Everything you stated is truth......most have been so indoctrinated that they repel any new information regarding the Zionist Jews. I am censored weekly on YouTube for saying those two words. You cannot mention them without being censored. That should be a red flag for any thinking person. Read Henry Ford's book, 'The International Jew: …
Everything you stated is truth......most have been so indoctrinated that they repel any new information regarding the Zionist Jews. I am censored weekly on YouTube for saying those two words. You cannot mention them without being censored. That should be a red flag for any thinking person. Read Henry Ford's book, 'The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem', Alison Weir's 'Against Our Better Judgment' and John Beaty's 'Iron Curtain Over America' and Martin Luther's 'On the Jews and Their Lies'. You are not wrong in your assessment of the global situation. God bless you for caring enough to get to the root of this rotten Beast System.
Everything you stated is truth......most have been so indoctrinated that they repel any new information regarding the Zionist Jews. I am censored weekly on YouTube for saying those two words. You cannot mention them without being censored. That should be a red flag for any thinking person. Read Henry Ford's book, 'The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem', Alison Weir's 'Against Our Better Judgment' and John Beaty's 'Iron Curtain Over America' and Martin Luther's 'On the Jews and Their Lies'. You are not wrong in your assessment of the global situation. God bless you for caring enough to get to the root of this rotten Beast System.