and that's why we're now forced to tell the truth - we have been lied to about everything, this I see too. what will happen when we've told all the truth we know, will it all end?
and that's why we're now forced to tell the truth - we have been lied to about everything, this I see too. what will happen when we've told all the truth we know, will it all end?
Some of the awful truth will be told-- about 9/11, the covid jabs, child trafficking, maybe the evil presidents we have had, etcetera. However the most awful stuff will be kept hidden. Many who refused to believe the truthers and constantly denied what we said, will have a VERY hard time with the truth stuff when it comes out. They will be humbled. Many will go crazy or off themselves.
I have had many years to learn the truth, and when i started, it depressed me and I kept away from it for a few months. I however would rather know the truth than be a sheeple. Yet, now, many Americans will be slammed with a lot of truth rapidly, like a tsunami and hurricane at one time. They may be overwhelmed.
Will it all end?. I believe the light will overtake the darkness and the sh*t will stop. We must END the traitors in our Government and states, the corruption when we vote, end the greedy corruption, the corporatization in our states and Government, the collusion with big business, the pharma/chemical companies/ animal ag/processed food--evil, and put on trial all heads of the FDA, USDA, EPA, NIH, CDC, HHS, bad military, AMA, ADA, for crimes against humanity and TREASON. There are thousands of inventions that have been hidden that can clean up the environment, end the medical system monopolies and use of drugs, and more--these will surface and change the greedy evil system we have lived under.
I am grateful for all of the truthers and those who know the truth, thank you
yes, youтАЩre so right. I just have this feeling that the truthers have already told all they know and see. my favourits, people to whom I listen, speak but they just repeat what theyтАЩve already said, itтАЩs like a mountain river that comes to stand still on a plain and then meets a barrier.
yes, people will be overhelmed, my Mom was. I just took her in my arms and told her all the stuff as a story, itтАЩs like when you want to calm down a child. it always depends on whoтАЩs speaking and how, the actual content doesn't matter. if you do it with love, you even can produce a smile on the face of your loved overhelmed one and in the same time make him or her understand the message.
through Love all is possible.
but I refuse to accept any new тАЬgovernmentтАЭ, I see no thruth or strength in men. thereтАЩs no good in those who make politiks or/and money, theyтАЩre not good, theyтАЩre тАЬeliteтАЭ, the upper class. IтАЩm no subject to them. I see that youтАЩve truly gone you way in search of the truth, I did it too. and I found out that there REALLY is a Government that is good and if I obey itтАЩs Law, I will learn the truth and find life. they say that in the end all will know what everybody knows - no secrets but respect for everyone. the Law is Love, IтАЩd take any overhelmed or suffering one into my arms and help them because such is the Law. and itтАЩs promised that we will be protected from lies. this government doesnтАЩt try to reduce their subjects to slaves or things to earn more money with, I wonтАЩt accept less now. I canтАЩt see any use in тАЬfixingтАЭ our тАЬgovernmentsтАЭ, theyтАЩll fail again, rather sooner than later. theyтАЩre a thing of the past already because I donтАЩt believe in them and my voice counts.
All very true, there is no "fixing" the Beast System. The Beast will never relinquish it so we had better move on to what Christ teaches.
Yes, there is more to know down that rabbit hole bu t many are blocked from sharing the truth about what is going on in the skies....or, they a re attacked and made to look like fools. That does not bother me. What bothers me is that you can share with people what you know and they will either argue that what you say is not possible or just tune you out and continue their lives as usual. There is a reason for all of these epic storms, tsunamis, landslides, blizzards that bury people alive in their homes, earthquakes that change the rotation of the Earth.
Currently, there is a snowstorm the Gulf of Mexico. People should pay attention to what this portends....but they are ignorant of it's inherent meaning. Tragic.
if many are blocked, so theyтАЩre not ment to see and hear, so be it. I tell people about whatтАЩs right, how itтАЩs written in the Bible, they just ignore me. I use the word God, they look at me, blink, like in the тАЬmen in blackтАЭ movie when people were made to forget by means of that blinking stick which the agents hold into their faces, and proceed as usual, exactly. I thought a colleague of mine capable to understand, told him I trust in God - he blinked, paused, and told me that he and his wife joined a group where they learn a shaman cultтАж so itтАЩs here, in western europe. I know a family from russia who furnished a room in their home in the likeness of a church to have a possiblity to pray. they are alone with it, the others donтАЩt like it. so itтАЩs probably everywhere the same. a good explanation for all our troubles and pain.
they try to weaponize weather, everything. Jesus said that itтАЩs the sign of the weakness when men grasp the arms. and now itтАЩs even more stupid - the arms are not enough, letтАЩs turn their food, water and everything to a weapon. to my eyes it signalises their ending, the good lasts forever, the evil gets old and die. things that they do are definitely a sign of dotage. let them dig themselves into a hole, that will be the hole in which theyтАЩll fall. thatтАЩs why theyтАЩre made blind and deaf, whatтАЩs the use of talking to them. IтАЩm not sorry. you say tragic, I say just.
