This DEADLY experimental crap never justified the FDA EUA 'Approval' and should never have reached a single human body. It's incredible how the vast wealth of Pfizer Moderna, J&J, Merck, etc, can influence corrupt Authorities like the FDA, CDC, etc. They sold their souls and allowed human deaths to occur without any consideration of thei…
This DEADLY experimental crap never justified the FDA EUA 'Approval' and should never have reached a single human body. It's incredible how the vast wealth of Pfizer Moderna, J&J, Merck, etc, can influence corrupt Authorities like the FDA, CDC, etc. They sold their souls and allowed human deaths to occur without any consideration of their duty, honesty and conscience.
LIABILITY must be the first condition for marketing any injectable solution in either humans or/and animals!
Stop killing humanity with the DEADLY 'Experimental' mRNA poison. The unrelenting Cull of humanity continues and seems to be unstoppable!
Refuse another jab until the greedy, murdering, mercenary Vax makers accept LIABILITY!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer by refusing to be Guinea pigs or just targets of the New World Order to de-humanise with the DEADLY injections they pretend are 'VACCINES'.
This DEADLY experimental crap never justified the FDA EUA 'Approval' and should never have reached a single human body. It's incredible how the vast wealth of Pfizer Moderna, J&J, Merck, etc, can influence corrupt Authorities like the FDA, CDC, etc. They sold their souls and allowed human deaths to occur without any consideration of their duty, honesty and conscience.
LIABILITY must be the first condition for marketing any injectable solution in either humans or/and animals!
Stop killing humanity with the DEADLY 'Experimental' mRNA poison. The unrelenting Cull of humanity continues and seems to be unstoppable!
Refuse another jab until the greedy, murdering, mercenary Vax makers accept LIABILITY!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer by refusing to be Guinea pigs or just targets of the New World Order to de-humanise with the DEADLY injections they pretend are 'VACCINES'.