James- I've been posting your name all over Rumble and a few times on mainstream comment sections. I can't post links or even write 'Substack' (on MSM) because it 'violates community guidelines'..... Posting TRUTH not allowed! I'm hoping more people find this incredible work and will start a major pushback. I've no idea what percentage a…
James- I've been posting your name all over Rumble and a few times on mainstream comment sections. I can't post links or even write 'Substack' (on MSM) because it 'violates community guidelines'..... Posting TRUTH not allowed! I'm hoping more people find this incredible work and will start a major pushback. I've no idea what percentage are still asleep at the wheel. In my sphere, they're comatose or dead. If we can break through to enough people and blow the lid off of this horror, imagine what other truths that have been hidden, will come to light. I just thought of one more tactic- we have a bunch of mini- marts and they have public bulletin boards. I guess that's my mission for today. You're work is INCREDIBLE! ( I just hope someone will bail me out when the po-po's show up...)
James- I've been posting your name all over Rumble and a few times on mainstream comment sections. I can't post links or even write 'Substack' (on MSM) because it 'violates community guidelines'..... Posting TRUTH not allowed! I'm hoping more people find this incredible work and will start a major pushback. I've no idea what percentage are still asleep at the wheel. In my sphere, they're comatose or dead. If we can break through to enough people and blow the lid off of this horror, imagine what other truths that have been hidden, will come to light. I just thought of one more tactic- we have a bunch of mini- marts and they have public bulletin boards. I guess that's my mission for today. You're work is INCREDIBLE! ( I just hope someone will bail me out when the po-po's show up...)