No, this is about something bigger than weather manipulation....which they are not able to do to a large extent. This is about a Binary Star System linked to our beginnings. This Star System is making it's ingress and causing all of the horrible weather....but those in power will never tell the little people.
Jesus said we will see signs in the Moon, Sun and Stars of His return and many of us have been recording strange events with these luminaries in the past 15 years. Some of us have recorded Two Suns or other luminaries near our Sun. We have recorded technology they are using to hide these celestial bodies from us. I suppose most of the world is not meant to see this...and for me that is painful to believe. I want everyone to know what this means for them physically, mentally and Spiritually. Most do not care.
I understand. I never heard about the binary star system. but IтАЩm convinced that all the stars and our whole universe lie in GodтАЩs hand and our lives lie there too. the lunatics think they have means but they just play a role and fulfil GodтАЩs plan. when God makes a plan, no little villain can ever sabotage it. just trust. I do, I trust absolutely. I know that God made it all, the stars too, they belong to him. he loves us and tries to teach us, we are 100% secure being on his side and loving him with our whole heart. more is not necessary. believe it and act so, live so, then they canтАЩt scare you with anything. I think the whole matter is only that simple. what they invent to unsettle us will prove in the end to be nothing more than hot air.
what comes to mind is that IтАЩve read that in the very end God would push aside the clouds above all high and hightened (the rich and the so called elites are ment), and let a horrible star cast its light on them. they should be worried about it.
I worried in the beginning about too little sunlight and that no star or moon light riches us now after they hung up their smog layer in our skies. but then I saw that I feel alright, even so, other people also seem to stay healthy and feel good. IтАЩve read that God would strengthen us over time so to enable us to live our lives and learn our lessons no matter what the dark figures throw on us. donтАЩt worry about the stars, donтАЩt let them make you feel sad. they would like to, me - not. think of your inner light.
and that's why we're now forced to tell the truth - we have been lied to about everything, this I see too. what will happen when we've told all the truth we know, will it all end?
Some of the awful truth will be told-- about 9/11, the covid jabs, child trafficking, maybe the evil presidents we have had, etcetera. However the most awful stuff will be kept hidden. Many who refused to believe the truthers and constantly denied what we said, will have a VERY hard time with the truth stuff when it comes out. They will be humbled. Many will go crazy or off themselves.
I have had many years to learn the truth, and when i started, it depressed me and I kept away from it for a few months. I however would rather know the truth than be a sheeple. Yet, now, many Americans will be slammed with a lot of truth rapidly, like a tsunami and hurricane at one time. They may be overwhelmed.
Will it all end?. I believe the light will overtake the darkness and the sh*t will stop. We must END the traitors in our Government and states, the corruption when we vote, end the greedy corruption, the corporatization in our states and Government, the collusion with big business, the pharma/chemical companies/ animal ag/processed food--evil, and put on trial all heads of the FDA, USDA, EPA, NIH, CDC, HHS, bad military, AMA, ADA, for crimes against humanity and TREASON. There are thousands of inventions that have been hidden that can clean up the environment, end the medical system monopolies and use of drugs, and more--these will surface and change the greedy evil system we have lived under.
I am grateful for all of the truthers and those who know the truth, thank you
and God bless you.
yes, youтАЩre so right. I just have this feeling that the truthers have already told all they know and see. my favourits, people to whom I listen, speak but they just repeat what theyтАЩve already said, itтАЩs like a mountain river that comes to stand still on a plain and then meets a barrier.
yes, people will be overhelmed, my Mom was. I just took her in my arms and told her all the stuff as a story, itтАЩs like when you want to calm down a child. it always depends on whoтАЩs speaking and how, the actual content doesn't matter. if you do it with love, you even can produce a smile on the face of your loved overhelmed one and in the same time make him or her understand the message.
through Love all is possible.
but I refuse to accept any new тАЬgovernmentтАЭ, I see no thruth or strength in men. thereтАЩs no good in those who make politiks or/and money, theyтАЩre not good, theyтАЩre тАЬeliteтАЭ, the upper class. IтАЩm no subject to them. I see that youтАЩve truly gone you way in search of the truth, I did it too. and I found out that there REALLY is a Government that is good and if I obey itтАЩs Law, I will learn the truth and find life. they say that in the end all will know what everybody knows - no secrets but respect for everyone. the Law is Love, IтАЩd take any overhelmed or suffering one into my arms and help them because such is the Law. and itтАЩs promised that we will be protected from lies. this government doesnтАЩt try to reduce their subjects to slaves or things to earn more money with, I wonтАЩt accept less now. I canтАЩt see any use in тАЬfixingтАЭ our тАЬgovernmentsтАЭ, theyтАЩll fail again, rather sooner than later. theyтАЩre a thing of the past already because I donтАЩt believe in them and my voice counts.
