Discuss the Parliamentary Debate
Everyone is invited to a series of 6 Zoom meetings today to discuss the UK Parliament "debate" that was held on Monday, December 18, 2023.
Everyone is invited to attend a series of zoom meetings later today to discuss the “debate” that was held by fewer than a dozen members of the UK Parliament on Monday, December 18, 2023.
Please share this invitation with others.
If you have not yet watched the “debate,” please also read the article below in order to access the video recording of the entire “debate.”
Please note the 12 items that were NOT discussed.
CLICK HERE for the official transcript
The people who participated in the “debate” seem to have lost sight of the plot. The PURPOSE of the petition was to have Parliament VOTE on the 2022 amendments prior to the December 1, 2023 deadline.
The FACT that the “debate” was scheduled after the December 1, 2023 deadline was NOT EVEN MENTIONED!
Below is the full text of the petition, which was NOT even read during the “debate.”
We are concerned that Parliament has not discussed and will not have a say on the 307 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, AND the amendments to 5 Articles of the IHR that were ADOPTED by the 75th World Health Assembly on 27 May 2022.
The amendments that were adopted on 27 May 2022 have not been debated in or voted on by Parliament. The UK has the authority to reject them under Article 61 of the IHR, but any such rejection must be within 18 months of their adoption.
Parliament must be given the opportunity to vote on whether to reject the amendments that have already been adopted, and also the 307 proposed amendments that are currently being negotiated by the UK delegates to the 76th World Health Assembly. The UK has not proposed any of the 307 amendments.
Near the very beginning of the “debate,” Cat Smith clearly stated that the executive branch of the UK government currently has no plans to hold a vote on the IHR amendments. They obviously did not hold a vote on the 2022 amendments, in violation of UK statutes as reported HERE.
and they have no plans to hold a vote…
"There are currently no plans to hold a vote on IHR amendments. Should the UK Government wish to accept an IHR amendment, then depending on the content of the respective IHR amendment, changes to domestic law considered necessary or appropriate to reflect obligations under the IHR amendment, may be required. The Government would prepare such draft legislation before Parliament in the usual way."
The executive branch of the UK Government has already violated UK law. They are likely to simply tell Parliament what it must do in order to comply with whatever agreement the executive branch decides to agree to at the 77th World Health Assembly.
Over the past 18+ months, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office FAILED to perform it's legal obligation to present the 2022 amendments to Parliament for 21 days during which Parliament was supposed to be able to consider, debate and possible vote to reject the amendments, but not one single MP said a single freaking word about that obvious usurpation of power.
Why is everyone continuing to focus on the national sovereignty trope?
This is NOT about losing national sovereignty to the WHO.
This IS about losing control over the dictatorial executive branch of your own government due to the emasculation and/or corruption of the representatives that inhabit the legislative branch, whether that be the Parliament, the Senate or the House of Representatives.
The members of Parliament who were supposedly "on our side" failed to even mention that over the last 18 months the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office FAILED to present the 2022 amendments to Parliament for the 21 days of consideration, debate and a vote to reject the amendments, that is required by UK statute.
They also did not even mention that the WHO fraudulently failed to even conduct a vote in 2022.
They also failed to even mention the blatant WGIHR conspiracy to violate the Article 55 requirement to submit a FINAL version of the proposed amendments before January 27, 2024 (4 months in advance of the May 27, 2024 World Health Assembly).
There is much to discuss.
Join the discussion whenever you can…
ZOOM #1:
ZOOM #2:
ZOOM #3:
ZOOM #4:
ZOOM #5:
ZOOM #6:
Unfortunately, the recording of the 6th zoom has been lost.
James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
+1 310-619-3055
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Here is all the info. from the British Petitions Committee on the Debate -
Watch the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAs1cmIPXoc
Read the transcript: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-12-18/debates/945EBBB4-D052-4CF7-8109-B39FF7FF919D/InternationalHealthRegulations2005
The Petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/635904