deletedAug 30, 2022Liked by James Roguski
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Thank you for your kind words. We all have a lot of work to do.

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Remove all emergency powers from government and quasi government agencies

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Contact me directly at 310-619-3055 if you have any suggestions or ideas to help spread the word.

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Please email paulwilkerson22@yahoo.com so I can respond.

Thank you

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Peaceful protest! Is it illegal to put notices on windshields like they used to?

People need to start showing up to town hall meetings and such like it.

It’s not enough to “share” on SM.

Nothing is happening when it’s being done that way.

Even the churches need to get more involved.

These Christians that don’t want to mix politics with religion are an eye sore.

We wouldn’t be a nation if our forefathers didn’t fight for us and they were Black Coats!

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The churches are the worst place. obummer took over the UCC "Church" to spread the commy propaganda. I witnessed that and got out of there faster than a speeding bullet.

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Not all churches have been taken over. There are still some good ones, like Calvary Chapel churches. As the old saying goes…one bad apple doesn’t make them all bad.

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Not all churches are the same.

Clergy at SGG.ORG were against all of this nonsense since March 2020.

They went further than anyone... My priest told us: mortal sin to take vax

Prior sermons, bulletins attest to this. On website

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Good. That's an exception. I wish I had an example like that in my area.

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022Liked by James Roguski

"It’s not enough to “share” on SM."

I listened in on this meeting today, announced by Dr. Malone on his 'stack: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/us-freedom-flyers-meeting-with-faa?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2

One of the takeaways: We must distribute physical flyers.

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Exactly! Please print out the PDF and encourage others to do the same.

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Henry Barrow was a an English Separatist Leader who fought for the Right to Worship without Church interference. The Separatists eventually came to America as the Puritans,

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Run candidates for medical sovereignty who are willing to go to jail...

Or don't bother...

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Gttr, rumble, MeWe.

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Hi, James - system's NOT allowing me to enter my address manually; even after doing so, STILL calls for population of single line anyhow......please advise? Thanks, sir!

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Author

The AlignAct system is quirky that way. My apologies. Try entering just your zip code first.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Well done, James!

Now it’s up to we the people to spread the word…

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Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Roguski

We JUST finished reading The Declaration, the Sword, and the Spy by Jenny Cote - our bedtime story for many months, which follows events of the Revolutionary War leading up to and culminating in the writing and passage of the Declaration of Independence.

This is incredible and I pray will stir hearts and minds.

We have to remember, as you said, that our original Declaration was wrangled over and not well-received by every single colonial American at that time. But it passed and made history-altering impact on the trajectory of this great nation. Together, we must stand and do the same. To secure once again, as our Constitution says, the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

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Thank you for your thoughtful words. We have a lot of work ahead of us.

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'Declaration of DEMANDS'??? 'Demands' is just another way of ASKING PERMISSION! I do NOT ASK PERMISSION from ANY govt!


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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

You're right, but both you and the author are missing the point that in the current situation, govt. is only a tool of the real tyrants, the super-rich, against whom we can not claim "rights" of any sort. If they own everything and declare us to be "useless eaters" (a title much more applicable to them, IMHO), what should we do?

For a long time, I have believed that private property and free markets were the best safeguards of liberty, but today we are seeing what happens when all the property gets concentrated in the hands of a tiny group of sociopaths, even if this happens through 'legal' means. I think that we can take a clue from engineering of all sorts, where it is recognized that many approaches that work on a small scale do not "scale up" well. A simple algorithm that sorts 10 items quickly may take billions of years to sort 1000 items. Perhaps the same is true of 'ownership' which is vital on the small scale, but which may become incredibly destructive at the scale of multi-billionaires.

I know enough not to jump from the frying pan of oligarchy into the fire of socialism (which is just a total and coercive monopoly of the state), but I still think that the only way out of our present troubles is by rethinking the entire concept of property, probably along much more spiritual lines that recognize that everything belongs to God, and we are only His stewards charged with using our wealth to further His goals, such as the true benefit of all mankind. (One of the most infuriating things about the present tyrants is the way they constantly pretend to be beneficent philanthropists.)

(No apologies for my correct English usage: male for God and 'mankind'.)

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Roguski

This is awesome. I will share abd hang fluers around my city.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Having said that in a civil manner as any decent human being would do, let's proceed with spreading the word, BUT (and it;s a big one) do not loose track that we are not dealing with civil and decent human beings.

