I wonder if this one will have an HIV insert too. And thank you, James!

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Is there a vaccine to stop medical tyranny?

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anyone noticed a pattern in our democracies - the authorities tell us what they have decided to do, then the public discuss it, rage about it, sign petitions to stop it, and the authorities do exactly what they have decided to do anyway. Unless WE say no to this system, we may as well attach our chain and ball now.

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Thank you James for keeping us informed. Bless you !!

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im shocked but not surprised there hasnt been any coverage by msm about the pandemic treaty now if that fact isnt a major red flag then i dont know what is

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Been building up this infrastructure for a long, long time. Take this publication on "bioethics" from 2007. I first discovered it in my early 2020 pandemic research efforts. Nuffield is the "bioethics" offshoot of Wellcome Trust, the "philanthropic" arm of Big Pharma Glaxo-Wellcome/Glaxo-SmithKline/GSK. The same Wellcome Trust that Jeremy Farrar headed and led the WEF's "Zero Covid" efforts, then resigned from the UK's SPI pandemic protocol-setting organization because it wasn't totalitarian enough! Now Farrar serves as the WHO's Chief Scientist...an integral role for any pandemic declaration and protocols. This publication is the "ethical" framework (utilitarianism - lies in service to a 'greater good') these health 'saviors' are informed by. The live version has since been deactivated, now only available on archive:

Public Health: Ethical Issues

Nuffield Council on Bioethics, November, 2007


This guide describes what ethics mean to them, applied to infectious disease, obesity, alcohol and tobacco and water fluoridation. It's 200+ pages of rationalizing and justifying collectivist authoritarianism. Immunized from critique about its totalitarian bent by giving voice to individualist and freedom concerns before dismissing them. Search the guide for key words: equity (18); equitable (10); equality (59); equal (245); fair (75); disadvantage (40); collectiv (43); etc.

This guide cites these works of "equity" and "social justice" specialists:

Just Health Care, 1985, Norman Daniels


Public Health, Ethics, and Equity, 2005, Sudhir Anand et al


Who is Norman Daniels? A Marxist revolutionary from the SDS (Students for Democratic Socialism), the organization that produced The Weather Underground, The Revolutionary Youth Movement, *actual* domestic terrorist organizations attempting to violently overthrow the US government, Maoists. Wrote the "Benchmarks of Fairness" for the WHO. An "Egalitarian", aka Marxist wealth redistribution. Hillarycare coauthor. Soros' Open Society founding member, Rockefeller awardee, CDC Ethicist, Robert Wood Johnson fellow. The embodiment of Marxist "Bioethics" in public health policy:










Who is Sudhir Anand? A Marxist population control social justice warrior. Works with the WHO as on Scientific Peer Review, professor of "Global Health and Social Medicine" and "Global Equity Initiative: at Harvard, Oxford, London School of Economics and Political Science





"Public Health" policy including Pandemics have always been about imposing collectivist authoritarianism/totalitarianism (Marxism/under the thin cloak of "Social Medicine," aka Medical Sociology. This is what is at the heart of "Equitable Access" in "public health."

"Medical Sociology":


Medical Sociology gave rise to an organization, "Association of Internes and Medical Students," AIMS, that was disbanded and scattered to other medical sociology movements after it was associated with the Red Scare during the McCarthy Anti-Communist hearings:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Internes_and_Medical_Students (AIMS)

AIMS helped midwife Disease Politics:


Obama connection: Barack was mentored/adopted by SDS/Weather Underground/Revolutionary Youth Movement convicted terrorists and radicals. And it's interesting to note that "The other side of Obama's brain" Valerie Jarrett's father was a member of AIMS:


And Medical Sociology is also tied to Marxist "Conflict Theory":


About that "fundamental transformation" of the US and West that a previous president steeped in Marxist ideology promised...as he quipped about fake doctors in their "spiffy white coats" selling Obamacare in the Rose Garden those many years ago.

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Pandemic my arse! Another overdone fear campaign. Any fool knows that instead of slaughtering millions of defenseless and innocent birds, all we need to do is put masks on them all, and lock them down for 2 weeks!! There. Sorted.

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Outsourcing biological weapons development to avoid regulation?

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Don't you think it would be more effective to discredit the virus theory fraud, rather than just nip at their heels? Their whole system is based on this fundamental lie.

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absolutely, they are keeping the public just nipping at the heels, blow their scams and fraud wide open, unseat the whole lot of lies. NEVER has a virus been isolated, the public have been fooled for YEARS, just so the big corporations can make zillions on meds and vaccines, all totally unnecessary. Virology, invented by the Rockefeller Oil corporation.

