There are so many instances where the pharmaceutical industry has injured, disabled, or their products have caused fatalities ..everyone should read “Anatomy Of An Epidemic,” by Robert Whitaker, “Drug Induced Dementia: A Perfect Crime,” by Dr. Grace E. Jackson, M.D., “The Zyprexa Papers,” by Jim Gottstein, and “Smoke And Mirrors, How You Are Being Fooled About Mental Illness: An Insider’s Warning To Consumers,” by Dr. Chuck Ruby, PhD ..In “Anatomy Of An Epidemic,” on page 8, the data supplied by the “Social Security Administration,” shows how disabilities have gone up since 1987, when “SSRI’s” were first approved. More information can be found at: (although, most recently, there have been issues with accessing the site, which I find suspicious) ..
Wow, thanks so much for book recommendations. I read Anatomy of An Epidemic and have scores of additional books on the subject matter but you have listed 3 others I have not encountered. I will try to get them ASAP.
Doctors are not trusted by me or many other humans. Sadly however,
many Americans did trust their doctors are were betrayed. Look up the issue
of DES, given to millions of preegnant women in the 1940's to 1970's,
as well as millions 0f farm animals eaten, and you will be shocked. This
drug created much of the gender confusion and gender dysphoria we have
in the past 40 years. Cheers.
There are so many instances where the pharmaceutical industry has injured, disabled, or their products have caused fatalities ..everyone should read “Anatomy Of An Epidemic,” by Robert Whitaker, “Drug Induced Dementia: A Perfect Crime,” by Dr. Grace E. Jackson, M.D., “The Zyprexa Papers,” by Jim Gottstein, and “Smoke And Mirrors, How You Are Being Fooled About Mental Illness: An Insider’s Warning To Consumers,” by Dr. Chuck Ruby, PhD ..In “Anatomy Of An Epidemic,” on page 8, the data supplied by the “Social Security Administration,” shows how disabilities have gone up since 1987, when “SSRI’s” were first approved. More information can be found at: (although, most recently, there have been issues with accessing the site, which I find suspicious) ..
Wow, thanks so much for book recommendations. I read Anatomy of An Epidemic and have scores of additional books on the subject matter but you have listed 3 others I have not encountered. I will try to get them ASAP.