Thank you James

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Thanks for telling us about this amazing initiative in the EU. It is about time that Europeans start waking up.

In Canada we have the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) which is not all-encompassing, but a great start.

Have you seen MEP Christine Anderson's speech and warning to the WHO and fellow European Parliament members that their in for a fight? EPIC SPEECH!

"We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO's Grip On Governments


Video of the Historic SPEECH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHQ4jPNLQkE

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Thanks James. Great post.

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Translations of the video are in progress. First from 3 parts of the translated video was already posted on one alternative radio page, which has around 500 000 visitors. This goes for czechia and slovakia as the language is almost the same, so one translation is enough for both states. So those states are now well informed about the initiative, as the alternative media are sharing the info due to no language barriers. In slovakia even the two strongest opposition parties making people aware of the WHO power grab, they have also representatives in the eu parliament, thats why the countries are on the list. When Dr.Martin was in the eu, one guy from the opposition made an video about that event and Martins statements. On youtube it had first days more than 100 000 views. But from the mainstream there is zero coverage, as they are all paid by Soros, thanks to opposition everyone knows that now and the trust in mainstream is now just around 20percent in Slovakia.

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Stop the WHO…..we need to make our own choices

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Hi James,

Is there a petition we can sign right now? I get 40,000 views a week on Quora (anti covid and Brexit )can put it up there.

Thanks Roger Cook

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Where do you live and where does your primary audience reside?

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I’m between Germany and England. 3 months in each..

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Thanks for the great work in help making this happen

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Yeaah, my country is in the list, we are pushing back.

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I am so grateful to all the smart people who stay calm and just do the work. I myself panick too often too much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank YOU!

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Did they say there is no virus at all? Oh, they sure "forgot" about that...

No really, can people be taken seriously if they don't mention the fundamental fraud that underlies this whole operation?



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Did Diva watch the video. these people spoke of experiences and opinions that are not in line with globalism, totalitarianism and following the dictates of persons who are not elected by the people. Individual sovereign nations must retain authority over their own national affairs. Joseph Biden has submitted a long list of amendments to the agreement, in favor of yielding sovereignty to WHO. posted https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf

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Yes I listened, and, it is a deception that runs close to the truth. What they don't say is the issue it's our sovereignty. YES, our sovereignty, the peoples sovereignty. The deception is that nations are sovereign, (although true in the case of the Vatican, City of London and Washington DC). That Moderna is sovereign, that the King is sovereign, is false and totally deceptive in the current system of the Rule of Law.

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Really??? Do realize the EU have a one world government manifesto?? They are the UN WEF WHO They are the Regime. We the people need to retain our Sovereignty and freedom at all costs. Who's side are you on? Article61pld.com

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Hi James, Do you want some proof?

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I am always open to intelligent discussion. Go right ahead and help me, and everyone else here comprehend the information you feel is important.

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Do you feel this is important? Can you see the WHO the WEF and the EU are all vying for control?

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Great. There is overwhelming evidence, the war did not end and the EU is the 4th Reich. http://www.bilderberg.org/EWG.pdf


The EU EEC ECC are all the same https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Economic_Community

The Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft

- Berlin 1942

(The European Economic Community - Berlin 1942)


The Reich’s Economic Minister and President of the Reichsbank, Funk;

Professor Jecht, Berlin; Professor Woermann, Halle;

Dr. Reithinger, Berlin; Ministerial Director Dr. Benning, Berlin;

Ambassador Dr. Clodius, Berlin, and

Professor Dr. Hunke, Economic Committee Advisor, Berlin

With an introduction by:

Economic Committee Advisor, Professor Dr. Heinrich Hunke

President of the Society of Berlin Industry and Commerce

Issued by:

The Society of Berlin Industry and Commerce and the Berlin School of Economics

It may shock most to learn that Nazi ideology was, and still is, behind the EU. The

document that follows is the English translation of the original German one as

referenced under the World Catalogue OCLC number 31002821 and available in the

public domain via various libraries, archives and websites. It is a document of great

historical significance and essential to understanding the mindset behind the

European Union and where the idea originated. It is the original blueprint for ‘the

European Economic Community’ which would later become, as we know, the

European Union. Created as a series of seminars by the Third Reich’s Economic

Minister and various advisors to Adolf Hitler so that in the event the Nazis should

fall to the allies and lose the war, they could complete their plans covertly by

subversion, treason and sedition from ‘within each government’. In it you will find

the proposal of a one united Europe with one currency, one transport system…and

more importantly, the United Kingdom was to be “de-industrialised“, and used for a

limited amount of agriculture and tourism. The plan was to usurp each nation’s

sovereignty, including Britain, and create a Europe wide dictatorship; and for us,

stripping out anything that put the “Great” into “Great Britain”. ........

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The whole world and certainly the EU shithole is controlled by God's chosen psychos.

Watch Rabbi Alon Anava: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mIsjBGddKtuP/

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Hi James,

I'm here in Australia. What can I do to help you. Please let me know. chezali1963@gmail.com

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Please visit http://ExitTheWHO.org

Contact me directly anytime +1 310-619-3055

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Thank you, James Roguski, for alerting the world to this initiative.

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Disclaimer: this said treat as rumor. Scotus overturned the election, the actor playing Biden was found dead, Trum to be reinstalled 7/10/2023. Now to this At first I was thinking shouldn't we be concentrating on America? But by helping with this I think we are. what do we do?

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Thank you from BC, Canada. I shall share this with: www.Action4Canada.com

God bless you with every success & thank you for sharing!!

I was born in Victoria, B.C. one month after Pearl Harbour! I'm usually thought to be 60yrs. 🤗 I traveled EU & Britain in summer '72. We returned briefly in July '81 on way home from Israel & Egypt.

Shalom! (Numbers 6:24-26) 🙏😇

2 Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 6! Psalm 91! ... Blessings...

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