Thank you, James! Keep up the great fight! God bless you & your whole family!

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Add demand an end of all v2k IE Havana Syndrome use of all RF lasers and or any other invisible microwaves or anything at us or our pets. End the TSDB list or at least end the other side lists you keep. Only known or suspected terrorists need to be on a list not J6ers not babies not anyone who is religious. stop having cops hire criminals like pedos and other shit harass us while you sex traffic us and kids...

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check out a petition at citizengo.org..defend your freedom NOW-stop the uns pandemic treaty before its signed..read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including america...that said dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book/you tube/twitter/.who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has over 154000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and be sure to reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as ive asked you..if you go to the main citizenggo.org page and click on the citizengo.org logo in blue writing and click on it you willthen be on the main citizengo.org petition page if you then click on the second page heading on the right and scroll down you will discover that all there petitions are in alternative languages including the one about the treaty which gives us another string to our bow in the quest for many more signatures

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Dew drops of diligence

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Thank you James for this fantastic posting today, thank you very much. Signed to the politicians in my area. Call and email it falls on deaf ears without any sight to see what is going on especially with the WHO and UN to remove us. They think they are great organizations and we need them to take away the whole country rights. I will not give up and will keep continuing the fight to have our rights restored.

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Our inalienable rights cannot be taken away by any system, agency, or government, no matter what any document, instrument says… your rights can only be surrendered voluntarily by concent, it’s unconscionable for a government agency to coerce you out of your rights for monetary gain and yet it happens every day… we the people are ultimately responsible for knowing and understanding the government and laws we live under while our time on earth, and how to enforce your rights and not concent to their coercion, in a peaceful manner… let you yes be yes n your no be no when dealing with agency… We the people are the masters, they’re the servants, when dealing in commerce I’m the secured party, they’re the debtors…. Be Blessed and at peace…

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unalienable rights not inalienable

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many thanks james most timely

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Bravo, bravissimo and thank you. This is going to my state senators, for starts.

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If we need to address the problem we must address the cause. that cause is corruption. corrupt officials. using agencies that are unelected that have power to levy fines and penalties without due process. actions that if pressed in court are illegal. the problem comes as the people accused of violating these "regulations" cant afford lawyers to fight and pay court costs. when ignored long enough become as effective as laws and carry penalties the same as a crime what is worse is they carry the same criminal record. the unintended consequences!!! the backdoor gun control that comes from a conviction. What to do about this. congress and senate wont pass any laws restricting their powers. Getting our voice heard is the problem. Emails can be deleated and filters provided that eliminate what isnt wanted. Snail mail however can be used. it must be used to your advantage. Having thousands of letters recieved all at once with the media watching as they are delivered will have the impact to deliver the message you need. that message when echoed among the many letters would show the politicians that you are paying attention. having the message out on the media leaves little hope they can ignore it. now what will the message be? use the KISS method. keep it simple stupid!! Demand accountability for anyone elected or appointed that violats our rights. setting down penelties that cant be "barganed away. Listing the many violations and having full support for victoms that will not incur court costs. lawyers will be supplied that are equal in experience to gov lawyers. eliminate all power these agencies use. we have too many ways these agencies use. property seizure is the most egregious. Regulations that are used that creat criminals of avrage people. one I remember is about a man that was going to florida to make a deal on some trees for his buisness. not having credit took cash with him to buy the trees. he paid for his airplain ticket in cash. before he could board he was arested on a suspected drug deal. they siezed the money which he was never able to recover. the result was he nearly lost his buisness. was he ever made whole? NO!!! this is but one of many. cars ,homes and the list goes on and on. the money ,cars, and homes? Are not accounted for. Who gets the money? it is time we have penalties for these violations. Crimes against the citizens of America. If we cant get protection with congress then we could use our powers of voting these laws into action by putting them to the vote. each state voting for penelties against politicans and unelected heads of agencies. we must confront our members of both houses to return to our constitutional republic.------------I, Grampa

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This is no true freedom as long as we are under the yoke of any government. How can any government exist if they give the people most of the power? That means the corrupt government hierarchy could be tossed out at any time and there is NO government that will ever give the people that kind of power.

Government exists not as a slave to the people, but as their master. For very few would ever work for a government that couldn't rape its citizens blind, enforce dictatorial powers and operate without utter corruption and political malfeasance.

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One does NOT 'DEMAND' the restitution of ones Rights.


Sorry, but I will NOT 'ASK' ('demand') ANYTHING from the CRIMINAL GOVT!

'THEY' did NOT GIVE ME my Rights; 'they', therefore, CANNOT TAKE THEM AWAY!

Those of you still getting 'PERMITS' and 'LICENSES'.......are ASKING for Rights; Rights that were NOT GIVEN TO YOU BY GOVT!

A small list of (INALIENABLE) RIGHTS that people BEG govt for......(and are EXTORTED MONEY for)

Marriage Lic (WHY do YOU need PERMISSION FROM A GOVT to GET MARRIED???!!!)

Fishing Lic

Dog Lic

Drivers Lic (we have a 'little thing' called......the RIGHT TO TRAVEL!)

and the list goes on and on and on......!

Don't want to BE/BE TREATED AS a SLAVE???

Well, GOOD!!

You now have to STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!

The ball is in YOUR court!

NEVER ASK for your Rights!

YOU DECLARE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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James thank you for all you have done for Americans. I hope you will be invited to join President Trump’s team and RFK💕💕💕💕

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We demand that laws be passed to ensure that the use of cash is not banned.

We demand that the use of ESG behavioral scoring methods be banned

We demand laws be passed to ban the offering of CBDCs to individuals from any central bank.

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And everything is much worse now than it was 2 years ago!

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House GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced the Republicans version of the Commitment to America, however, he forgot to add one more commitment; the Declaration of Demands on the Emergency Powers Act. But I just emailed him, the Declaration of Demands for that commitment.

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