your profession is, but might be worth consulting a Lawyer or Accountant on how this could be set up. There might not be actual money involved in the Corporation you propose (ie Revenue), but there is Equity! Our Health, Our Rights, Our Liberties. Seriously...it is a layer of protection. Smart!

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Just an observant gal....

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"If you cannot see the EVIL by now, it's because you choose not to. Those who remain silent, remain complicit and those who remain complicit, remain cowards. These are the very people that EVIL will destroy first." ~ Ralph Harlow

The CCC (Copehagen CONsensus Center) is involved in all of this. A think-tank out of the U.S., which is still going. Involved in 'Population Science' along with Covid and all. Of course, Bill Gates highly involved.

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When I downloaded the spike protein pathogenicity files, the domain changed from .gov to doi.com. I'm no techi, but it seems very unusual.

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Isn't it amazing that educated doctors promote vaccines, which have a foreign protein in them...which supposedly would help prevent CV-19! I read 50 years ago that foreign proteins did not belong in the human body! How come doctors don't know simple facts like this, which were known years ago.

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Good point, this same problem is true in many bits of info in Medicine.

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Since there never was a virus, there is also no so-called spike protein, no mRNA, no variants, no so-called DNA contamination, NOTHING, THESE are all just impertinent excuses - people were deliberately and plannedly lied to, manipulated, deceived and poisoned including nanotechnology/self-assembling and reproducible in millions, with differently loaded batches and different toxic-chemical substances, as well as different materials in nanotechnology!!! Why are you sharing such nonsense? To perpetuate a lie and to absolve all the doctors who have contributed to this lie of responsibility? THAT will not work, never, because they have caused infinite damage to humanity for money/blood money and forced a mass murder (people continue to die, including the animals to which this poison is administered!!!) - this absolute crime, in which pretty much EVERYONE was involved, can and must NEVER be excusable and forgotten - and only the facts will or can possibly help people!!!!

https://rumble.com/v2g7nqg-april-4-2023.html or youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAtQFkEg5-w

Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz - ca from minute 13:30 - "Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Injected Bio-Nano Machines" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks = Intra-Body-Nano-Network - Internet of bodies - Cyborgs - the phrase “mRNA” was illegally introduced HERE to legally abuse humanity!!!! And to claim that this would not harm the organism is of course a lie, because nobody will openly admit this - which is logical, because otherwise they would publicly accuse themselves of harming human life!!! Everyone should always think for themselves with common sense!!!






etc. etc. etc.

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And if one scroll down here, then everyone will be able to understand that THIS is NOT so-called “DNA contamination” or a non-existent so-called “spike protein” - THIS is pure poisoning!!!!


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It’s not necessary for a “SARS-Cov-2 virus” to exist in order that a toxic protein be brought into being.

The fake sequence lodged in a database can be used to form a protein & that can be synthesised, or mRNA synthesised.

Nobody is certain based on empirical evidence what it is exactly that harms some people.

“Spike” protein or other, non-human proteins from mRNA (which is fragmented, according to several independent researchers), the circular DNA claimed to “contaminate” the product, the lipid nano particles, etc

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Well, I don't agree with that, because my almost 40 years of experience in laboratories has shown that absolutely NOTHING is feasible, except in fraudulent experiments in vitro and with all kinds of software in silico/letter groups and everything that is in the form of letter groups in a software can indeed be constructed on the computer, but THAT has nothing to do with reality, because materials and toxic-chemical substances are used there that have absolutely nothing to do in a living organism - and just by the way > a letter group that exists in a software can NOT be brought into any substance, that is pseudoscience and nonsense!!

Something has been initiated here that simply cannot be put into words, but nobody is prepared to see the connections... unfortunately!

Maybe you should take a look at Dr. David Nixon's blood tests and visit his homepage!

But thanks for your comment anyway!

Best regards!

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Stay away from Doctors and Doctor Yourself.

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What happens if you receive blood that's been vaccinated?

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You are contaminated just the same as the vaccinated person.

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Why is the mRNA technology still being used for the sars COVID 2 vaccine when the emergency approval given is now null and void because the emergency is now over according to the UN in May2023 ?

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That's a very good question. However, logic seems to have gone by the way side, but perhaps this is a way to stop them from continuing to be distributed? Good thought!

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Will Gene Therapy go down like the Hindenberg?

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Spike protein is a red herring...

The LNPs were toxic way before that...


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Is there any way to reverse or minimize the spike protein....

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Is there any way to reverse the spoke protein, I think is a very very important question.....

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I have heard that Dr. Peter McCullough has a protocol that says can help, however, I do not know if it will reverse the spike protein.


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Shouldn't we just leave it as what you are writing here 'a supreme act of pure evil'...

I think. That will cover - at least until the courts find a way to describe the psycho's who found it funny to try out on the entire human race.... 😰

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