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Regarding: "The good of of any nation is the sum total of all the benefits enjoyed by all its people."

I take issue with this statement which sounds like "The greatest good for the greatest number" which was popular in England several centuries ago.

1. Whatever the benefits of a nation, if they were material, these would be the same unless "the pie was larger", therefore if one person had all the benefits, it would make no difference to this criteria. This criteria would be perfectly happy with a slave society run by one or more oligarchs.

2. There is no clear way to make a sum total unless it is only material benefits being discussed, since many if not most consider Liberty and other rights to be priceless.

3. This statement seems to imply that it is the job of government to provide benefits or wealth to citizens. A government has no such wealth to provide. It can only take from some and give to others, that is, become the arbiter of who gets whose wealth.

4. Whenever government becomes the arbiter of who gets whose wealth, it in essence buys the political support of those receiving wealth, while it acts as a parasite upon the people earning wealth. The government becomes a playing-ground for a tug of war, which is solved by politics, not the law of supply of demand or price discovery or Adam Smith's unseen hand, which, in the latter case, would contribute to growing the pie. Taxes pass through many sticky fingers and the promised benefits are really whatever it takes to make a show of things. the entire country diminishes like a snake eating its tail. Material benefits steadily decline as the capital necessary to produce them is plundered to support corrupt "charity".

5. The ills of government described above amount to the "Isms": socialism, progressivism, liberalism, communism, the difference between these being only theoretical rather than any difference ever realized in a palpable way.

Because of the points above, it is much better to start off with a list of what are the rightful tasks of government. On that list, one must NOT place Charity. Call a government without charity names if you must, uncharitable, it remains, government charity is corrupt and cannot be adequately audited. The best way to audit charity is charitable acts by individuals directly to recipients. Organized charity has largely been a disaster, because it bribes people to support the government and to do whatever a government wants. The War On Poverty failed to create wealth and just made people reliant slaves.

All that said, I am glad you are making a long list of suggested reforms. I just suggest you review the list and remove those things which involve government interference in the economy because it "knows better". That is not to say we can't regulate things so we don't get Upton Sinclair's "Octopus".

But, for most of my life, the Dow Industrial Average has been touted as a report card item for government. This would never have been the case during George Washington's administration, when the nation was new. Just ask yourself, how would George Washington have judged, what is good government and what is not.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Great points! I agree. Washington, et. al., would be horrified at what we have become.

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022

Bandit, perhaps you would care to read my book on reforms free at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Tr36PKKnTXPkxe8Wm3QuhtOx5nFbEcB/view.

Also, I direct your attention to https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/08/31/the-us-must-become-self-sufficient-as-a-nation/ to which I wrote the author: The specific reforms you suggested, IMO, need to be expanded into a domestic Marshall Plan. I have attached my short book on reforms for you, I think it is worth your time because it will trigger some new ideas.

There are some things which shortages will, in time, stimulate domestic production without doing anything. There are some shortages that regulation could address. And there are some shortages that are national priorities and require some form of funding. Also, there is a category of things we really have too much of such as weapons or luxuries. Truly, we need a guiding domestic policy to approach this.

I am concerned with the category of things which need funding in some timely way. As described in my short book, I do not like government involvement in the economy because it is a root cause of our problems.

I am also concerned with the societal demand placed on weapons and luxuries, as industrial lobbyists are in place to try to fight change. We need some overall analysis of how much of our vital industry needs reconstitution versus the scope and size of production of unnecessary and no longer necessary products and services. I think it is fair to say that the size of the US workforce is limited, that it will take time to rebuild the work ethic among some, and we have to sort through all those persons who for political purposes have been sent to this country as able to contribute or not, and if not, I hardly see we have the resources to sustain them on welfare (we need repatriation instead), which must end because it so corrupts government. Because a sector of America lacks the ability to work, we have a limited workforce so reprioritization is a necessity. A tax on luxuries and limitations on public spending for unnecessary projects might help solve this.

Your letter is posted at https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/08/31/the-us-must-become-self-sufficient-as-a-nation/ but I hesitate to respond to it because the subject scope is so wide-ranging. I would like first to know what you think of this and whether there is published thought on this subject we need to take into account. Also, whose job should it be to analyze this problem and come up with a plan, and, is there anyone actually approaching this problem.