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Yes, I've tried challenging some of the people from the so-called 'truth movement' on all of these points and found most of them to be either unaware, somewhat evasive, not wanting to scare people off (so they say) or just have ulterior motives like getting more mileage from their blogs or whatever by simply playing the emotional, victim card.

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yep, the movement a lot choose for so called truth, doesn't actually address the REAL truth, just keeps the discussion going.

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Talk is cheap!

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I agree, however this does not exclude that we talk about the infrastructures set up as this article, what I do not share is that the article (and some others) It focuses only on that monetary aspect, so it avoids what you’re talking about. It is obvious and sad.

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I fully support people who point out all of the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated in the name of health. It's just that I wish they wouldn't reject out of hand other, equally valid and potentially more fundamental facts.

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If people woke up and just questioned the basic question 'where is evidence of a virus that spreads person to person' (rather than poisons in the air that are the actual problem) it would completely change the backdrop to all the lies.

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Absolutely and I appreciate it very much, you have to be direct in this kind of situation very serious, I suppose that you are by nature, as I have already mentioned so many times.

James, don’t really, on the merits, denounce crimes in a direct way, It connects them more to the consequences of pharmaceuticals that are damaging due to a desire to always want more money. It is not that, but what he does is not negligible, only, it gives a different point of view on the real situation. In this case, it would have been better not to insist on the point «monetary nothing more» as he often says. We have already discussed this, he knows my opinion on it.

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Agreed 100%. The caring globalists want to make sure we are all jabbed multiple times

with unknown and toxic ingredients. Are we so lucky.

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Yeah and to low and middle class, to continue the de population agenda?...

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Evil personified!

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Muther F@#$%^s

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Oh, the old Colonial slaughter houses are "simply so happy" about this..

The Danish Baptist religion who started off, slaughtering - was it 800.000 innocent people daily - in Rwanda and, are by now, "simply so happily" continuing the slaughter, around the globe, robbing, raping and torturing, especially small children on their way.. Very "active" in Myanmar for the time being, as far as I could understand, and off course mixed with the slaughtering of their own - just "for the fun of it" of course.....😰

I don't think I need to write down their methods here dear James..... We are many Danes who have been directly warned against the pure evil for many years... Us, who are still alive that is.. 😱😱😱

A hate as I experienced earlier this year in wonderful Cape Verde, can not be described in any existing human words....I can no longer describe what thoughts come to mind, when one experience one of their slaughter teams... No human words have been invented for such insanity... So, so sad....

I hope these subjects some day, some where, can find some sort of "peace" - maybe their WEF team can help the UN and WHO finding some places for them ( complete locked up mad-houses in which they can spend the rest of their misserable lives...

Sorry dear James, I just never ever thought/hoped/imagined I should be witness to a hate as I saw in the eyes of some of these subjects in Cape Verde...

And, iif any of the members of the Cape Verdean police or military should read this, I hope they can all feel my love and gratitude. 💝

Thank you, thank you, thank you James, for keeping up this horrible fight of ours ♥️🌹♥️

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More people going to die from vaccines.

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If you still believe your vote counts you are deluded. Joe Biden is still president though he is no longer mentally competent. Kamala Harris is good at raising money if you can “believe” the press; her popularity has skyrocketed if you can believe the polls; she is giving stump speeches while we pretend Joe is still in charge. Illusions, delusions, public derangement of all institutions working collectively to hypnotize the masses. Just look at how we treated the natives to get an idea of what is in store for us. Massacre via continued vaccination and other means using 5 G, war, sound waves, fib-ration, famine etc. There will be no vote or public consensus the public are the deplorable masses they need to eliminate to fulfill their world view. Who needs humans AI and robots are legal and will soon write the script for their masters whoever they are. All you need is electrical

Impulses to power these new inventions. Once scientism came to rule us all ethics, morality, the common good went out the window leaving us as submissive victims. God is not dead he is in the back room weeping cause satan is in charge.

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Focus on the light my friend, all is not lost. I am not religious.

Believe in a divine intervention by the benevolent ascanded masters, caring ET's, and the white hats behind the scenes. The child trafficking/sacrificing netorks have been largely shut

down, thousands of pedo's and traitors, executed. Over 2 million nasties, gone.

The demons are trying, but Gods' light reveals the darkness, it will frighten many humans.

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Satan is NEVER in charge. God gives man free will. Too many among us are willing to forsake God and willingly give themselves over to Satan, and his deceptions. But God is in charge, make no mistake. And when and how he decides to remind man of that eternal truth is up to him. He may Sodom and Gomorrah us destroying civilization. Or Mordechai the Righteous us and save us from our obliteration because more of us find our way back to his loving grace. Our choice. Our free will. God is in charge, waiting to see what we do. Satan controls nothing if he is given no quarter in our minds and in our hearts.

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Correct. Our votes won't count. Just like last time.

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