HARVARD UNIVERSITY (AKA skull and bones University) in the late 1940's "tested" DES. The scientists did their studies, which were criticized, without controls, concluded that "DES was effective against a variety of pregnancy complications and resulted in a healthier maternal environment". (THEY forgot to mention what they SURELY found, were multiple side effects and health problems that were created--they stuck to their agenda).
In 1947 the FDA approved new drug applications to market DES for the purpose of preventing miscarriages. Over many years the FDA iugnored any research that warned of the side effects of the highly estrogenic drug, both in mothers and in daughters, sons, and grandchildren.
The Globalist push to spend 20-75 years to destroy human fertility, harm human health, and induce gender confusion and disphoria SEEMS to be the goal with DES. NOT to help human health in an honest way--is the reason for DES prescriptions. 98% of doctors were clueless and became drug pushers. Over 30 drug companies made DES, making it very challenging for anyone to SUE them later. A collusion between researchers and the FDA?. Yes, I believe, is what happened.
Agreed 100%. Children and babies are used as laboratory rats.
Four years ago I met a woman in hae early 20's who had two
children,, both were autistic. What are the odds of that, unless
they had gotten all their mandatory poison jabs?.
Are you aware of the mutiple issues with the estrogenic drug DES
given to millions of pregnant women in the 1940-1970's?: The drug was
supposed to help women with miscarriages, and other issues. The dose
of 5 MG. was considered to be very high. The dr's STARTED women at the
5mg dose at 7-8 weeks pregnant, then progressed every two weeks. By their
34th week of pregnancy, women were taking up to 125 and even 150mg
doses. This led to DES babies having later problems with gender dysphoria
and gender confusion, reproductive or anatomical problems, and more.
The FDA also okayed DES to be used in farm aniamals that all male and female
humans ate.
I believe this issue was not a stupid accident, but it was deliberate, to screw
up human reproduction and cause multiple other problems as well.
See this link to show so much detailed information. Both male and female babies
( and grandchildren) were victims when mothers were given this horrid drug.
ANOTHER tidbit of information about DES.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY (AKA skull and bones University) in the late 1940's "tested" DES. The scientists did their studies, which were criticized, without controls, concluded that "DES was effective against a variety of pregnancy complications and resulted in a healthier maternal environment". (THEY forgot to mention what they SURELY found, were multiple side effects and health problems that were created--they stuck to their agenda).
In 1947 the FDA approved new drug applications to market DES for the purpose of preventing miscarriages. Over many years the FDA iugnored any research that warned of the side effects of the highly estrogenic drug, both in mothers and in daughters, sons, and grandchildren.
The Globalist push to spend 20-75 years to destroy human fertility, harm human health, and induce gender confusion and disphoria SEEMS to be the goal with DES. NOT to help human health in an honest way--is the reason for DES prescriptions. 98% of doctors were clueless and became drug pushers. Over 30 drug companies made DES, making it very challenging for anyone to SUE them later. A collusion between researchers and the FDA?. Yes, I believe, is what happened.