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I have read the PDF to which you linked in another comment. Please take the time to read the Declaration of Demands in its entirety. Please also watch the videos for additional depth and context.

There is a Preamble and 4 parts in the Declaration Of Demands. Each of the DEMANDS are numbered. Please feel free to specify where we may agree or disagree and feel free to add your thoughts.

The purpose of the Declaration is to stimulate thoughtful discussion.



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Aug 31, 2022Liked by James Roguski

I never gave mine up. If some corrupt politician or scumbag from Blackrock thinks they have sovereignty over my God-given rights well I feel there are plenty of people on my side to fight back.

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Don't ever give an inch!

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by James Roguski


I'll print up the pages & share them. Force Multiplier, as has been ventured before.

Thank you for ALL YOUR FINE WORK !

As Always.

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That is exactly the point! Thanks!!

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I wanted to do the e-mail action, filled out everything, got to the page showing what was being sent. 😑 Do you really think the recipients would go to the page to read all those demands? Or print them out? I highly doubt it. Therefore, I did not send anything.

I am disappointed that a possible shorter version could not be sent to awaken them to the fact that "we're" not happy and want the emergency declaration to end now, restoring our Constitutional rights. That would be a good first step! Taking back our country from the director of HHS would put us on firmer footing.

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You are absolutely encouraged to communicate any information that you wish with your Congressperson and/or Senators. Send them an email with whatever you want to say and then copy it and post what you told them here as a comment.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Thanks for doing this James !

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Two suggestions


Say Womanity instead of mankind.

Man has not been kind enough, man.


Get signatories and make it a petition

A movement of peace full sovereignty.

Have I time to read in detail I may offer more.

If you try you will get millions of signatories.

See meryll nasss effort for same thing basically as you are doing and coordinate


Medical et Al sovereignty has become the default only issue

Make a medical freedom party

You can call it the Grasshoppers or whatever you like

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'Womanity'?? How absurd! I am a HUMAN, female, WOMAN and have had ENOUGH of the 'feminism' bullshit! So-called 'feminism' has had a huge roll in TAKING DOWN THIS COUNTRY!! 'Feminism' is VILE! MANKIND, as in huMAN kind; MANKIND = HUMAN....that's all that means; it has nothing to do with someones sex. By the way.....not everyone walking the planet today is HUMAN. People really need to RETHINK what it means to BE HUMAN!

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You missed the point

You got it all backwards

Were you born from a man?

Are men giving birth?

No, so we are Womanity.

I am male, and a member of Womanity.

I believe woman are people , hence I am a feminist too....

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Sounds like LibTard 'logic'. OBVIOUSLY, women are PEOPLE! One does NOT need to be a VILE 'feminist' to comprehend this fact! There was NO point to 'Womanity'. Just another made up word for something that does not exist, in the 'mind' of a LibTard! Trying to pit WOMEN and MEN against each other.....the LibTard way! HUMAN MEN and HUMAN WOMEN = HUMANITY! (this includes HUMAN boys & girls, OBVIOUSLY!).

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Babe, I didn't inject.

You don't know me.

I oppose your libtards too, my dear.

I ran against them and went to jail.

The word is a way to be inclusive of females, if you don't like it don't use it

Your loss.

Ain't you a woman?

Or not, you still be part of Womanity

Unless you didn't come out your Mom

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"a way to be 'inclusive' to females"?? Again, your comprehension skills are ZERO. 'Humanity' ALREADY INCLUDES FEMALES!!! ONE MORE TIME........HUMAN MEN and HUMAN FEMALES = HUMANITY. There is NO NEED to pull a made up, NONSENSE word out of ones ass. It's like TRYING to reinvent the wheel. One CANNOT!

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But that is where my words come from.

Look at he word human.


Female. FeMALE.

Both related to men, Adams rib.

Womanity does same, but less so.

Also puts the woman female up front of male, where she belongs.

If you don't like my songs sing your own.



Hacksxxxina is the female of hacksxxxine.

Just made that up. Out my ass.

Big Harma.



Some like my words.


Sorry they offend you, look at that some more my dear.

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You can't get their heads out of their cellphones, game machines, I've nearly hit several watching their phones as they come out of the grocery store. Not all are young idiots either.

I posted Fredrick's latest to my MeWe page READ, LISTEN, LEARN.

Demented Delphi and Creepy Consensus - by Frederick R Smith


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