Understood. Love is the only thing that is real. However, Governments
take charge of our countries, but I believe in a loving God. take care.
All very true, there is no "fixing" the Beast System. The Beast will never relinquish it so we had better move on to what Christ teaches.
Yes, there is more to know down that rabbit hole bu t many are blocked from sharing the truth about what is going on in the skies....or, they a re attacked and made to look like fools. That does not bother me. What bothers me is that you can share with people what you know and they will either argue that what you say is not possible or just tune you out and continue their lives as usual. There is a reason for all of these epic storms, tsunamis, landslides, blizzards that bury people alive in their homes, earthquakes that change the rotation of the Earth.
Currently, there is a snowstorm the Gulf of Mexico. People should pay attention to what this portends....but they are ignorant of it's inherent meaning. Tragic.
if many are blocked, so theyтАЩre not ment to see and hear, so be it. I tell people about whatтАЩs right, how itтАЩs written in the Bible, they just ignore me. I use the word God, they look at me, blink, like in the тАЬmen in blackтАЭ movie when people were made to forget by means of that blinking stick which the agents hold into their faces, and proceed as usual, exactly. I thought a colleague of mine capable to understand, told him I trust in God - he blinked, paused, and told me that he and his wife joined a group where they learn a shaman cultтАж so itтАЩs here, in western europe. I know a family from russia who furnished a room in their home in the likeness of a church to have a possiblity to pray. they are alone with it, the others donтАЩt like it. so itтАЩs probably everywhere the same. a good explanation for all our troubles and pain.
they try to weaponize weather, everything. Jesus said that itтАЩs the sign of the weakness when men grasp the arms. and now itтАЩs even more stupid - the arms are not enough, letтАЩs turn their food, water and everything to a weapon. to my eyes it signalises their ending, the good lasts forever, the evil gets old and die. things that they do are definitely a sign of dotage. let them dig themselves into a hole, that will be the hole in which theyтАЩll fall. thatтАЩs why theyтАЩre made blind and deaf, whatтАЩs the use of talking to them. IтАЩm not sorry. you say tragic, I say just.
No, this is about something bigger than weather manipulation....which they are not able to do to a large extent. This is about a Binary Star System linked to our beginnings. This Star System is making it's ingress and causing all of the horrible weather....but those in power will never tell the little people.
Jesus said we will see signs in the Moon, Sun and Stars of His return and many of us have been recording strange events with these luminaries in the past 15 years. Some of us have recorded Two Suns or other luminaries near our Sun. We have recorded technology they are using to hide these celestial bodies from us. I suppose most of the world is not meant to see this...and for me that is painful to believe. I want everyone to know what this means for them physically, mentally and Spiritually. Most do not care.
It is tragic to Jesus and it is tragic to me.
I understand. I never heard about the binary star system. but IтАЩm convinced that all the stars and our whole universe lie in GodтАЩs hand and our lives lie there too. the lunatics think they have means but they just play a role and fulfil GodтАЩs plan. when God makes a plan, no little villain can ever sabotage it. just trust. I do, I trust absolutely. I know that God made it all, the stars too, they belong to him. he loves us and tries to teach us, we are 100% secure being on his side and loving him with our whole heart. more is not necessary. believe it and act so, live so, then they canтАЩt scare you with anything. I think the whole matter is only that simple. what they invent to unsettle us will prove in the end to be nothing more than hot air.
what comes to mind is that IтАЩve read that in the very end God would push aside the clouds above all high and hightened (the rich and the so called elites are ment), and let a horrible star cast its light on them. they should be worried about it.
I worried in the beginning about too little sunlight and that no star or moon light riches us now after they hung up their smog layer in our skies. but then I saw that I feel alright, even so, other people also seem to stay healthy and feel good. IтАЩve read that God would strengthen us over time so to enable us to live our lives and learn our lessons no matter what the dark figures throw on us. donтАЩt worry about the stars, donтАЩt let them make you feel sad. they would like to, me - not. think of your inner light.